
Technology is inundated with acronyms, and cybersecurity egregiously so. Here’s a quick cheatsheet you help you through your next certification, job interview, or day job. I’ve broken these down into categories here, but as always CTRL-F is your friend here.

技术被首字母缩写词所淹没,网络安全也是如此。 这是一份快速备忘单,可帮助您完成下一份认证,工作面试或日常工作。 我在这里将它们分为几类,但是像往常一样,CTRL-F是您的朋友。

I’ve purposely excluded protocols and crypto-related terminology from this list. Please feel free to share anything you think I should include in the comments or if you’d like to see a more complete extension of this list.

我故意从此列表中排除了协议和与加密相关的术语。 请随意分享您认为我应该在评论中添加的任何内容,或者您​​希望看到此列表的更完整扩展。

经典 (The Classics)

中央情报局 (CIA)

Also know as AIC, ICA, or the CIA Triad. This isn’t the US intelligence agency, but rather stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, which are considered by many to be the primary pillars of Cybersecurity.

也称为AIC,ICA或CIA Triad。 它不是美国情报机构,而是代表机密性,完整性和可用性,许多人认为这是网络安全的主要Struts。


Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. CVEs are commonly known software and system vulnerabilities and Exposures. The Mitre Corporation maintains and controls the list of CVEs.

常见漏洞和披露。 CVE是众所周知的软件和系统漏洞和披露。 Mitre公司维护并控制CVE的列表。


Common Weakness Enumeration. CWEs are a way to categorize software weaknesses and vulnerabilities based on similarities in effect or execution.

常见弱点枚举。 CWE是一种根据效果或执行的相似性对软件弱点和漏洞进行分类的方法。


Common Vulnerability Scoring System. CVSS scores are given to all or nearly all CVEs. Scoring is quite complex and the system is currently on version 3.1.

通用漏洞评分系统。 所有或几乎所有CVE均获得CVSS分数。 评分非常复杂 ,系统当前版本为3.1。


National Vulnerability Database. Created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the NVD is a database synchronized to the Mitre CVE list.

国家漏洞数据库。 NVD由美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)创建,是与Mitre CVE列表同步的数据库。

工具类 (Tools)

虚拟机 (VM)

Vulnerability Management, but also potentially Virtual Machine. For the intentions of this list though, Vulnerability Management. Some common scanning tools include Nessus, Nmap, Qualys VM and Rapid7’s Nexpose.

漏洞管理,还有潜在的虚拟机 。 出于此列表的目的,漏洞管理。 一些常见的扫描工具包括Nessus , Nmap , Qualys VM和Rapid7的Nexpose 。


They just added “Threat” to the beginning of the last item. For all intents and purposes, TVM and VM can be considered equal.

他们只是在最后一项的开头添加了“威胁”。 出于所有意图和目的,TVM和VM可以视为相等。


Endpoint Detection & Response. This class of tools includes endpoint agents which are installed on hosts as well as the infrastructure to manage them. Common examples are Crowdstrike, Microsoft Defender ATP, and Carbon Black.

端点检测和响应。 此类工具包括安装在主机上的端点代理以及用于管理它们的基础结构。 常见的示例是Crowdstrike , Microsoft Defender ATP和Carbon Black 。

西门子 (SIEM)

Security Information and Event Management. I’ve written about SIEM at length in the past. A SIEM’s primary function is to collect, normalize, correlate, aggregate, and detect anomalies across a variety of data sources. See Splunk, QRadar, and LogRythm for examples of SIEM.

安全信息和事件管理。 过去,我已经详细介绍了SIEM。 SIEM的主要功能是收集,规范化,关联,聚合和检测各种数据源中的异常。 有关SIEM的示例,请参见Splunk , QRadar和LogRythm 。

飙升 (SOAR)

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response. The actual definition of SOAR is a bit loose, but generally refers to any technology, solution, or collections of preexisting tools that allow organizations to streamline the handling of security processes in three key domains; threat and vulnerability management, incident response, and security operations automation. I’ve also written about SOARs before. See Cortex XSOAR, Phantom, and Swimlane.

安全编排,自动化和响应。 SOAR的实际定义有些松散,但通常是指允许组织简化三个关键域中的安全流程处理的任何技术,解决方案或现有工具的集合。 威胁和漏洞管理,事件响应以及安全操作自动化。 我也写了腾飞之前 。 见皮质XSOAR , 幻影和泳道 。


IT Service Management. This one gets bonus points because it’s an acronym inside an acronym. To the layman we would call these ticketing or task management systems. Think ServiceNow or Jira.

IT服务管理。 这是一个奖励积分,因为它是首字母缩写词内的首字母缩写。 对于外行,我们将其称为票务或任务管理系统。 想想ServiceNow或Jira 。


Another bonus entry, IPAM stands for IP Address Management. IPAMs handle the management of DHCP, DNS, and everything IP. Solarwinds and Bluecat are popular examples.

另一个奖励条目IPAM代表IP地址管理。 IPAM处理DHCP,DNS和所有IP的管理。 SolarWinds的和的BlueCat是最典型的例子。


Not quite as commonly used as some of the above tools, and also a bit vague, WAS stands for Web Application Security and covers all the tooling needed to carry out security testing against web apps. Quite a bit of overlap with DAST which is defined below.

WAS不像上面的某些工具那样普遍使用,并且有点模糊,WAS代表Web应用程序安全性,涵盖了针对Web应用程序执行安全性测试所需的所有工具。 与以下定义的DAST有点重叠。


No, not Computer Science, CS stands for Container Security. A hot and growing subset of AppSec, Container Security deals with all things containers (generally scanning your docker images and layers to make sure you’re safe. See Sysdig and StackRox

不,不是计算机科学,CS代表容器安全性。 容器安全性是AppSec不断发展的一个热门子集,它处理所有容器(通常扫描docker映像和层以确保您的安全。请参阅Sysdig和StackRox

爱生雅 (SCA)

Software Composition Analysis. This family of tools is used to scan your software dependencies and ensure you aren’t inheriting any known vulnerabilities from open source libraries. See Snyk, Sonarqube, and Ochrona


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