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软件测试工程师: Key Objective

1. Develop, apply and maintain quality standards for company products with adherence to both internal and external standards 2. Develop and execute software test plans 3. Analyze and write test standards and procedures 4. Maintain documentation of test results 5. Analyze test results and recommend corrective actions


1. Develop and maintain functional test cases according to provided functional and technical designs 2. Run functional test cases and document test results 3. Develop, execute and maintain automated test scripts and document the test results 4. Develop and execute software test plans 5. Participate in the implementation of Quality Assurance processes and standards 6. Participate in reviews of development document deliverables such as functional specifications, technical designs, functional test scripts written by other QA team member, product documentations, etc. 7. Perform project lead role and/or supervise lower level staff


1. Possess B.S. or M.S. degree in a field relevant to functional area 2. Possess 4-7 years of software Quality Assurance or related functional experience which is required 3. Demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills 4. Demonstrate excellent analytical skills for isolating issues 5. Demonstrate very good presentation skills 6. Demonstrate solid knowledge of operation systems and databases 7. Possess experience with automated testing tools such as Mercury QTP, WinRunner 8. Possess experience with performance testing tools such as Mercury LoadRunner 9. Possess experience with .Net, C# or J2EE white-box testing is a plus
软件开发工程师: Key Objective

Application software development


1. Convert design specifications into high quality working code within allocated budget and time frame 2. Ensure quality of deliverables by adhering to project standards 3. Conduct code review of programs written by peers 4. Perform unit and system integration testing 5. Resolve system bugs and errors identified during all phases of testing 6. Resolve service requests raised by customers according to defined processes and within set timeframe 7. Coordinate with teammates and other teams in resolving issues.


1. Possess B.S. or M.S. degree in a field relevant to functional area 2. At least two (2) years work experience in C++ (and Active X, COM, MFC, Network), J2EE, .Net, C# 3. Good SQL skills with experience in developing RDBMS applications 4. Good understanding of relational database design and normalization 5. Ability to read and understand data models 6. Knowledge of the software development lifecycle and methodology 7. Background on object-oriented design and development 8. Good understanding of application development in a multi-tier environment 9. Creative, has initiative and able to work independently 10. Good command of speaking and writing English


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