There are a lot of iTunes users out there, but unfortunately you can’t use it with all of your portable devices. Today we take a look at doubleTwist, which allows you to sync your media with a multitude of portable devices and easily share it as well.

有很多iTunes用户,但是很遗憾,您不能在所有便携式设备上使用它。 今天,我们来看看doubleTwist,它使您可以将媒体与众多便携式设备同步并轻松共享。

Note: You can run doubleTwist on Windows or Mac, and here we take a look at the Windows version.


Install & Setup doubleTwist


Download and install doubleTwist using the defaults in the wizard…


Installation takes several moments and you’ll see the progress while it finishes up.


After installation is complete, sign up for an account if you don’t already have one. If you do have an account you can login right away.

安装完成后,如果尚未注册一个帐户,请注册一个。 如果您有帐户,则可以立即登录。

Enter in your username, email address, and password then click Sign Up.


You’ll get an confirmation email and need to activate the account before you can sign in.


Once you’re all signed up, launch doubleTwist and you’ll be ready to start using it.


doubleTwist Music

doubleTwist 音乐

The default music store is Amazon MP3 store which might appeal to those of you who are tired of the iTunes music store. A lot of times the music is cheaper and available at higher bit rates.

默认的音乐商店是Amazon MP3商店,它可能会吸引那些讨厌iTunes音乐商店的人。 很多时候,音乐更便宜,而且比特率更高。

You can start searching for music in the Amazon Music Store and previewing songs.

您可以开始在Amazon Music Store中搜索音乐并预览歌曲。

To purchase anything though you will need to sign into your Amazon account.


Under Playlists it allows you to import your playlists from iTunes and Windows Media Player, which is a handy feature if you don’t want to set them up again.

在“播放列表”下,它允许您从iTunes和Windows Media Player导入播放列表,如果您不想再次设置它们,这是一个方便的功能。

Of course you can play your songs through the music player on your desktop.




One of the coolest things about doubleTwist is that it supports a lot of different portable media devices including iPod, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Android, PSP, Smartphones, and much more.

有关doubleTwist的最酷的事情之一是,它支持许多不同的便携式媒体设备,包括iPod,BlackBerry,Windows Mobile,Android,PSP,智能手机等。

Unfortunately for Zune users…there isn’t any support for the Zune of Zune HD yet.

对于Zune用户来说不幸的是……目前尚无对Zune HD Zune的支持。

Here we have a Creative Zen attached and can sync songs, pictures, and podcasts.

在这里,我们附加了Creative Zen,可以同步歌曲,图片和播客。

An HTC-S620 Smartphone running Windows Mobile…

运行Windows Mobile的HTC-S620智能手机…

Even a simple USB drive will be recognized and you can transfer your media to it as well.




Finding your favorite audio and video podcasts is easy with the search feature.


You can easily manage and subscribe to podcasts in the subscriptions section.


You can watch the video podcasts directly in doubleTwist.


Sharing Media


Also you can share digital media with your friends or add it to Flickr and YouTube.


You can send any pictures, videos, or music in your library to other people by dragging it over. You can email users individually…

您可以将媒体库中的任何图片,视频或音乐拖曳到其他人上。 您可以单独给用户发送电子邮件…

Or access contacts from your Gmail and Yahoo accounts.


There is a limit to how much you can send of video podcasts… only the first 10 minutes.


The person you send it to will get a link in their email that points to your My Feed page on the doubleTwist site.


There they can access the media you sent…in this example it’s a video podcast but you can share any media.


Other Features


Under My Profile you can change your avatar and personal information.


In Preferences you can choose where media is stored, its startup actions, podcast subscriptions, and manage device syncing.




It’s still in beta stage so expect some bugs, but overall doubleTwist is a solid media player that is easy to use with a clean interface. It’s simple and doesn’t try to do too much so is fairly easy on system resources. The main annoyance is it tries to catalog all of your media out of the box. Which may be alright for some users with smaller media collections, but very irritating to advanced users with large collections. Also there is currently no support for the Zune, but according to their forums, it’s on the way.

它仍处于测试阶段,因此可能会出现一些错误,但总体来说doubleTwist是一款可靠的媒体播放器,易于使用,界面干净。 它很简单并且不会尝试做太多,因此在系统资源上相当容易。 主要的烦恼是它尝试将所有媒体分类为开箱即用。 对于拥有较小媒体收藏集的某些用户来说,这可能是不错的选择,但对于拥有大量收藏集的高级用户来说,这非常恼人。 另外,目前尚无Zune支持,但根据他们的论坛,它正在开发中。

At the time of this writing it’s in public beta and can be downloaded for XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit), and Mac OSX. If you’re looking for an iTunes alternative that works with several different portable devices, you might want to give DoubleTwist a try.

在撰写本文时,它处于公开测试阶段,可以下载用于XP,Vista,Windows 7(32和64位)和Mac OSX。 如果您正在寻找可与几种不同的便携式设备一起使用的iTunes替代品,则可能需要尝试DoubleTwist。

Download DoubleTwist Public Beta


See If Your Media Device is Supported by doubleTwist




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