



  • idc命令行(菜单栏file->idc command)
  • 脚本文件 (菜单栏file->script file)
  • python命令行(菜单栏file->python command)




采用c风格的“/* */”进行多行注释。


ida为用户提供了一个很完备的帮助系统,可以使用F1快捷键打开帮助系统,其中点击“index of idc functions”可以看到对应一些idc的函数列表。





  1. 局部变量(auto)
auto add,reg,val; //多个变量同时声明,未初始化
auto valinit=0; //声明同时初始化
  1. 全局变量(extern)
extern outval;
extern illeval="wrong" //非法定义,声明全局变量时不能进行初始化
static main(){extern insideval;outval="global string" //为全局变量赋值insideval=1;

There are two kinds of variables in IDC:

  - local variables: they are created at the function entryand destroyed at the exit- global variables: they are created at the compilation timeand destroyed when the database is closed

A variable can contain:

  - LONG: a 32-bit signed long integer (64-bit in 64-bit version of IDA)- INT64: a 64-bit signed long integer- STR: a character string- FLOAT: a floating point number (extra precision, up to 25 decimal digits)- OBJECT: an object with attributes and methods(a concept very close to C++ class) more- REF: a reference to another variable- FUNC: a function reference

A local variable is declared this way:

  auto var1;auto var2 = <expr>;

Global variables are declared like this:

  extern var;

Global variables can be redefined many times. IDA will silently ignore subsequent declarations. Please note that global variables cannot be initialized at the declaration time.

All C and C++ keywords are reserved and cannot be used as a variable name.

While it is possible to declare a variable anywhere in the function body, all variables are initialized at the function entry and all of them are destroyed only at the exit. So, a variable declared in a loop body will not be reinitialized at each loop iteration, unless explicitly specified with an assignment operator.

If a variable or function name cannot be recognized, IDA tries to resolve them using the names from the disassembled application. In it succeeds, the name is replaced by its value in the disassembly listing. For example:

  .data:00413060 errtable        dd 1   ;                 dd 16h ; errnocodemsg("address is: %x\n", _errtable);

will print 413060. If the label denotes a structure, it is possible to refer to its fields:

        msg("address is: %x\n", _errtable.errnocode);

will print 413064. Please note that IDA does not try to read the data but just returns the address of the structure field. The field address can also be calculated using the get_field_ea function.

NOTE: The processor register names can be used in the IDC scripts when the debugger is active. Reading from such a variable return the corresponding register value. Writing to such a variable modifies the register value in the debugged process. Such variables are accessible only when the application is in the suspended mode.

NOTE: another way to emulate global scope variables is to use array functions and create global persistent arrays.



  static func(arg1,arg2,arg3){statements ...}


An IDC function always returns a value. There are 2 kinds of functions:

 - built-in functions- user-defined functions

A user-defined function is declared this way:

 static func(arg1,arg2,arg3){statements ...}

It is not necessary to specify the parameter types because all necessary type conversions are performed automatically.

By default all function arguments are passed by value, except:

 - objects are always passed by reference- functions are always passed by reference- it is possible to pass a variable by reference using the & operator

If the function to call does not exist, IDA tries to resolve the name using the debugged program labels. If it succeeds, an dbg_appcall is performed.



expression;        (expression-statement)if (expression) statementif (expression) statement else statementfor ( expr1; expr2; expr3 ) statementwhile (expression) statementdo statement while (expression);break;continue;return <expr>;return;              the same as 'return 0;'{ statements... }try statement catch ( var ) statementthrow <expr>;;                    (empty statement)

In IDC there are the following statements:

  expression;        (expression-statement)if (expression) statementif (expression) statement else statementfor ( expr1; expr2; expr3 ) statementwhile (expression) statementdo statement while (expression);break;continue;return <expr>;return;              the same as 'return 0;'{ statements... }try statement catch ( var ) statementthrow <expr>;;                    (empty statement)

Please note that the ‘switch’ statement is not supported.




IDC: Expressions

In the IDC expressions you can use almost all C operations except:

  complex assignment operations as '+='

Constants are defined more or less like in C, with some minor differences.

There are four type conversion operations:

  long(expr)  floating point numbers are truncated during conversionchar(expr)float(expr)__int64(expr)

However, explicit type conversions are rarely required because all type conversions are made automatically:

  - addition:if both operands are strings,string addition is performed (strings are concatenated);if both operands are objects,object combination is performed (a new object is created)if floating point operand exists,both operands are converted to floats;otherwiseboth operands are converted to longs;- subtraction/multiplication/division:if floating point operand exists,both operands are converted to floats;if both operands are objects and the operation is subtraction,object subtraction is performed (a new object is created)otherwiseboth operands are converted to longs;- comparisons (==,!=, etc):if both operands are strings, string comparison is performed;if floating point operand exists,both operands are converted to floats;otherwiseboth operands are converted to numbers;- all other operations:operand(s) are converted to longs;

If any of the long operands is 64bit, the other operand is converted to 64bit too.

There is one notable exception concerning type conversions: if one operand is a string and the other is zero (0), then a string operation is performed. Zero is converted to an empty string in this case.

The & operator is used to take a reference to a variable. References themselves cannot be modified once created. Any assignment to them will modify the target variable. For example:

        auto x, r;r = &x;r = 1;   // x is equal to 1 now

References to references are immediately resolved:

        auto x, r1, r2;r1 = &x;r2 = &r1; // r2 points to x

Since all non-object arguments are passed to functions by value, references are a good way to pass arguments by reference.



  _NT_           IDA is running under MS Windows_LINUX_        IDA is running under Linux_MAC_          IDA is running under Mac OS X_UNIX_         IDA is running under Unix (linux or mac)_EA64_         64-bit version IDA_QT_           GUI version of IDA (Qt)_GUI           GUI version of IDA_TXT_          Text version of IDA_IDA_VERSION_  The current IDA version. For example: "7.5"_IDAVER_       The current, numerical IDA version. For example: "750" means v7.5



  str[i1:i2] - substring from i1 to i2. i2 is excluded,If i1 >= i2, empty string is returned.str[idx]   - one character substring at 'idx'.this is equivalent to str[idx:idx+1]str[:idx]  - substring from the beginning of the string to idxthis is equivalent to str[0:idx]str[idx:]  - substring from idx to the end of the stringthis is equivalent to str[idx:0x7fffffff]

IDC: Slices

The slice operator can be applied IDC objects are strings.

For strings, the slice operator denotes a substring:

  str[i1:i2] - substring from i1 to i2. i2 is excludedstr[idx]   - one character substring at 'idx'.this is equivalent to str[idx:idx+1]str[:idx]  - substring from the beginning of the string to idxthis is equivalent to str[0:idx]str[idx:]  - substring from idx to the end of the stringthis is equivalent to str[idx:0x7fffffff]

Any indexes that are out of bounds are silently adjusted to correct values. If i1 >= i2, empty string is returned. Negative indexes are used to denote positions counting from the end of the string.

String slices can be used on the right side of an assignment. For example:

  str[0:2] = "abc";

will replace 2 characters at the beginning of the string by “abc”.

For objects, the slice operator denotes a subset of attributes. It can be used to emulate arrays:

  auto x = object();x[0] = value1;x[1] = "value2";

x[i1:i2] denotes all attributes with numeric values between i1 and i2 (i2 is excluded).

Any non-numeric attributes are ignored by the slice operator.



        auto e;try {... some statements that cause a runtime error...}catch ( e ){// e holds the exception information// it is an instance of the exception class}throw xx;  #抛出

IDC: Exceptions

Any runtime error generates an exception. Exceptions terminate the execution. It is possible to catch an exception instead of terminating the execution:

        auto e;try{... some statements that cause a runtime error...}catch ( e ){// e holds the exception information// it is an instance of the exception class}

The try/catch blocks can be nested. If the current function has no try/catch blocks, the calling function will be examined, and so on, until we find a try/catch block or exit the main function. If no try/catch block is found, an unhandled exception is reported.

It is also possible to throw an exception explicitly. Any object can be thrown. For example:

        throw 5;

will throw value ‘5’.




#Include <idc.idc>
static main(){Message("this is a IDC scipt file");


#include <文件> ;将指定的文件包含在当前文件中

#define <宏名称>[可选项] ;创建宏,可以选择给宏分配指定的值

#ifdef <名称>; 测试指定的宏是否存在

#else 与ifdef一起使用

#endif 通过ifdef指定定义终止符

#undef <名称> ;删除指定的宏
















//枚举危险函数 scanvuln.idc
#include <idc.idc>
static flagCalls(fname)    //定义了一个函数
{auto count=0;auto func,xref;func =LocByName(fname);if(func!=BADADDR){                                                  for(xref=RfirstB(func);xref!=BADADDR;xref=RnextB(func,xref))  //使用代码交叉方式遍历危险函数 {Message("%x,%x\n",xref,func);if(XrefType()==fl_CN || XrefType()==fl_CF)  //该判断语句判定,RfirstB或RnextB返回的交叉引用类型是近调用还是远调用{MakeComm(xref,"*** AUDIT HERE ***");Message('Function%d:0x%x==>%s\n',++count,xref,fname);}}
/* //使用数据交叉引用的方式去搜索危险函数for(xref=DfirstB(func);xref!=BADADDR;xref=DnextB(func,xref)){if(XrefType()==dr_O){MakeComm(xref,"*** AUDIT HERE ***");Message("Function%d:0x%x==> %s\n",++count,xref,fname);}}
}static main()


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