It’s three blocks(街区) away,two blocks away,one block away.

Like that’s a valuable piece of information.(好像是又用的信息,反语)

I hate it when she does that(我不喜欢她这样做).I’d like to think there’s at least a change the bus won’t show.(希望至少一次公交车不来)

I think the tree looks particularly(特别) beautiful in this light.Don’t you?

Well, if by beautiful you mean is unbelievaly ugly,then I’d agree.

You’re just visually challenged(视觉障碍,俗称眼瞎).I’m sorry for you.

Is this from the girl who lived in a house that was the joke of the neighborhood?(是邻居女孩该开的玩笑吗?)

They had bushes(灌木) growing over the window and weeds(杂草) all over the place.It bugged(烦扰) my dad bigtime(很久).

The bricklayer(瓦匠) who thinks he’s a painter.He’s gotta make a painting of it.(以他作画)

He does landscapes(他画风景画).sells them at the country fair(集市),people say they’re beautiful.

Let me tell you something,The world would have a lot more beautiful in it if he’d do a little landscape on that piece of crap(废物) he calls a yard.(装饰他的院子)

I feel bad(难过) for his wife,she married a dreamer,because of that ,one of the two of them(他俩中任何一个) will always be unhappy.

Why do we have to be unhappy ?(我们为您为什么要不高兴)

As annoying as the yard was to my dad,it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli was in that tree.

Every morning we had to listen to the sound of her blow-by-blow traffic report.

Listen,girl,I’m this close to calling the police(我要报警了),You’re trespassing(非法入侵) and obstructing progress on a contrated job.

Either you come down or we’re gonna cut you down.(要么你下来要么我们砍树你下来)

come up here with me,They won’t cut it down if we’re all up here.

Juli was frantic(疯狂的),They wanted to cut down her tree,I couldn’t understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly(乱糟糟的一团) meant so much to her.

I feel bad for her,but I wasn’t about cut school(逃学) over it.

Leave her(别管她) come on.

Why isn’t she your friend,Bryce?

That girl has an iron backbone(有骨气).Why don’t you invite her over(邀请她到家里来) sometime?

She’s just stubborn(顽固) and she’s pushy(固执) beyond belief.

She’s been stalking(骚扰) me since the second grade.

A girl like that doesn’t live next door to everyone.(这样的女孩不是谁都能遇见)

Lucky them.

Read them,without prejudice(偏见)

Juli wasn’t at the bus stop the next morning.or the morning after that.She was at school,but you’d never know it

He doesn’t even age(变老),I told myself I should be glad about it.Isn’t that what I’d always wanted? but still I felt bad for her,I was gonna tell her I was sorry,but then I thought,no,that’s the last thing I needed Juli thinking I missed her.


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