
Just yesterday this code was up and running in my LAMP, I'm not sure if I could inflict any major changes. It's a simple ajax script that retrieves data from API.

Today it stopped work, the console just throws "NetworkError: A network error occurred.", even stranger is that when I tried the formatted GET query myself it all worked fine, API responded correctly.


Well, I don't know what else I can do—maybe there was a way to make the error code more specific?... Anyway, here's the code:

function ajaxCall(url, req, req_type, async) {

return jQuery.ajax({

type: req_type,

url: url,

data: req,

contentType: "charset=utf-8",

dataType: 'json',

timeout: 30000,

async: async,

cache: false,



var ApiUrl = "http://localhost/uzduotis2/data/mobile/api/mobile.php";

$(document).ready(function() {

// .....

var req = {query: {operators: Operators, min: Min, sms: Sms, mb: Mb, perks:Perks}};

var promise = ajaxCall(ApiUrl, req, 'GET', false);

promise.success(function(out) {


// populate(out);







I just found out that it works on another browser, must be a cache related issue, maybe somebody knows what could it be?


you must return data in asynchrounous way so you must set async to true

var promise = ajaxCall(ApiUrl, req, 'GET', true);


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