今天接到苹果APO的面试,职位MQE(Mechanical Quality Engineer)。




•Acts as a project leader on a varietyof projects.

•Provides technical direction andguidance to other Quality Engineers.

•Has a strong working knowledge of qualityand reliability concepts, supplier management, with respect to quality andreliability, and general manufacturing operations business management relativeto all functional groups.  Capable ofmanaging any project for any commodity.

•Interfaces with other Apple functionalgroups as resources to optimize suppliers quality programs.

•Participates in the development andimplementation of Product Quality Plan (PQP) for specific commodities withSQE's at other sites.

•Develops specific quality programs foReach product during development and qualification stages.

•Develops product specific quality plan,including participation in DVT planning, development of PVT plan and review ofthose plans with the selected supplier.

•Reviews product design to ensure qualityand reliability objectives are met.

•Evaluates and assists in the selectionof suppliers for new products and for second sources of existing products

•Assesses supplier's production andquality programs and participates in approval or disapproval of new suppliers.

•Evaluates the supplier processes andprocess controls to ensure product quality and reliability is built in.  Develops supplier capability (includingnecessary training), establishes proper reporting of in-process and finalinspection and test results to Apple.

•Responsible for FAI process andmonitors performance of PVT, identifying and assuring necessary correctiveactions are taken. Authorizes and monitors the start-up of production at thesupplier site.

•Establishes discovery audit proceduresand ensures performance to standards by Apple test personnel. Responsible forCpk process.

•Monitors each supplier's performancethrough measurements of production line statistics, company inspections andaudits.  Prepares summary of performanceand communicates to appropriate management so that effective corrective actionplans can be set in place if necessary.

•Reviews product design to ensurequality and reliability objectives are met.

•Supports Supplier Quality Engineeringin improving and reporting vendor processes.

•Works as a part of a New Productsintroduction team draw up and/or coordinate and implement the PQP for thesite.  In conjunction with the designengineers and the site engineers, determine the process goals for products.

•Participates in cost reduction andyield improvement efforts.

•Advises product designers and testdesigners to ensure ease of assembly and test on new and existing products.

•Responsible for specific tasks as partof a team involved in the introduction of new products or processes.

•Provides full support to an assignedarea of production/service.

•May direct the activities of otherengineers and technicians on specific tasks.

•Acts as a consultant to otherengineering groups on design of experiments and the analysis of test data todetermine outcome.


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