
  • pandas介绍
  • numpy介绍及使用
    • numpy简介
    • numpy使用
  • Pandas操作
    • Pandas数据结构
      • Series结构:列表,会自动创建索引
        • Series的创建
        • Series特性验证
      • DataFrame:二维数组
        • DataFrame的创建
        • DataFrame的插入操作
        • DataFrame的删除操作
        • DataFrame的数据查找
        • DataFrame的其他属性
        • DataFrame的数据选择
        • 修改表格数据
      • Panel:三维数组
        • Panel的创建
    • Pandas在notebook中的操作
  • pandas基础运算
    • 重新索引
      • 重新索引设默认值








In [1]: import numpy as npIn [2]: data = np.array([1,3,4,8])In [3]: data
Out[3]: array([1, 3, 4, 8])In [4]: data.shape
Out[4]: (4,)In [5]: data.dtype
Out[5]: dtype('int32')


In [7]: data[1]
Out[7]: 3In [8]: data[1]=9In [9]: data
Out[9]: array([1, 9, 4, 8])


In [11]: data = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])In [12]: data
array([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]])In [13]: data.shape
Out[13]: (2, 3)In [14]: data[0,0]
Out[14]: 1


In [16]: np.arange(10)
Out[16]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])//返回array数组In [17]: range(10)
Out[17]: range(0, 10)//返回列表In [18]: np.arange(5,15)
Out[18]: array([ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])In [19]: data = np.arange(100, step=10)In [20]: data
Out[20]: array([ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90])In [21]: data[2]
Out[21]: 20In [22]: data[2:5]
Out[22]: array([20, 30, 40])In [23]: data[:3]
Out[23]: array([ 0, 10, 20])In [24]: data[5:]=-1In [25]: data
Out[25]: array([ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1])


  • 没有copy数组,只是返回了数组的试图,即当原数组中的数据值改变时,reshape后的数组值同样发生改变
In [21]: data = np.arange(10)In [22]: data
Out[22]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])In [23]: data.reshape(2,5)
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])


In [24]: np.ones((2,3,3))
array([[[1., 1., 1.],[1., 1., 1.],[1., 1., 1.]],[[1., 1., 1.],[1., 1., 1.],[1., 1., 1.]]])


In [26]: np.eye(4)
array([[1., 0., 0., 0.],[0., 1., 0., 0.],[0., 0., 1., 0.],[0., 0., 0., 1.]])


In [35]: data = np.arange(16).reshape(4,4)In [36]: data
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],[ 4,  5,  6,  7],[ 8,  9, 10, 11],[12, 13, 14, 15]])In [37]: data[1]
Out[37]: array([4, 5, 6, 7])In [38]: data[1:3]
array([[ 4,  5,  6,  7],[ 8,  9, 10, 11]])In [39]: data[:,2:4]
array([[ 2,  3],[ 6,  7],[10, 11],[14, 15]])In [40]: data[1:3,2:4]
array([[ 6,  7],[10, 11]])In [41]: data[[1,3],[2,3]]
Out[41]: array([ 6, 15])In [42]: data>10
array([[False, False, False, False],[False, False, False, False],[False, False, False,  True],[ True,  True,  True,  True]])In [43]: idx = data>10In [44]: idx
array([[False, False, False, False],[False, False, False, False],[False, False, False,  True],[ True,  True,  True,  True]])In [45]: data[idx]
Out[45]: array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15])


In [46]: x = np.arange(1,5).reshape(2,2)In [47]: y = np.arange(5,9).reshape(2,2)In [48]: x+y
array([[ 6,  8],[10, 12]])In [49]: np.add(x,y)
array([[ 6,  8],[10, 12]])In [50]: x*y//逐个元素间的相乘
array([[ 5, 12],[21, 32]])In [51]:向量相乘
array([[19, 22],[43, 50]])In [53]: x = np.array(x,dtype=float)In [54]: y = np.array(y,dtype=float)In [55]: x/y //逐元素相除
array([[0.2       , 0.33333333],[0.42857143, 0.5       ]])


In [56]: np.sqrt(x)
array([[1.        , 1.41421356],[1.73205081, 2.        ]])In [57]: x.T
array([[1., 3.],[2., 4.]])In [58]: np.linspace(1,10)  //可以用于计算sin等情况
array([ 1.        ,  1.18367347,  1.36734694,  1.55102041,  1.73469388,1.91836735,  2.10204082,  2.28571429,  2.46938776,  2.65306122,2.83673469,  3.02040816,  3.20408163,  3.3877551 ,  3.57142857,3.75510204,  3.93877551,  4.12244898,  4.30612245,  4.48979592,4.67346939,  4.85714286,  5.04081633,  5.2244898 ,  5.40816327,5.59183673,  5.7755102 ,  5.95918367,  6.14285714,  6.32653061,6.51020408,  6.69387755,  6.87755102,  7.06122449,  7.24489796,7.42857143,  7.6122449 ,  7.79591837,  7.97959184,  8.16326531,8.34693878,  8.53061224,  8.71428571,  8.89795918,  9.08163265,9.26530612,  9.44897959,  9.63265306,  9.81632653, 10.







In [64]: s = pd.Series([1,3,5,np.NaN,8,4])In [65]: s
0    1.0
1    3.0
2    5.0
3    NaN
4    8.0
5    4.0
dtype: float64


In [258]: d = {'a':0,'b':1,'d':3}In [259]: s = pd.Series(d,index=list('abcd'))In [260]: s
a    0.0
b    1.0
c    NaN
d    3.0
dtype: float64


In [261]: s = pd.Series(5, index=list('abcd'))In [262]: s
a    5
b    5
c    5
d    5
dtype: int64


In [263]: s[0]
Out[263]: 5In [264]: s[:3]
a    5
b    5
c    5
dtype: int64In [265]: s[2:5]
c    5
d    5
dtype: int64


In [267]: np.sin(s)
a   -0.958924
b   -0.958924
c   -0.958924
d   -0.958924
dtype: float64In [268]: np.exp(s)
a    148.413159
b    148.413159
c    148.413159
d    148.413159
dtype: float64


In [269]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5),index=['a','b','c','d','e'])In [270]: s
a   -0.029259
b    0.162623
c   -1.261891
d   -0.849811
e    0.756510
dtype: float64In [271]: s['a']
Out[271]: -0.02925920853872483In [281]: print(s.get('f'))
NoneIn [282]: print(s.get('f',0))


In [272]: s['b']=3In [273]: s
a   -0.029259
b    3.000000
c   -1.261891
d   -0.849811
e    0.756510


In [274]: s['g']=100In [275]: s
a     -0.029259
b      3.000000
c     -1.261891
d     -0.849811
e      0.756510
g    100.000000
dtype: float64


In [283]: s1 = pd.Series(np.random.randn(3),index=['a','c','e'])In [284]: s2 = pd.Series(np.random.randn(3),index=['a','d','e'])In [285]: print('{0}\n\n{1}'.format(s1,s2))
a   -0.833574
c   -1.132164
e    0.582486
dtype: float64a   -1.710644
d   -0.118072
e   -0.034564
dtype: float64In [286]: s1+s2
a   -2.544218
c         NaN
d         NaN
e    0.547923
dtype: float64

基本形式:df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns)

  • 创建二维数组方法一:DataFrame
In [66]: dates = pd.date_range('20200417',periods=6)In [67]: dates
DatetimeIndex(['2020-04-17', '2020-04-18', '2020-04-19', '2020-04-20','2020-04-21', '2020-04-22'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')In [68]: data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,4),index=dates,columns=list('ABCD'))In [69]: data
Out[69]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-22 -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620
  • 创建二维数组方法二:字典表
In [70]: d = {'A':1,'B':pd.Timestamp('20200417'),'C':range(4),'D':np.arange(4)}In [71]: d
{'A': 1,'B': Timestamp('2020-04-17 00:00:00'),'C': range(0, 4),'D': array([0, 1, 2, 3])}In [72]: df = pd.DataFrame(d)In [73]: df
Out[73]:A          B  C  D
0  1 2020-04-17  0  0
1  1 2020-04-17  1  1
2  1 2020-04-17  2  2
3  1 2020-04-17  3  3
In [292]: d = {'one':pd.Series([1,2,3],index=['a','b','c']),'two':pd.Series([1,2,3,4],index=['a','b','c','d'])}In [293]: df=pd.DataFrame(d)In [294]: df
Out[294]:one  two
a  1.0    1
b  2.0    2
c  3.0    3
d  NaN    4
In [289]: d={'one':[1,2,3,4],'two':[21,22,23,24]}In [290]: df = pd.DataFrame(d)In [291]: df
Out[291]:one  two
0    1   21
1    2   22
2    3   23
3    4   24
  • 创建二维数组方法三:列表
In [295]: data = [(1,2.2,'Hello'),(2,3,'World')]In [296]: df = pd.DataFrame(data,index=['one','two'],columns=list('ABC'))In [297]: df
Out[297]:A    B      C
one  1  2.2  Hello
two  2  3.0  World
In [299]: data = [{'a':1,'b':2},{'a':5,'b':10,'c':20}]In [305]: df = pd.DataFrame(data,index=['A','B'],columns=['a','b'])In [306]: df
Out[306]:a   b
A  1   2
B  5  10In [307]: df = pd.DataFrame(data,index=['A','B'],columns=['a','b','e'])In [308]: df
Out[308]:a   b   e
A  1   2 NaN
B  5  10 NaN
  • 创建二维数组方法四:Series
In [312]: s = pd.Series(np.random.rand(5),index=['a','b','c','d','e'])In [313]: pd.DataFrame(s, columns=['A'])
a  0.084951
b  0.010217
c  0.409527
d  0.775261
e  0.451806In [314]: pd.DataFrame(s, columns=['A'],index=list('acd'))
a  0.084951
c  0.409527
d  0.775261
  • 复杂数据结构
In [309]: d = {('a','b'):{('A','B'):1,('A','C'):2},('a','a'):{('A','C'):3,('A','B'):4},('a','c'):{('A','C'):5,('A','C'):6}}In [310]: df = pd.DataFrame(d)In [311]: df
Out[311]:ab  a    c
A B  1  4  NaNC  2  3  6.0


In [316]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,4),columns=['one','two','three','four'])In [317]: df
Out[317]:one       two     three      four
0 -0.752271 -0.282806  0.528453 -0.966714
1 -1.545213 -0.758960  2.155316 -0.447701
2  1.067247  0.845392  1.795486  0.501453
3 -0.319423 -0.691444  1.026918 -1.324076
4 -0.373745  0.155677  0.932794 -1.704437
5  0.251379 -1.479839  1.466653  0.234889In [318]: df['five']=5In [319]: df
Out[319]:one       two     three      four  five
0 -0.752271 -0.282806  0.528453 -0.966714     5
1 -1.545213 -0.758960  2.155316 -0.447701     5
2  1.067247  0.845392  1.795486  0.501453     5
3 -0.319423 -0.691444  1.026918 -1.324076     5
4 -0.373745  0.155677  0.932794 -1.704437     5
5  0.251379 -1.479839  1.466653  0.234889     5


  • insert函数,直接作用在df里
In [322]: df.insert(1,'bar',df['one']+df['two'])In [323]: df
Out[323]:one       bar       two     three  five
0 -0.752271 -1.035077 -0.282806  0.528453     5
1 -1.545213 -2.304173 -0.758960  2.155316     5
2  1.067247  1.912640  0.845392  1.795486     5
3 -0.319423 -1.010867 -0.691444  1.026918     5
4 -0.373745 -0.218068  0.155677  0.932794     5
5  0.251379 -1.228459 -1.479839  1.466653     5
  • assign函数,df没有变,只做复制的操作
In [324]: df.assign(Ratio = df['one']/df['two'])
Out[324]:one       bar       two     three  five     Ratio
0 -0.752271 -1.035077 -0.282806  0.528453     5  2.660020
1 -1.545213 -2.304173 -0.758960  2.155316     5  2.035962
2  1.067247  1.912640  0.845392  1.795486     5  1.262428
3 -0.319423 -1.010867 -0.691444  1.026918     5  0.461965
4 -0.373745 -0.218068  0.155677  0.932794     5 -2.400776
5  0.251379 -1.228459 -1.479839  1.466653     5 -0.169869
  • assign可以直接传入函数作为参数进行计算
In [329]: df.assign(Ratio = lambda x:
Out[329]:one       bar       two  five     Ratio
0 -0.752271 -1.035077 -0.282806     5 -0.469464
1 -1.545213 -2.304173 -0.758960     5 -0.786254
2  1.067247  1.912640  0.845392     5  0.221855
3 -0.319423 -1.010867 -0.691444     5  0.372021
4 -0.373745 -0.218068  0.155677     5 -0.529421
5  0.251379 -1.228459 -1.479839     5  1.731218
  • assign的链式方法
In [330]: df.assign(ABRatio = = lambda x: x.ABRatio *
Out[330]:one       bar       two  five   ABRatio  BarValue
0 -0.752271 -1.035077 -0.282806     5  2.660020 -2.753326
1 -1.545213 -2.304173 -0.758960     5  2.035962 -4.691209
2  1.067247  1.912640  0.845392     5  1.262428  2.414569
3 -0.319423 -1.010867 -0.691444     5  0.461965 -0.466985
4 -0.373745 -0.218068  0.155677     5 -2.400776  0.523533
5  0.251379 -1.228459 -1.479839     5 -0.169869  0.208678
In [320]: s = df.pop('four')In [321]: df
Out[321]:one       two     three  five
0 -0.752271 -0.282806  0.528453     5
1 -1.545213 -0.758960  2.155316     5
2  1.067247  0.845392  1.795486     5
3 -0.319423 -0.691444  1.026918     5
4 -0.373745  0.155677  0.932794     5
5  0.251379 -1.479839  1.466653     5# 或
In [327]: del df['three']In [328]: df
Out[328]:one       bar       two  five
0 -0.752271 -1.035077 -0.282806     5
1 -1.545213 -2.304173 -0.758960     5
2  1.067247  1.912640  0.845392     5
3 -0.319423 -1.010867 -0.691444     5
4 -0.373745 -0.218068  0.155677     5
5  0.251379 -1.228459 -1.479839     5


In [74]: data.head()
Out[74]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387In [75]: data.head(2)
Out[75]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932


In [76]: data.tail()
Out[76]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-22 -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620In [77]: data.tail(2)
Out[77]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-22 -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620


In [78]: data.index
DatetimeIndex(['2020-04-17', '2020-04-18', '2020-04-19', '2020-04-20','2020-04-21', '2020-04-22'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')


In [79]: data.columns
Out[79]: Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], dtype='object')


array([[-0.3013205 ,  0.80265403, -0.16755782,  0.1265712 ],[-0.45784158, -1.11922575,  1.01342568, -0.74293211],[ 1.769593  ,  0.6675759 , -0.3715449 ,  1.12298311],[ 0.7787021 ,  0.24610972,  0.27924835, -0.83650411],[-0.00412084, -0.78379106, -0.4523986 ,  0.05438711],[-2.13832768,  0.75278802,  0.10225592,  0.7426


In [81]: data.describe()
Out[81]:A         B         C         D
count  6.000000  6.000000  6.000000  6.000000
mean  -0.058886  0.094352  0.067238  0.077854
std    1.310718  0.840328  0.540209  0.780625
min   -2.138328 -1.119226 -0.452399 -0.836504
25%   -0.418711 -0.526316 -0.320548 -0.543602
50%   -0.152721  0.456843 -0.032651  0.090479
75%    0.582996  0.731485  0.235000  0.588608
max    1.769593  0.802654  1.013426  1.122983


Out[82]:2020-04-17  2020-04-18  2020-04-19  2020-04-20  2020-04-21  2020-04-22
A   -0.301320   -0.457842    1.769593    0.778702   -0.004121   -2.138328
B    0.802654   -1.119226    0.667576    0.246110   -0.783791    0.752788
C   -0.167558    1.013426   -0.371545    0.279248   -0.452399    0.102256
D    0.126571   -0.742932    1.122983   -0.836504    0


  • axis=1:对列标签进行排序
In [83]: data.sort_index(axis=1)
Out[83]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-22 -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620
  • ascending=False:降序排列
In [86]: data.sort_index(axis=1,ascending=False)
Out[86]:D         C         B         A
2020-04-17  0.126571 -0.167558  0.802654 -0.301320
2020-04-18 -0.742932  1.013426 -1.119226 -0.457842
2020-04-19  1.122983 -0.371545  0.667576  1.769593
2020-04-20 -0.836504  0.279248  0.246110  0.778702
2020-04-21  0.054387 -0.452399 -0.783791 -0.004121
2020-04-22  0.742620  0.102256  0.752788 -2.138328
  • axis=0:对行标签进行排序
In [87]: data.sort_index(axis=0,ascending=False)
Out[87]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-22 -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
  • data.sort_values(by=‘A’):根据某一列的值进行排序
In [88]: data.sort_values(by='A')
Out[88]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-22 -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983


In [89]: data['A']
2020-04-17   -0.301320
2020-04-18   -0.457842
2020-04-19    1.769593
2020-04-20    0.778702
2020-04-21   -0.004121
2020-04-22   -2.138328
Freq: D, Name: A, dtype: float64In [90]: data.A
2020-04-17   -0.301320
2020-04-18   -0.457842
2020-04-19    1.769593
2020-04-20    0.778702
2020-04-21   -0.004121
2020-04-22   -2.138328
Freq: D, Name: A, dtype: float64


In [91]: data[2:4]
Out[91]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
In [93]: data['20200417':'20200418']
Out[93]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
In [94]: data.loc['20200417':'20200418']
Out[94]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
In [95]: data.iloc[2:4]
Out[95]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504


In [96]: data.loc[:,['B','C']]
Out[96]:B         C
2020-04-17  0.802654 -0.167558
2020-04-18 -1.119226  1.013426
2020-04-19  0.667576 -0.371545
2020-04-20  0.246110  0.279248
2020-04-21 -0.783791 -0.452399
2020-04-22  0.752788  0.102256


In [101]: data.loc['20200417':'20200418',['B','C']]
Out[101]:B         C
2020-04-17  0.802654 -0.167558
2020-04-18 -1.119226  1.013426


In [102]: data.loc['20200417','B']
Out[102]: 0.8026540334880221//效率更高,但需要传原生数据结构
In [103]:[pd.Timestamp('20200417'),'B']
Out[103]: 0.8026540334880221


In [104]: data.iloc[1]
A   -0.457842
B   -1.119226
C    1.013426
D   -0.742932
Name: 2020-04-18 00:00:00, dtype: float64In [105]: data.iloc[1:3]
Out[105]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983In [106]: data.iloc[1:3,2:4]
Out[106]:C         D
2020-04-18  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19 -0.371545  1.122983In [107]: data.iloc[1,1]
Out[107]: -1.1192257494013678In [108]: data.iat[1,1]
Out[108]: -1.1192257494013678//iat方法更加高效
In [111]: %timeit df.iloc[1,1]
9.13 µs ± 12.5 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)In [112]: %timeit df.iat[1,1]
6.41 µs ± 108 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 run


Out[113]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504In [114]: data[data>0]
Out[114]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17       NaN  0.802654       NaN  0.126571
2020-04-18       NaN       NaN  1.013426       NaN
2020-04-19  1.769593  0.667576       NaN  1.122983
2020-04-20  0.778702  0.246110  0.279248       NaN
2020-04-21       NaN       NaN       NaN  0.054387
2020-04-22       NaN  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620


 tag = ['a']*2 + ['b']*2 + ['c']*2In [120]: data2['TAG']=tagIn [121]: data2[data2.TAG.isin(['a','c'])]
Out[121]:A         B         C         D TAG
2020-04-17 -0.301320  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571   a
2020-04-18 -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932   a
2020-04-21 -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387   c
2020-04-22 -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620   c


In [122]: data.iat[0,0]=100In [123]: data
Out[123]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17  100.000000  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18   -0.457842 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19    1.769593  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20    0.778702  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-21   -0.004121 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-22   -2.138328  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620


In [124]: data.A=range(6)In [125]: data
Out[125]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17  0  0.802654 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18  1 -1.119226  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19  2  0.667576 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  3  0.246110  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-21  4 -0.783791 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-22  5  0.752788  0.102256  0.742620In [126]: data.B=200In [127]: data
Out[127]:A    B         C         D
2020-04-17  0  200 -0.167558  0.126571
2020-04-18  1  200  1.013426 -0.742932
2020-04-19  2  200 -0.371545  1.122983
2020-04-20  3  200  0.279248 -0.836504
2020-04-21  4  200 -0.452399  0.054387
2020-04-22  5  200  0.102256  0.742620


In [128]: data.iloc[:,2:5]=1000In [129]: data
Out[129]:A    B     C     D
2020-04-17  0  200  1000  1000
2020-04-18  1  200  1000  1000
2020-04-19  2  200  1000  1000
2020-04-20  3  200  1000  1000
2020-04-21  4  200  1000  1000
2020-04-22  5  200  1000  1000


 data = {'Item1':pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,3)),'Item2':pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,2))}In [335]: pn = pd.Panel(data)pn['Item1']
Out[336]:0         1         2
0 -1.327305  1.073906 -0.873040
1  0.424617 -0.048509  1.354535
2 -0.752743  0.728434  0.143341
3  1.599821 -0.269235  1.571243In [337]: pn.to_frame()
Out[337]:Item1     Item2
major minor
0     0     -1.327305 -0.5096331      1.073906 -0.471738
1     0      0.424617 -0.2360801     -0.048509 -0.317929
2     0     -0.752743 -0.9278551      0.728434  0.417202
3     0      1.599821 -0.2737141     -0.269235  1.021836



  • dropna():丢掉空数据,返回的值为复制的值
In [140]: df1
Out[140]:A         B         C         D    E
2020-04-17  1.741634  0.080174 -1.484283 -0.779988  NaN
2020-04-18  1.102289 -1.411300  0.448187  0.823690  2.0
2020-04-19  0.787129  0.693279 -0.981830  0.102260  2.0
2020-04-20  1.925935  1.299940  0.816230  1.060300  NaNIn [141]: df1.dropna()
Out[141]:A         B         C        D    E
2020-04-18  1.102289 -1.411300  0.448187  0.82369  2.0
2020-04-19  0.787129  0.693279 -0.981830  0.10226  2.0
  • fillna():把空的值用默认值替换,返回的值为复制的值
In [142]: df1.fillna(value=5)
Out[142]:A         B         C         D    E
2020-04-17  1.741634  0.080174 -1.484283 -0.779988  5.0
2020-04-18  1.102289 -1.411300  0.448187  0.823690  2.0
2020-04-19  0.787129  0.693279 -0.981830  0.102260  2.0
2020-04-20  1.925935  1.299940  0.816230  1.060300  5.0
  • 判断数据集中是否有空数据
In [143]: pd.isnull(df1)
Out[143]:A      B      C      D      E
2020-04-17  False  False  False  False   True
2020-04-18  False  False  False  False  False
2020-04-19  False  False  False  False  False
2020-04-20  False  False  False  False   TrueIn [144]: pd.isnull(df1).any()
A    False
B    False
C    False
D    False
E     True
dtype: boolIn [145]: pd.isnull(df1).any().any()
Out[145]: True


  • 求平均值
In [146]: df1.mean()
A    1.389247
B    0.165523
C   -0.300424
D    0.301566
E    2.000000
dtype: float64In [147]: df1.mean(axis=1)
2020-04-17   -0.110616
2020-04-18    0.592573
2020-04-19    0.520168
2020-04-20    1.275601
Freq: D, dtype: float64
  • 求累加值:方法一:直接用cumsum函数
In [148]: df1.cumsum()
Out[148]:A         B         C         D    E
2020-04-17  1.741634  0.080174 -1.484283 -0.779988  NaN
2020-04-18  2.843923 -1.331127 -1.036097  0.043702  2.0
2020-04-19  3.631052 -0.637848 -2.017926  0.145962  4.0
2020-04-20  5.556987  0.662092 -1.201696  1.206262  NaN


In [149]: a = pd.Series([1,3,5,np.nan,6,8],index=dates).shift(2)In [150]: a
2020-04-17    NaN
2020-04-18    NaN
2020-04-19    1.0
2020-04-20    3.0
2020-04-21    5.0
2020-04-22    NaN
Freq: D, dtype: float64In [152]: df.sub(a,axis='index')
Out[152]:A         B         C        D
2020-04-17       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN
2020-04-18       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN
2020-04-19 -0.212871 -0.306721 -1.981830 -0.89774
2020-04-20 -1.074065 -1.700060 -2.183770 -1.93970
2020-04-21 -5.375537 -4.485144 -5.373087 -4.83622
2020-04-22       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN
  • 求累加值:方法二:用apply函数,把累加后的参数传到apply函数里作为参数
In [154]: df.apply(np.cumsum)
Out[154]:A         B         C         D
2020-04-17  1.741634  0.080174 -1.484283 -0.779988
2020-04-18  2.843923 -1.331127 -1.036097  0.043702
2020-04-19  3.631052 -0.637848 -2.017926  0.145962
2020-04-20  5.556987  0.662092 -1.201696  1.206262
2020-04-21  5.181451  1.176948 -1.574783  1.370042
2020-04-22  2.290288  1.436656 -0.816895  0.859868
  • count():统计每个数字产生了多少次
In [157]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(10,20,size=20))In [158]: s
0     14
1     10
2     17
3     15
4     18
5     14
6     18
7     15
8     14
9     19
10    15
11    18
12    16
13    11
14    13
15    19
16    11
17    15
18    19
19    18
dtype: int32In [159]: s.value_counts()
18    4
15    4
19    3
14    3
11    2
17    1
16    1
13    1
10    1
dtype: int64
  • mode():统计产生最多的数字
In [160]: s.mode()
0    15
1    18
dtype: int32


In [155]: df.apply(lambda x : x.max() - x.min())
A    4.817097
B    2.711241
C    2.300513
D    1.840288
dtype: float64


  • 方法1:用concat函数
In [161]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,4),columns=list('ABCD'))In [162]: df
Out[162]:A         B         C         D
0 -0.836643  1.389491 -0.346328 -0.579350
1 -0.033253 -0.100592 -0.187342  0.077368
2 -0.492430  0.187553  0.282775  0.486783
3 -2.189806  0.527236  1.742809  0.341727
4 -0.610598 -1.127726  0.321672  1.154310
5  0.050277  0.000600  0.580841  2.216663
6  0.216428 -0.369792 -0.527231  0.252527
7  0.331808 -0.136121  0.056004 -1.125896
8  0.177764 -1.976727 -0.137631 -0.188156
9 -0.117127 -0.591025 -1.415468  0.451023In [165]: df.iloc[:3]
Out[165]:A         B         C         D
0 -0.836643  1.389491 -0.346328 -0.579350
1 -0.033253 -0.100592 -0.187342  0.077368
2 -0.492430  0.187553  0.282775  0.486783In [166]: df.iloc[3:7]
Out[166]:A         B         C         D
3 -2.189806  0.527236  1.742809  0.341727
4 -0.610598 -1.127726  0.321672  1.154310
5  0.050277  0.000600  0.580841  2.216663
6  0.216428 -0.369792 -0.527231  0.252527In [167]: df.iloc[7:]
Out[167]:A         B         C         D
7  0.331808 -0.136121  0.056004 -1.125896
8  0.177764 -1.976727 -0.137631 -0.188156
9 -0.117127 -0.591025 -1.415468  0.451023In [170]: df1 = pd.concat([df.iloc[:3],df.iloc[3:7],df.iloc[7:]])In [171]: df1
Out[171]:A         B         C         D
0 -0.836643  1.389491 -0.346328 -0.579350
1 -0.033253 -0.100592 -0.187342  0.077368
2 -0.492430  0.187553  0.282775  0.486783
3 -2.189806  0.527236  1.742809  0.341727
4 -0.610598 -1.127726  0.321672  1.154310
5  0.050277  0.000600  0.580841  2.216663
6  0.216428 -0.369792 -0.527231  0.252527
7  0.331808 -0.136121  0.056004 -1.125896
8  0.177764 -1.976727 -0.137631 -0.188156
9 -0.117127 -0.591025 -1.415468  0.451023In [172]: df==df1
Out[172]:A     B     C     D
0  True  True  True  True
1  True  True  True  True
2  True  True  True  True
3  True  True  True  True
4  True  True  True  True
5  True  True  True  True
6  True  True  True  True
7  True  True  True  True
8  True  True  True  True
9  True  True  True  TrueIn [173]: (df==df1).all()
A    True
B    True
C    True
D    True
dtype: boolIn [174]: (df==df1).all().all()
Out[174]: True
  • 方法2:用merge函数
In [175]: left = pd.DataFrame({'key':['foo','foo'],'lval':[1,2]})In [176]: right = pd.DataFrame({'key':['foo','foo'],'lval':[4,5]})In [177]: left
Out[177]:key  lval
0  foo     1
1  foo     2In [178]: right
Out[178]:key  lval
0  foo     4
1  foo     5//等价于sql语句中的:
# SELECT * FROM left INNER JOIN right ON left.key = right.key;
In [180]: pd.merge(left,right,on='key')
Out[180]:key  lval_x  lval_y
0  foo       1       4
1  foo       1       5
2  foo       2       4
3  foo       2       5
  • 方法三:直接插入一行,只返回一个copy
In [181]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1,5,size=4),index=list('ABCD'))In [182]: s
A    3
B    2
C    1
D    3
dtype: int32In [183]: df.append(s,ignore_index=True)
Out[183]:A         B         C         D
0  -0.836643  1.389491 -0.346328 -0.579350
1  -0.033253 -0.100592 -0.187342  0.077368
2  -0.492430  0.187553  0.282775  0.486783
3  -2.189806  0.527236  1.742809  0.341727
4  -0.610598 -1.127726  0.321672  1.154310
5   0.050277  0.000600  0.580841  2.216663
6   0.216428 -0.369792 -0.527231  0.252527
7   0.331808 -0.136121  0.056004 -1.125896
8   0.177764 -1.976727 -0.137631 -0.188156
9  -0.117127 -0.591025 -1.415468  0.451023
10  3.000000  2.000000  1.000000  3.000000In [184]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1,5,size=5),index=list('ABCDE'))In [185]: df.append(s,ignore_index=True)
Out[185]:A         B         C         D    E
0  -0.836643  1.389491 -0.346328 -0.579350  NaN
1  -0.033253 -0.100592 -0.187342  0.077368  NaN
2  -0.492430  0.187553  0.282775  0.486783  NaN
3  -2.189806  0.527236  1.742809  0.341727  NaN
4  -0.610598 -1.127726  0.321672  1.154310  NaN
5   0.050277  0.000600  0.580841  2.216663  NaN
6   0.216428 -0.369792 -0.527231  0.252527  NaN
7   0.331808 -0.136121  0.056004 -1.125896  NaN
8   0.177764 -1.976727 -0.137631 -0.188156  NaN
9  -0.117127 -0.591025 -1.415468  0.451023  NaN
10  4.000000  2.000000  3.000000  2.000000  4.0


In [187]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['foo','bar','foo','bar','foo','bar','foo','foo'],'B':['one','two','three','two','two','thre...: e','one','one'],'C':np.random.randn(8),'D':np.random.randn(8)})In [188]: df
Out[188]:A      B         C         D
0  foo    one  0.601375  0.862727
1  bar    two -1.414134  0.664557
2  foo  three -0.106683 -0.926406
3  bar    two  1.085907 -0.827664
4  foo    two -0.697518 -0.669789
5  bar  three -0.137290  0.042817
6  foo    one  0.084015  0.767032
7  foo    one  1.428494 -2.223576In [189]: df.groupby('A').sum()
Out[189]:C         D
bar -0.465517 -0.120290
foo  1.309682 -2.190011


In [191]: df.groupby(['A','B']).sum()
Out[191]:C         D
A   B
bar three -0.137290  0.042817two   -0.328227 -0.163107
foo one    2.113884 -0.593817three -0.106683 -0.926406two   -0.697518 -0.669789
In [192]: df.groupby(['B','A']).sum()
Out[192]:C         D
B     A
one   foo  2.113884 -0.593817
three bar -0.137290  0.042817foo -0.106683 -0.926406
two   bar -0.328227 -0.163107foo -0.697518 -0.669789


In [194]: tuples = list(zip(*[['bar','bar','baz','baz','foo','foo','qux','qux'],['one','two','one','two','one','two','one','t...: wo']]))In [195]: tuples
[('bar', 'one'),('bar', 'two'),('baz', 'one'),('baz', 'two'),('foo', 'one'),('foo', 'two'),('qux', 'one'),('qux', 'two')]
In [198]: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples,names=['first','second'])In [199]: index
MultiIndex(levels=[['bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'qux'], ['one', 'two']],codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]],names=['first', 'second'])In [200]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8,2),index=index,columns=['A','B'])In [201]: df
Out[201]:A         B
first second
bar   one    -0.040812 -0.470402two    -1.077897  0.426708
baz   one    -0.672487  0.022344two    -0.515349 -0.701331
foo   one    -0.331600  1.568290two    -0.673093  0.853233
qux   one    -1.193980  0.658491two     0.685413 -1.692874In [202]: stacked = df.stack()In [203]: stacked
first  second
bar    one     A   -0.040812B   -0.470402two     A   -1.077897B    0.426708
baz    one     A   -0.672487B    0.022344two     A   -0.515349B   -0.701331
foo    one     A   -0.331600B    1.568290two     A   -0.673093B    0.853233
qux    one     A   -1.193980B    0.658491two     A    0.685413B   -1.692874
dtype: float64In [204]: stacked.index
MultiIndex(levels=[['bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'qux'], ['one', 'two'], ['A', 'B']],codes=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]],names=['first', 'second', None])In [205]: stacked.unstack()
Out[205]:A         B
first second
bar   one    -0.040812 -0.470402two    -1.077897  0.426708
baz   one    -0.672487  0.022344two    -0.515349 -0.701331
foo   one    -0.331600  1.568290two    -0.673093  0.853233
qux   one    -1.193980  0.658491two     0.685413 -1.692874In [206]: stacked.unstack().unstack()
Out[206]:A                   B
second       one       two       one       two
bar    -0.040812 -1.077897 -0.470402  0.426708
baz    -0.672487 -0.515349  0.022344 -0.701331
foo    -0.331600 -0.673093  1.568290  0.853233
qux    -1.193980  0.685413  0.658491 -1.692874


  • 当数据透视表中对应的值有多个时求平均值,当没有值时用NaN表示
In [207]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['one','one','two','three']*3,'B':['A','B','C']*4,'C':['foo','foo','foo','bar','bar','bar']*...: 2,'D':np.random.randn(12),'E':np.random.randn(12)})In [208]: df
Out[208]:A  B    C         D         E
0     one  A  foo -1.658244 -1.000468
1     one  B  foo -1.268684  0.866844
2     two  C  foo  0.362601  0.881982
3   three  A  bar  0.530524 -0.856335
4     one  B  bar -0.711668 -1.042455
5     one  C  bar -0.424758 -1.493948
6     two  A  foo  1.105030  0.292543
7   three  B  foo  0.627286  0.601456
8     one  C  foo -1.357240  0.816328
9     one  A  bar  0.261102  0.173785
10    two  B  bar -0.357801  1.930272
11  three  C  bar -1.417299 -1.118276In [211]: df.pivot_table(values=['D'],index=['A','B'],columns=['C'])
C             bar       foo
A     B
one   A  0.261102 -1.658244B -0.711668 -1.268684C -0.424758 -1.357240
three A  0.530524       NaNB       NaN  0.627286C -1.417299       NaN
two   A       NaN  1.105030B -0.357801       NaNC       NaN  0.362601


In [214]: df.pivot_table(values=['E'],index=['A'],columns=['C'])
C           bar       foo
one   -0.787540  0.227568
three -0.987305  0.601456
two    1.930272  0.587263


In [216]: rng = pd.date_range('20200417',periods=600,freq='s')In [217]: rng
DatetimeIndex(['2020-04-17 00:00:00', '2020-04-17 00:00:01','2020-04-17 00:00:02', '2020-04-17 00:00:03','2020-04-17 00:00:04', '2020-04-17 00:00:05','2020-04-17 00:00:06', '2020-04-17 00:00:07','2020-04-17 00:00:08', '2020-04-17 00:00:09',...'2020-04-17 00:09:50', '2020-04-17 00:09:51','2020-04-17 00:09:52', '2020-04-17 00:09:53','2020-04-17 00:09:54', '2020-04-17 00:09:55','2020-04-17 00:09:56', '2020-04-17 00:09:57','2020-04-17 00:09:58', '2020-04-17 00:09:59'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=600, freq='S')In [218]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,500,len(rng)),index=rng)In [219]: s
2020-04-17 00:00:00    301
2020-04-17 00:00:01    173
2020-04-17 00:00:02    126
2020-04-17 00:00:03    490
2020-04-17 00:00:04    182
2020-04-17 00:00:05    260
2020-04-17 00:00:06    224
2020-04-17 00:00:07    127
2020-04-17 00:00:08     33
2020-04-17 00:00:09    154
2020-04-17 00:00:10    145
2020-04-17 00:00:11    379
2020-04-17 00:00:12     66
2020-04-17 00:00:13    116
2020-04-17 00:00:14    119
2020-04-17 00:00:15    491
2020-04-17 00:00:16     84
2020-04-17 00:00:17    239
2020-04-17 00:00:18    171
2020-04-17 00:00:19    327
2020-04-17 00:00:20    165
2020-04-17 00:00:21    448
2020-04-17 00:00:22    205
2020-04-17 00:00:23    179
2020-04-17 00:00:24    158
2020-04-17 00:00:25    383
2020-04-17 00:00:26    139
2020-04-17 00:00:27    161
2020-04-17 00:00:28    141
2020-04-17 00:00:29    156...
2020-04-17 00:09:30     76
2020-04-17 00:09:31    397
2020-04-17 00:09:32    437
2020-04-17 00:09:33    470
2020-04-17 00:09:34    433
2020-04-17 00:09:35    288
2020-04-17 00:09:36    367
2020-04-17 00:09:37    351
2020-04-17 00:09:38    407
2020-04-17 00:09:39     28
2020-04-17 00:09:40    259
2020-04-17 00:09:41    291
2020-04-17 00:09:42     42
2020-04-17 00:09:43    250
2020-04-17 00:09:44    284
2020-04-17 00:09:45     93
2020-04-17 00:09:46    356
2020-04-17 00:09:47    154
2020-04-17 00:09:48    275
2020-04-17 00:09:49     75
2020-04-17 00:09:50    369
2020-04-17 00:09:51    409
2020-04-17 00:09:52    330
2020-04-17 00:09:53    200
2020-04-17 00:09:54    158
2020-04-17 00:09:55    335
2020-04-17 00:09:56    296
2020-04-17 00:09:57    197
2020-04-17 00:09:58    399
2020-04-17 00:09:59     22
Freq: S, Length: 600, dtype: int32#重新采样
In [220]: s.resample('2Min',how='mean')
d:\Anaconda3\Scripts\ipython:1: FutureWarning: how in .resample() is deprecated
the new syntax is .resample(...).mean()
2020-04-17 00:00:00    234.408333
2020-04-17 00:02:00    239.350000
2020-04-17 00:04:00    246.108333
2020-04-17 00:06:00    267.491667
2020-04-17 00:08:00    256.266667
Freq: 2T, dtype: float64


In [221]: rng=pd.period_range('2000Q1','2016Q1',freq='Q')In [222]: rng
PeriodIndex(['2000Q1', '2000Q2', '2000Q3', '2000Q4', '2001Q1', '2001Q2','2001Q3', '2001Q4', '2002Q1', '2002Q2', '2002Q3', '2002Q4','2003Q1', '2003Q2', '2003Q3', '2003Q4', '2004Q1', '2004Q2','2004Q3', '2004Q4', '2005Q1', '2005Q2', '2005Q3', '2005Q4','2006Q1', '2006Q2', '2006Q3', '2006Q4', '2007Q1', '2007Q2','2007Q3', '2007Q4', '2008Q1', '2008Q2', '2008Q3', '2008Q4','2009Q1', '2009Q2', '2009Q3', '2009Q4', '2010Q1', '2010Q2','2010Q3', '2010Q4', '2011Q1', '2011Q2', '2011Q3', '2011Q4','2012Q1', '2012Q2', '2012Q3', '2012Q4', '2013Q1', '2013Q2','2013Q3', '2013Q4', '2014Q1', '2014Q2', '2014Q3', '2014Q4','2015Q1', '2015Q2', '2015Q3', '2015Q4', '2016Q1'],dtype='period[Q-DEC]', freq='Q-DEC')
In [223]: rng.to_timestamp()
DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01', '2000-04-01', '2000-07-01', '2000-10-01','2001-01-01', '2001-04-01', '2001-07-01', '2001-10-01','2002-01-01', '2002-04-01', '2002-07-01', '2002-10-01','2003-01-01', '2003-04-01', '2003-07-01', '2003-10-01','2004-01-01', '2004-04-01', '2004-07-01', '2004-10-01','2005-01-01', '2005-04-01', '2005-07-01', '2005-10-01','2006-01-01', '2006-04-01', '2006-07-01', '2006-10-01','2007-01-01', '2007-04-01', '2007-07-01', '2007-10-01','2008-01-01', '2008-04-01', '2008-07-01', '2008-10-01','2009-01-01', '2009-04-01', '2009-07-01', '2009-10-01','2010-01-01', '2010-04-01', '2010-07-01', '2010-10-01','2011-01-01', '2011-04-01', '2011-07-01', '2011-10-01','2012-01-01', '2012-04-01', '2012-07-01', '2012-10-01','2013-01-01', '2013-04-01', '2013-07-01', '2013-10-01','2014-01-01', '2014-04-01', '2014-07-01', '2014-10-01','2015-01-01', '2015-04-01', '2015-07-01', '2015-10-01','2016-01-01'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='QS-OCT')


In [224]: pd.Timestamp('20200417')-pd.Timestamp('20200317')
Out[224]: Timedelta('31 days 00:00:00')In [226]: pd.Timestamp('20200417')+pd.Timedelta(days=5)
Out[226]: Timestamp('2020-04-22 00:00:00')


 df = pd.DataFrame({"id":[1,2,3,4,5,6],"raw_grade":['a','b','b','a','a','d']})In [228]: df
Out[228]:id raw_grade
0   1         a
1   2         b
2   3         b
3   4         a
4   5         a
5   6         dIn [229]: df['grade']=df.raw_grade.astype('category')In [230]: df
Out[230]:id raw_grade grade
0   1         a     a
1   2         b     b
2   3         b     b
3   4         a     a
4   5         a     a
5   6         d     dIn [231]: df.grade
0    a
1    b
2    b
3    a
4    a
5    d
Name: grade, dtype: category
Categories (3, object): [a, b, d]In [232]:
Out[232]: Index(['a', 'b', 'd'], dtype='object')#重命名
In [234]:['very good','good','bad']In [235]: df
Out[235]:id raw_grade      grade
0   1         a  very good
1   2         b       good
2   3         b       good
3   4         a  very good
4   5         a  very good
5   6         d        badIn [236]: df.sort_values(by='grade',ascending=False)
Out[236]:id raw_grade      grade
5   6         d        bad
2   3         b       good
1   2         b       good
4   5         a  very good
3   4         a  very good
0   1         a  very good


In [249]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100,4),columns=list('ABCD'))In [250]: df
Out[250]:A         B         C         D
0  -0.083321 -0.658209 -0.651313  0.709735
1  -0.477651 -1.144574 -0.424812 -2.597468
2   0.287646  0.465932  0.945663 -1.010607
3   0.638164  0.413887  0.143015  0.919356
4  -0.173809  2.310479  0.453230  0.400560
5   0.946080 -0.616891 -0.240875 -0.010665
6   0.026942  1.909838  0.993354  0.545339
7   1.585801 -1.026446 -1.568373  0.625591
8  -0.163700  0.270450 -0.131551  0.060142
9   0.529707 -0.423947 -0.416857  0.756358
10  0.068693 -0.142339  0.681443  0.245802
11 -1.070199  0.100707 -1.710141 -0.194633
12 -0.245831  0.049669 -1.648418 -1.496346
13 -0.232378 -1.347531 -1.612275 -0.429955
14 -0.728380  0.937256 -1.413875  0.806011
15  0.605852 -0.378269 -0.750708  0.075920
16 -1.610980  0.870669  0.278972 -0.948627
17  2.130313 -1.653204  1.402163 -0.170074
18 -0.655884 -0.585036  0.278200 -0.888715
19 -0.549018  0.195922  0.598360 -2.693013
20 -2.155961  0.847062  0.027725  1.469359
21  0.220326  0.557393 -1.017209 -0.907464
22 -0.756740 -0.997176  1.160416 -1.400701
23 -0.140183 -0.765795  0.333937  0.412158
24 -0.219093  0.026067  0.489387 -1.576976
25 -1.786427  0.242143 -2.148370  0.394657
26  0.005408  0.634260  1.099559  0.794257
27  0.171895 -0.149267  0.839116 -0.497465
28  0.804562  0.007311  0.088189 -1.777547
29  1.370591  0.234319 -2.708779  0.942077
..       ...       ...       ...       ...
70 -0.583113  0.510314  0.777001  2.011854
71  0.077530  0.376037  0.312966  0.903666
72  1.948758 -0.757751  0.142735 -1.013880
73 -0.166173 -0.675107 -0.291241  0.634107
74  0.135204 -0.745272  0.985285 -2.196835
75 -0.215731 -0.481880  0.674186  0.056815
76  0.215328  1.222422 -1.631149 -0.999990
77  0.675607  0.666754  0.125106  0.310992
78  1.712664  1.568540  0.980551  1.275940
79  0.852778  0.947336 -0.677572  1.360434
80 -1.489507  0.110790  1.868481  0.339136
81  0.293409  1.250446  1.749058 -1.033468
82  1.082102  0.666194  1.247482 -0.644338
83 -2.916044  0.230605  0.750991  0.802369
84  1.989383  0.031088  0.390258 -0.003017
85  1.153904 -0.808503 -0.226332 -0.145706
86 -0.225708 -0.961442 -0.534315 -0.178530
87 -0.379955  1.432803  0.120019  0.422698
88  1.173942 -0.017247  0.509582 -0.063431
89 -1.491573 -0.089146  0.745232  0.674076
90  0.208917 -1.160621  1.063769 -0.082351
91  0.395819  1.232898 -0.068886  0.295321
92 -1.162220 -2.487554  3.304217 -0.017615
93 -0.513441  1.200510 -0.818692  1.625370
94  1.697458  0.278362  0.508730 -0.384557
95 -0.209887 -0.620793  0.011167  1.256941
96 -0.474955  0.223494  1.607891  1.392664
97  1.083230 -0.498918 -0.153474 -1.029604
98 -1.514452  0.741072 -0.924284  0.522594
99  0.159945 -0.077083 -0.655568  1.216421[100 rows x 4 columns]In [253]: df.to_csv('data.csv')In [257]: pd.read_csv('data.csv',index_col=0)
Out[257]:A         B         C         D
0  -0.083321 -0.658209 -0.651313  0.709735
1  -0.477651 -1.144574 -0.424812 -2.597468
2   0.287646  0.465932  0.945663 -1.010607
3   0.638164  0.413887  0.143015  0.919356
4  -0.173809  2.310479  0.453230  0.400560
5   0.946080 -0.616891 -0.240875 -0.010665
6   0.026942  1.909838  0.993354  0.545339
7   1.585801 -1.026446 -1.568373  0.625591
8  -0.163700  0.270450 -0.131551  0.060142
9   0.529707 -0.423947 -0.416857  0.756358
10  0.068693 -0.142339  0.681443  0.245802
11 -1.070199  0.100707 -1.710141 -0.194633
12 -0.245831  0.049669 -1.648418 -1.496346
13 -0.232378 -1.347531 -1.612275 -0.429955
14 -0.728380  0.937256 -1.413875  0.806011
15  0.605852 -0.378269 -0.750708  0.075920
16 -1.610980  0.870669  0.278972 -0.948627
17  2.130313 -1.653204  1.402163 -0.170074
18 -0.655884 -0.585036  0.278200 -0.888715
19 -0.549018  0.195922  0.598360 -2.693013
20 -2.155961  0.847062  0.027725  1.469359
21  0.220326  0.557393 -1.017209 -0.907464
22 -0.756740 -0.997176  1.160416 -1.400701
23 -0.140183 -0.765795  0.333937  0.412158
24 -0.219093  0.026067  0.489387 -1.576976
25 -1.786427  0.242143 -2.148370  0.394657
26  0.005408  0.634260  1.099559  0.794257
27  0.171895 -0.149267  0.839116 -0.497465
28  0.804562  0.007311  0.088189 -1.777547
29  1.370591  0.234319 -2.708779  0.942077
..       ...       ...       ...       ...
70 -0.583113  0.510314  0.777001  2.011854
71  0.077530  0.376037  0.312966  0.903666
72  1.948758 -0.757751  0.142735 -1.013880
73 -0.166173 -0.675107 -0.291241  0.634107
74  0.135204 -0.745272  0.985285 -2.196835
75 -0.215731 -0.481880  0.674186  0.056815
76  0.215328  1.222422 -1.631149 -0.999990
77  0.675607  0.666754  0.125106  0.310992
78  1.712664  1.568540  0.980551  1.275940
79  0.852778  0.947336 -0.677572  1.360434
80 -1.489507  0.110790  1.868481  0.339136
81  0.293409  1.250446  1.749058 -1.033468
82  1.082102  0.666194  1.247482 -0.644338
83 -2.916044  0.230605  0.750991  0.802369
84  1.989383  0.031088  0.390258 -0.003017
85  1.153904 -0.808503 -0.226332 -0.145706
86 -0.225708 -0.961442 -0.534315 -0.178530
87 -0.379955  1.432803  0.120019  0.422698
88  1.173942 -0.017247  0.509582 -0.063431
89 -1.491573 -0.089146  0.745232  0.674076
90  0.208917 -1.160621  1.063769 -0.082351
91  0.395819  1.232898 -0.068886  0.295321
92 -1.162220 -2.487554  3.304217 -0.017615
93 -0.513441  1.200510 -0.818692  1.625370
94  1.697458  0.278362  0.508730 -0.384557
95 -0.209887 -0.620793  0.011167  1.256941
96 -0.474955  0.223494  1.607891  1.392664
97  1.083230 -0.498918 -0.153474 -1.029604
98 -1.514452  0.741072 -0.924284  0.522594
99  0.159945 -0.077083 -0.655568  1.216421[100 rows x 4 columns]



In [338]: s = pd.Series([1,3,5,6,8],index=list('acefh'))In [339]: s
a    1
c    3
e    5
f    6
h    8
dtype: int64In [340]: s.index
Out[340]: Index(['a', 'c', 'e', 'f', 'h'], dtype='object')In [341]: s.reindex(list('abcdefgh'))
a    1.0
b    NaN
c    3.0
d    NaN
e    5.0
f    6.0
g    NaN
h    8.0
dtype: float64


In [342]: s.reindex(list('abcdefgh'),fill_value=0)
a    1
b    0
c    3
d    0
e    5
f    6
g    0
h    8
dtype: int64


In [343]: s.reindex(list('abcdefgh'),method='ffill')
a    1
b    1
c    3
d    3
e    5
f    6
g    6
h    8
dtype: int64


# 对行进行索引
In [347]: df.reindex(index=list('ABCDEFGH'),fill_value=0)
Out[347]:one       two     three      four      five       six
A -0.031925 -0.547648 -1.445043 -1.674583  0.897179 -0.091507
B  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
C  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
D  2.360810  1.156675  0.379871 -0.686860  1.723596  0.614264
E  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
F -1.982705  0.738971 -0.769946  0.994929 -0.741597  0.149975
G  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
H -1.868423 -0.684187 -0.479999 -0.768320  0.530670 -2.508482
# 对列进行索引(method设置默认值只对行有效,对列无效)
In [349]: df.reindex(columns=['one','two','three','seven'],fill_value=0)
Out[349]:one       two     three  seven
A -0.031925 -0.547648 -1.445043      0
D  2.360810  1.156675  0.379871      0
F -1.982705  0.738971 -0.769946      0
H -1.868423 -0.684187 -0.479999      0


In [351]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(4,3),index=['one','two','three','four'],columns=list('ABC'))In [352]: df
Out[352]:A   B   C
one    0   1   2
two    3   4   5
three  6   7   8
four   9  10  11In [353]: df.apply(lambda x:x.max()-x.min())
A    9
B    9
C    9
dtype: int64In [354]: df.apply(lambda x:x.max()-x.min(),axis=1)
one      2
two      2
three    2
four     2
dtype: int64In [355]: def min_max(x):...:     return pd.Series([x.min(),x.max()],index=['min','max'])In [357]: df.apply(min_max,axis=1)
Out[357]:min  max
one      0    2
two      3    5
three    6    8
four     9   11


In [362]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,3),index=['one','two','three','four'],columns=list('ABC'))In [363]: df
Out[363]:A         B         C
one   -1.165380  0.992127 -0.577970
two   -0.250636  0.337495  1.385477
three -1.471206 -0.631274 -1.700984
four  -1.570891  0.623608  2.603508In [364]: formater = lambda x : '%.03f' %xIn [365]: df.applymap(formater)
Out[365]:A       B       C
one    -1.165   0.992  -0.578
two    -0.251   0.337   1.385
three  -1.471  -0.631  -1.701
four   -1.571   0.624   2.604#或
In [366]: formater = '{0:.03f}'.formatIn [367]: df.applymap(formater)
Out[367]:A       B       C
one    -1.165   0.992  -0.578
two    -0.251   0.337   1.385
three  -1.471  -0.631  -1.701
four   -1.571   0.624   2.604


In [370]: s.rank()
0    2.0
1    4.5
2    1.0
3    4.5
4    3.0
dtype: float64In [371]: s.rank(method='first')
0    2.0
1    4.0
2    1.0
3    5.0
4    3.0
dtype: float64


In [372]: s = pd.Series(list('abcdabcddbc'))In [373]: s
0     a
1     b
2     c
3     d
4     a
5     b
6     c
7     d
8     d
9     b
10    c
dtype: objectIn [374]: s.value_counts()
d    3
c    3
b    3
a    2
dtype: int64In [375]: s.unique()
Out[375]: array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype=object)In [377]: s.isin(['a','b','d'])
0      True
1      True
2     False
3      True
4      True
5      True
6     False
7      True
8      True
9      True
10    False
dtype: boolIn [378]: s.isin(s.unique())
0     True
1     True
2     True
3     True
4     True
5     True
6     True
7     True
8     True
9     True
10    True
dtype: bool


  1. Pandas 操作 csv 文件

    Pandas 操作 csv 文件 官方英文文档 官方文档PDF下载 中文文档 一.安装 Pandas 安装 Pandas: pip3 install pandas 导入 Pandas: import ...

  2. python 数据分析工具之 numpy pandas matplotlib

    作为一个网络技术人员,机器学习是一种很有必要学习的技术,在这个数据爆炸的时代更是如此. python做数据分析,最常用以下几个库 numpy pandas matplotlib 一.Numpy库 为了 ...

  3. 使用Matplotlib Numpy Pandas构想泰坦尼克号高潮

    Did you know, a novel predicted the Titanic sinking 14 years previously to the actual disaster??? 您知 ...

  4. pandas filter_数据分析之Pandas操作(2)

    接着数据分析之Pandas操作(1)的介绍,本次介绍在实际应用场景中几个常用的函数.还是以titanic生存数据为例,本次需要导入pandas .numpy .scipy三个工具包. import p ...

  5. Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib

    一 . numpy -- 数据分析:就是把一些看似杂乱无章的数据信息提炼出来,总结出所研究的内在规律 -- 数据分析三剑客:Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib -- Numpy(Numer ...

  6. python文件和数据格式化思维导图,思维导图:Numpy+Pandas

    思维导图:Numpy+Pandas 附:文本结构 Numpy+Pandas Numpy 基于矩阵运算的模块 数组转矩阵 A = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,4]]) 矩阵属性 ndi ...

  7. Python数据分析(全) #超长预警 #思维导图 #matplotlib #numpy #pandas

    数据分析 一.基础概念及环境 1. 数据分析概念 2. anaconda 2.3 安装 2.2 基本操作 二.matplotlib 1. 简介 2. 基本要点 3. 使用方法 3.1 最简单形式 3. ...

  8. 【详解】机器学习库-Matplotlib+Numpy+Pandas

    目录 机器学习库-Matplotlib+Numpy+Pandas 1 Matplotlib基本使用 1.2 用途 1.3 操作指南 1.4 常见图形绘制 1.5 代码实现 2 Numpy基本使用 2. ...

  9. 安装命令:pip install xlrd ,pandas操作Excel学习笔记__7000

    pandas操作Excel学习笔记_loc和iloc_7000 pandas操作Excel学习笔记__7000 1.安装环境:pandas需要处理Excel的模块xlrd,所以需要提前安装xlrd.不 ...


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