Timeline is part of Windows 10’s Task View. It shows a history of activities you’ve performed and can even synchronize activities across your PCs. You can then easily pick up where you left off.

时间轴是Windows 10的“ 任务视图”的一部分 。 它显示了您执行的活动的历史记录,甚至可以跨PC同步活动。 然后,您可以轻松地从上次停站的地方接机。

This feature is part of Windows 10’s April 2018 Update. It can also work with mobile apps if you sign into them with your Microsoft account, so you might see a Word document you opened on your iPhone or Android phone appear in the Timeline on your PC.

此功能是Windows 10 2018年4月更新的一部分 。 如果您使用Microsoft帐户登录移动应用程序,它也可以使用,因此您可能会在PC的时间轴中看到在iPhone或Android手机上打开的Word文档。

如何访问时间线 (How to Access the Timeline)

To open Task View, click the “Task View” icon to the right of the Cortana box on your taskbar. If you don’t see the icon, you’ve probably hidden it in the past. You can right-click your taskbar and click “Show Task View Button” to re-enable it.

要打开任务视图,请单击任务栏上Cortana框右侧的“任务视图”图标。 如果您没有看到该图标,则可能是过去将其隐藏了。 您可以右键单击任务栏,然后单击“显示任务视图按钮”以重新启用它。

You can also open Task View by pressing Windows+Tab on your keyboard.

您也可以通过按键盘上的Windows + Tab打开“任务视图”。

The Timeline appears below your currently open windows in the Task View interface. You may need to scroll down to see it. The scroll bar at the right side of the screen lets you to scroll back through previous days.

时间轴显示在“任务视图”界面中当前打开的窗口下方。 您可能需要向下滚动才能看到它。 屏幕右侧的滚动条使您可以向后滚动过去的日子。

Scroll down through the timeline to view activities you’ve performed recently. You’ll also see activities associated with modern Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Store apps, including web pages you’ve viewed in Microsoft Edge and articles you’ve looked at in applications like the News app included with Windows 10. Application developers will have to add support for the Microsoft Graph API to make their apps appear in the Timeline, so you won’t see every app you use in this list.

向下滚动时间轴以查看您最近执行的活动。 您还将看到与现代通用Windows平台(UWP)商店应用程序相关的活动,包括您在Microsoft Edge中查看的网页以及在Windows 10随附的新闻应用程序等应用程序中查看的文章。应用程序开发人员将拥有添加对Microsoft Graph API的支持,以使其应用程序显示在时间轴中,因此在此列表中不会看到您使用的每个应用程序。

The list of activities does include every file you’ve opened via File Explorer, so you may see many documents, spreadsheets, images, videos, and music files here.


Click or tap an activity to resume it. Windows opens the file or returns to the web page, article, or whatever else you were looking at.

单击或点击活动以恢复它。 Windows将打开文件或返回到网页,文章或其他正在查看的内容。

Activities you’ve performed on previous days are grouped to make this interface easier to skim. Click “See All Activities” to see them all.

您将前几天执行的活动归为一组,以使该界面更易于浏览。 单击“查看所有活动”以查看所有活动。

If you want to remove an activity (or group of activities), right-click or long-press it, and then select “Remove” or “Clear all from [Date].”


如何在PC上同步时间线 (How to Synchronize Your Timeline Across Your PCs)

The Timeline is on by default, but it doesn’t sync anything to the cloud unless you let it. If you tell Windows to sync your data from a PC to the cloud, you’ll see those activities on any other PCs you sign into with the same Microsoft account.

默认情况下,时间轴是打开的,但是除非您允许,否则它不会将任何内容同步到云。 如果您告诉Windows将数据从PC同步到云,您将在使用同一Microsoft帐户登录的任何其他PC上看到这些活动。

You don’t have to enable this feature on each PC to do this. For example, you could enable syncing on your desktop and leave it disabled on your laptop. You’d see your desktop’s activities in the Timeline on your laptop, but you wouldn’t see your laptop’s activities in the Timeline on your desktop—not unless you also enabled syncing from your laptop.

您不必在每台PC上都启用此功能。 例如,您可以在桌面上启用同步,而在笔记本电脑上将其禁用。 您会在笔记本电脑的时间轴中看到桌面的活动,但不会在笔记本电脑的时间轴中看到笔记本电脑的活动,除非您还启用了从笔记本电脑同步的功能。

To enable syncing, scroll to the bottom of the Timeline and click the “Turn On” button under the “See More Days in Timeline” section.


You can also head to Settings > Privacy > Activity History and enable the “Let Windows sync my activities from this PC to the cloud” option.


如何禁用时间轴 (How to Disable the Timeline)

If you don’t want to use the Timeline feature, you can head to Settings > Privacy > Activity History and disable the “Let Windows collect my activities from this PC” option.


To erase the contents of your Timeline, set any Microsoft accounts that appear under “Show activities from accounts” to “Off” and then click the “Clear” button.


To really make Timeline useful, the apps you use will have to add support for it. It’s unclear how many applications will support the Microsoft Graph API, and thus Timeline, in the future.

为了使“时间轴”真正有用,您使用的应用必须添加对此的支持。 目前还不清楚将来有多少应用程序将支持Microsoft Graph API,从而支持Timeline。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/348122/what-is-windows-10s-timeline-and-how-do-i-use-it/

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