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The COB-ID is not the CAN-ID!
The COB-ID sub-parameter in the CANopen dictionary is a 32-bit value. It contains some control bits, e.g. bit 29 indicating how to interpret following bits. In case bit 29 is 0, the following 18 bits are ignored and the remaining 11 bits are regarded as the CAN-ID to be used for the PDO. It is transmitted using the CAN base frame format. If the bit is 1, the following bits are interpreted as a 29-bit ID. This means the corresponding PDO is transmitted in the CAN extended frame format.

Bit 30 is used to indicate if CAN remote frames are allowed or not. This is not supported by all CAN implementations. In some, the remote frame transmission can’t be disabled.

Bit 31 enables and disables the PDO transmission respectively the reception function. This means you can switch-off the PDO transmission. The reception of CAN messages can’t be switched-off, but the CANopen protocol stack doesn’t process the received PDO when you have disabled it.

Object 1400h - 15FFh: Receive PDO Communication Parameter
Contains the communication parameters for the PDOs the device is able to receive. The type of the
PDO communication parameter (20h) is described in 9.5.4. The sub-index 0h contains the number of
valid entries within the communication record. Its value is at least 2. If inhibit time supported the value
is 3. At sub-index 1h resides the COB-ID of the PDO. This entry has been defined as UNSIGNED32 in
order to cater for 11-bit CAN Identifiers (CAN 2.0A) as well as for 29-bit CAN identifiers (CAN 2.0B).
The entry has to be interpreted as defined in Figure 65 and Table 55.

The PDO valid/not valid allows to select which PDOs are used in the operational state. There
may be PDOs fully configured (e.g. by default) but not used, and therefore set to “not valid”
(deleted). The feature is necessary for devices supporting more than 4 RPDOs or 4 TPDOs,
because each device has only default identifiers for the first four RPDOs/TPDOs. Devices
supporting the standard CAN frame type only or do not support Remote Frames, an attempt to
set bit 29 to 1 or bit 30 to 0 is responded with an abort message (abort code: 0609 0030h).
It is not allowed to change bit 0-29 while the PDO exists (Bit 31=0).
The transmission type (sub-index 2) defines the transmission/reception

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