

《PostgreSQL B+树索引—查询》

《PostgreSQL B+树索引—插入》



  • 分裂引起的并发控制问题。
  • 如何保证分裂的原子性,即分列时如果发生系统崩溃,如何恢复索引。






  • 当前B+树只有一个叶子节点block1,所以block1自然也就是根节点。
  • 由于block1没有右兄弟,所以block1是一个right_most节点,而right_most节点没有high key(因为high key应该是无穷大)。
  • 此时,block1已经装满了,所以如果再插入一个元素就会发生分裂。


  • 确定分裂点

  • 迁移


  • 串链


  • 写父节点

    将新节点的min key和blockno作为index tuple插入父节点。

  • 修改根节点




分裂点通常位于节点的中间,这样可以使分裂后节点的空间更加均衡。block1中有5个元素,所以我们选择5/2 = 2为分裂点(数组从0开始计数),即将3和3之后的元素移动到新节点。如图2所示:





迁移之后,block2将作为block1的右兄弟,所以block2现在是最右节点,所以block2没有high key,但block1此时已经不是最右节点了,所以block1需要high key。block1的high key应该与block2的min key相等,所以block1的high key为3。如图4所示:






完成上述流程之后,最后一个步骤就是将新节点的min key节点编号作为index tuple写入父节点。如图6所示:



  • 由于block1的原本是根节点,没有父节点,所以需要分配一个父节点block3。

  • block3没有右兄弟,所以block3也是一个right_most节点,没有high key。

  • block3是一个非叶子节点(也称内部节点),block3也没有左兄弟,所以block3也是一个left_most节点,对于这样的节点,也不应该有最小值,因为最小值应该是无穷小,所以block3的第一个index tuple用null表示。在PostgreSQL的源代码中,也有相应的注释:

    /** Create downlink item for left page (old root).  Since this will be the* first item in a non-leaf page, it implicitly has minus-infinity key* value, so we need not store any actual key in it.*/

    block3的第二个元素为block2的最小值,其实也就是block1的high key,即3。






  1. 关于high key

    节点的high key与其右兄弟的min key相等,这样如果待插入的index tuple与节点high key相等,那么这个index tuple既可以插入当前节点,也可以插入当前节点的右兄弟。这一点,我们在《B+树索引—插入》中已经见过了。

  2. 关于非叶子节点的index tuple

    非叶子节点的index tuple为下级节点的最小值。这一点比较有意思,在一些文献书籍中也提到过另外一种做法,把下级节点的high key作为非叶子节点的index tuple。而这样的方式存在一个问题,我们以图7为例。假设我们将high key作为非叶子节点的index tuple,那么对于block2来说,对应的index tuple就应该是<5,block2>。当block2发生分裂,由于是向右分裂,所以block2的high key会发生变化。那么相应的index tuple就需要修改。所以如果我们将high key作为非叶子节点的index tuple,那么当节点发生分裂后,我们不光需要将<high key, new blockno>插入父节点,还需要修改<high key, orign blockno>的high key。但是,如果我们将<min key, blockno>作为index tuple,节点的min key不会因为分裂而发生变化,所以分裂时只需要插入<high key, new blockno>。别小看这个优化,少一个步骤,意味着少一条XLOG,少一个需要维护的数据,少一个可能发生错误的因素。



if (PageGetFreeSpace(page) < itemsz)
{bool       is_root = P_ISROOT(lpageop);bool       is_only = P_LEFTMOST(lpageop) && P_RIGHTMOST(lpageop);bool     newitemonleft;Buffer        rbuf;/* Choose the split point * step1:获取分裂点*/firstright = _bt_findsplitloc(rel, page,newitemoff, itemsz,&newitemonleft);/* split the buffer into left and right halves * step2:分裂*/rbuf = _bt_split(rel, buf, cbuf, firstright,newitemoff, itemsz, itup, newitemonleft);PredicateLockPageSplit(rel,BufferGetBlockNumber(buf),BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuf));/*step3:写父节点*/_bt_insert_parent(rel, buf, rbuf, stack, is_root, is_only);


  • step1:获取分裂点

  • step2:分裂


  • step3:写父节点





  • 从哪里开始分裂?

  • 待插入的index tuple应该插入到分裂后的左节点还是右节点?


  • 通常情况下,分裂后的左右两个节点空闲空间尽量均衡。

    在前面的实例中,图1~图7,我们都假设index tuple是一个定长的值,所以block就是一个index tuple的数组,那么我们只需要简单的将数组中间作为分裂点就好了。而实际情况是,index tuple可能是变长的,因为可能包含字符串,所以找分裂点的事就没有那么简单了。

  • 如果插入的节点是right most节点,则尽可能多的将空闲空间留给新节点。


  • 不论怎样分裂,都必须保证分裂后的节点有足够的空间插入新的index tuple。



如何做到分裂后两个节点尽量均衡,且保证节点有足够空间插入新的index tuple?这个算法可谓是简单粗暴,核心思想就是试一试!怎么试?




  • PostgreSQL通常不会穷举节点中的所有元素,这样开销比较大,PostgreSQL在找到一个good-enough的分裂点后就会停止。而所谓good-enough是指左右页面的空闲空间相差小于页面大小的1/16。相关的代码和注释如下所示:

    /** Finding the best possible split would require checking all the possible* split points, because of the high-key and left-key special cases.* That's probably more work than it's worth; instead, stop as soon as we* find a "good-enough" split, where good-enough is defined as an* imbalance in free space of no more than pagesize/16 (arbitrary...) This* should let us stop near the middle on most pages, instead of plowing to* the end.*/
    goodenough = leftspace / 16;
  • 前面提到过,right-most的节点分裂需要尽可能保证右节点有更多的空闲空间,这一点是由一个叫做fillfactor来控制的。fillfactor有下面三种可能

    #define BTREE_MIN_FILLFACTOR     10  //页面中至少要有10%的数据
    #define BTREE_NONLEAF_FILLFACTOR    70  //非叶子节点的默认FILLFACTOR
  • 现在我们要向图8中插入10(记为new 10),假设分裂点也是10(记为old 10),那么new 10既可以插入block1也可以插入block2。所以需要先假设new 10插入block1,再假设new 10插入block2,比较两种方式哪种好。




typedef struct
{/* context data for _bt_checksplitloc */Size           newitemsz;          /* size of new item to be inserted */int                fillfactor;         /* needed when splitting rightmost page */bool          is_leaf;            /* T if splitting a leaf page */bool            is_rightmost;       /* T if splitting a rightmost page */OffsetNumber   newitemoff;         /* where the new item is to be inserted */int               leftspace;          /* space available for items on left page */int             rightspace;         /* space available for items on right page */int                olddataitemstotal;  /* space taken by old items */bool          have_split;         /* found a valid split? *//* these fields valid only if have_split is true */bool           newitemonleft;      /* new item on left or right of best split */OffsetNumber   firstright;         /* best split point */int               best_delta;         /* best size delta so far */
} FindSplitData;


  • newitemsz

    待插入的index tuple的大小。

  • fillfactor


  • is_leaf


  • is_rightmost


  • newitemoff

    index tuple的插入位置,这个是在定位阶段就决定的。

  • leftspace


  • rightspace


  • olddataitemstotal

    分裂前节点中数据的总大小(不包括待插入的index tuple的大小)。这里需要注意一下olddataitemstotal与leftspace、rightspace的区别。olddataitemstotal是指数据的大小,leftspace、rightspace的是指空闲空间的大小。

  • have_split


    /** I believe it is not possible to fail to find a feasible split, but just* in case ...*/
    if (!state.have_split)elog(ERROR, "could not find a feasible split point for index \"%s\"",RelationGetRelationName(rel));
  • newitemonleft

    待插入的index tuple会插入到左边节点还是右边节点。如果分裂点的index tuple与待插入的index tuple相等,那么这个index tuple既可以插入左节点又可以插入右节点,所以需要这个成员来标识index tuple到底插入到哪个节点。

  • firstright


  • best_delta

    左右节点空间差的绝对值,如果是非righ-most节点分裂,这个值就那等于abs(leftspace - rightspace),分裂的原则就是让这个值尽可能的小。


static OffsetNumber
_bt_findsplitloc(Relation rel,Page page,OffsetNumber newitemoff,Size newitemsz,bool *newitemonleft);


  • rel


  • page


  • newitemoff

    待插入的index tuple的插入位置。

  • newitemsz

    待插入的index tuple的大小。

  • newitemonleft

    待插入的index tuple是否插入左节点,这是一个出参。




static OffsetNumber
_bt_findsplitloc(Relation rel,Page page,OffsetNumber newitemoff,Size newitemsz,bool *newitemonleft)
{BTPageOpaque opaque;OffsetNumber offnum;OffsetNumber maxoff;ItemId     itemid;FindSplitData state;int          leftspace,rightspace,goodenough,olddataitemstotal,olddataitemstoleft;bool       goodenoughfound;opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);/*初始化state,省略*//** Scan through the data items and calculate space usage for a split at* each possible position.* 遍历待分裂节点的所有item,将每个item都作为分裂点,* 计算以此节点分裂后,左节点和右节点的空间比例,从而找到最优分裂点。*/olddataitemstoleft = 0;goodenoughfound = false;maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);for (offnum = P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque);offnum <= maxoff;offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum)){Size     itemsz;itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);itemsz = MAXALIGN(ItemIdGetLength(itemid)) + sizeof(ItemIdData);/** Will the new item go to left or right of split?*//* offnum > newitemoff,表示new item将插入左节点 */if (offnum > newitemoff)_bt_checksplitloc(&state, offnum, true,olddataitemstoleft, itemsz);/* offnum < newitemoff,表示new item将插入右节点 */else if (offnum < newitemoff)_bt_checksplitloc(&state, offnum, false,olddataitemstoleft, itemsz);else{/* need to try it both ways! * offnum == newitemoff,不确定new item应该插入哪个节点,所以两边都是要试一试*/_bt_checksplitloc(&state, offnum, true,olddataitemstoleft, itemsz);_bt_checksplitloc(&state, offnum, false,olddataitemstoleft, itemsz);}/* Abort scan once we find a good-enough choice */if (state.have_split && state.best_delta <= goodenough){goodenoughfound = true;break;}olddataitemstoleft += itemsz;}/** If the new item goes as the last item, check for splitting so that all* the old items go to the left page and the new item goes to the right* page.* * 如果newitemoff > maxoff,表示new item将插入到节点最后。* 在这种情况下,如果没有找到一个goodenoughfound的分裂点,则试试将所有原始数据留在左节点,* 只将new item插入右节点。*/if (newitemoff > maxoff && !goodenoughfound)_bt_checksplitloc(&state, newitemoff, false, olddataitemstotal, 0);/** I believe it is not possible to fail to find a feasible split, but just* in case ...*/if (!state.have_split)elog(ERROR, "could not find a feasible split point for index \"%s\"",RelationGetRelationName(rel));*newitemonleft = state.newitemonleft;return state.firstright;


static void
_bt_checksplitloc(FindSplitData *state,OffsetNumber firstoldonright,bool newitemonleft,int olddataitemstoleft,Size firstoldonrightsz);


  • state


  • firstoldonright


  • newitemonleft

    待插入的index tuple应该插入左节点还是右节点,这是一个出参。

  • olddataitemstoleft


  • firstoldonrightsz





static void
_bt_checksplitloc(FindSplitData *state,OffsetNumber firstoldonright,bool newitemonleft,int olddataitemstoleft,Size firstoldonrightsz)
{int            leftfree,rightfree;Size     firstrightitemsz;bool       newitemisfirstonright;/* Is the new item going to be the first item on the right page? */newitemisfirstonright = (firstoldonright == state->newitemoff&& !newitemonleft);if (newitemisfirstonright)firstrightitemsz = state->newitemsz;elsefirstrightitemsz = firstoldonrightsz;/* Account for all the old tuples */leftfree = state->leftspace - olddataitemstoleft;rightfree = state->rightspace -(state->olddataitemstotal - olddataitemstoleft);/** The first item on the right page becomes the high key of the left page;* therefore it counts against left space as well as right space.*/leftfree -= firstrightitemsz;/* account for the new item */if (newitemonleft)leftfree -= (int) state->newitemsz;elserightfree -= (int) state->newitemsz;/** If we are not on the leaf level, we will be able to discard the key* data from the first item that winds up on the right page.*/if (!state->is_leaf)rightfree += (int) firstrightitemsz -(int) (MAXALIGN(sizeof(IndexTupleData)) + sizeof(ItemIdData));/** If feasible split point, remember best delta.* 要点1*/if (leftfree >= 0 && rightfree >= 0){int           delta;if (state->is_rightmost){/** If splitting a rightmost page, try to put (100-fillfactor)% of* free space on left page. See comments for _bt_findsplitloc.* 要点3*/delta = (state->fillfactor * leftfree)- ((100 - state->fillfactor) * rightfree);}else{/* Otherwise, aim for equal free space on both sides */delta = leftfree - rightfree;}if (delta < 0)delta = -delta;/*要点2*/if (!state->have_split || delta < state->best_delta){state->have_split = true;state->newitemonleft = newitemonleft;state->firstright = firstoldonright;state->best_delta = delta;}}


  • 要点1:line49

    该函数会计算分裂后左右节点的空闲空间大小,分别记为leftfree和rightfree。这个空闲空间是除去了new item之后的空闲空间。所以leftfree或rightfree如果有一个<0,就表示这种分裂方案会导致分裂后的节点无法容纳new item。那么这就不是一个可行的方案,只有当leftfree、rightfree都>0时,才是一个可行方案,才会计算leftfree和rightfree的差值,从而得到最优分裂点。

  • 要点2:line74


  • 要点3:line62




  • 分裂的主体流程


    • 分配一个新的页面rightpage作为分裂后的右节点。
    • 分配一个临时页面leftpage用于临时存放左节点中的数据。
    • 遍历原始节点origpage,依据分裂点,将origpage中的item分别迁移到leftpage和rightpage中。



  • 迁移与拷贝


  • 关于XLOG


/**  _bt_split() -- split a page in the btree.*  用于分裂btree中的一个页面**       On entry, buf is the page to split, and is pinned and write-locked.*        firstright is the item index of the first item to be moved to the*      new right page.  newitemoff etc. tell us about the new item that*       must be inserted along with the data from the old page.*        buffer是待分裂的页面,该页面已经加pin和wirte-lock*      firstright是第一个需要被迁移到new right page(分裂产生的新的页面)的item的下标。      *     newitemoff等参数用于描述查询的new item,这个item需要与old page中的数据一同插入***        When splitting a non-leaf page, 'cbuf' is the left-sibling of the*        page we're inserting the downlink for.  This function will clear the*      INCOMPLETE_SPLIT flag on it, and release the buffer.*      还没搞懂***      Returns the new right sibling of buf, pinned and write-locked.*     The pin and lock on buf are maintained.*        返回buf的右兄弟,也就是分裂产生的新页面,对该页面加pin和wirte-lock*        buf上的pin和lock依然保留*      */
static Buffer
_bt_split(Relation rel, Buffer buf, Buffer cbuf, OffsetNumber firstright,OffsetNumber newitemoff, Size newitemsz, IndexTuple newitem,bool newitemonleft)
{Buffer     rbuf;Page       origpage;Page       leftpage,rightpage;BlockNumber origpagenumber,rightpagenumber;BTPageOpaque ropaque,lopaque,oopaque;Buffer       sbuf = InvalidBuffer;Page      spage = NULL;BTPageOpaque sopaque = NULL;Size     itemsz;ItemId       itemid;IndexTuple   item;OffsetNumber leftoff,rightoff;OffsetNumber maxoff;OffsetNumber i;bool      isroot;bool     isleaf;/* * Acquire a new page to split into * 分配一个新的页面,用于存放分裂的数据,该函数会对新的页面加pin和lock*/rbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, P_NEW, BT_WRITE);/** origpage is the original page to be split.  leftpage is a temporary* buffer that receives the left-sibling data, which will be copied back* into origpage on success.  rightpage is the new page that receives the* right-sibling data.  If we fail before reaching the critical section,* origpage hasn't been modified and leftpage is only workspace. In* principle we shouldn't need to worry about rightpage either, because it* hasn't been linked into the btree page structure; but to avoid leaving* possibly-confusing junk behind, we are careful to rewrite rightpage as* zeroes before throwing any error.* * origpage是待分裂的原始页面,leftpage是一个临时buffer用于存放origpage页面分裂后的数据,* 分裂成功后会被copy回origpage页面。rightpage是新分配的页面,用于存放分裂后右兄弟的数据。* 如果我们在critical出错了,那么origpage中的数据并没有修改,leftpage也只是临时内存中,* 在这种规则下,我们也不需要担心rightpage,因为它也还没有并被链接到btree中,* 但是为了避免留下可能造成混淆的垃圾数据,我们会在抛出任何错误之前将rightpage重写为零。* * 其实这段话的意思就是在critical之前,分裂并没有真正发生,我们也无需做什么特殊处理。*/origpage     = BufferGetPage(buf);leftpage  = PageGetTempPage(origpage);rightpage  = BufferGetPage(rbuf);origpagenumber   = BufferGetBlockNumber(buf);rightpagenumber = BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuf);_bt_pageinit(leftpage, BufferGetPageSize(buf));/* * rightpage was already initialized by _bt_getbuf * leftpage由于是一个临时页,所以需要在这里进行初始化,* rightpage已经在_bt_pageinit中进行了初始化*//** Copy the original page's LSN into leftpage, which will become the* updated version of the page.  We need this because XLogInsert will* examine the LSN and possibly dump it in a page image.* 初始化后,需要将origpage的lsn写入leftpage,* 因为后面XLogInsert时需要依据pd_lsn判断是否将page image写入xlog(应对partial write)*/PageSetLSN(leftpage, PageGetLSN(origpage));/* * init btree private data * BTPageOpaque中主要记录的一个节点的左右孩子,用于在B+树种形成链*/oopaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(origpage);lopaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(leftpage);ropaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(rightpage);isroot = P_ISROOT(oopaque);isleaf = P_ISLEAF(oopaque);/* * if we're splitting this page, it won't be the root when we're done * 如果我们要分裂一个页面,那么分裂之后,他就不是一个根节点了(分裂之前可能是根节点)* also, clear the SPLIT_END and HAS_GARBAGE flags in both pages* 同理,需要清理待分裂页面的BTP_SPLIT_END(最右页)标志和BTP_HAS_GARBAGE标志(LP_DEAD列)*/lopaque->btpo_flags = oopaque->btpo_flags;lopaque->btpo_flags &= ~(BTP_ROOT | BTP_SPLIT_END | BTP_HAS_GARBAGE);ropaque->btpo_flags = lopaque->btpo_flags;/* set flag in left page indicating that the right page has no downlink */lopaque->btpo_flags |= BTP_INCOMPLETE_SPLIT;lopaque->btpo_prev   = oopaque->btpo_prev;lopaque->btpo_next  = rightpagenumber;ropaque->btpo_prev    = origpagenumber;/*注意:leftpage是临时的,所以要用origpagenumber*/ropaque->btpo_next     = oopaque->btpo_next;lopaque->btpo.level = ropaque->btpo.level = oopaque->btpo.level;/* Since we already have write-lock on both pages, ok to read cycleid */lopaque->btpo_cycleid = _bt_vacuum_cycleid(rel);ropaque->btpo_cycleid = lopaque->btpo_cycleid;/** 功能:获取右节点的最大值* * If the page we're splitting is not the rightmost page at its level in* the tree, then the first entry on the page is the high key for the* page.  We need to copy that to the right half.  Otherwise (meaning the* rightmost page case), all the items on the right half will be user* data.* 如果origpage不是当前层的最右节点, 那么分裂产生的rightpage也不可能是当前层的最右节点。* * 如果rightpage不是当前层的最右节点,那么P_HIKEY就应该存放rightpage的最大值,* 而rightpage中第一个真正的key就应该存放在P_HIKEY+1的位置上。* 在这种情况下,很显然rightpage应该继承origpage的最大值,* 所以需要将origpage的最大值拷贝到rightpage。* * 如果rightpage是当前层的最右节点,那么P_HIKEY就应该存放一个真正的key,* 而不用考虑最大值的情况。*/rightoff = P_HIKEY;if (!P_RIGHTMOST(oopaque)){//不是最右节点itemid    = PageGetItemId(origpage, P_HIKEY);itemsz  = ItemIdGetLength(itemid);item     = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(origpage, itemid);if (PageAddItem(rightpage, (Item) item, itemsz, rightoff,false, false) == InvalidOffsetNumber){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "failed to add hikey to the right sibling"" while splitting block %u of index \"%s\"",origpagenumber, RelationGetRelationName(rel));}rightoff = OffsetNumberNext(rightoff);}/** 功能:获取左节点的最大值** The "high key" for the new left page will be the first key that's going* to go into the new right page.  This might be either the existing data* item at position firstright, or the incoming tuple.* 对于分裂后的origpage也就是当前的leftpage,其最大值应该等于rightpage的最小值* 显然rightpage的最小值就是:first key that's going to go into the new right page* 这个值可能是新插入的值,也可能是分裂处(firstright)的值。*/leftoff = P_HIKEY;if (!newitemonleft && newitemoff == firstright){/* incoming tuple will become first on right page */itemsz  = newitemsz;item   = newitem;}else{/* existing item at firstright will become first on right page */itemid = PageGetItemId(origpage, firstright);itemsz = ItemIdGetLength(itemid);item   = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(origpage, itemid);}if (PageAddItem(leftpage, (Item) item, itemsz, leftoff,false, false) == InvalidOffsetNumber){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "failed to add hikey to the left sibling"" while splitting block %u of index \"%s\"",origpagenumber, RelationGetRelationName(rel));}leftoff = OffsetNumberNext(leftoff);/** Now transfer all the data items to the appropriate page.** Note: we *must* insert at least the right page's items in item-number* order, for the benefit of _bt_restore_page().* 下面是真正的分裂流程,遍历oopaque中的所有item,根据情况将他们插入leftpage或rightpage***/maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(origpage);for (i = P_FIRSTDATAKEY(oopaque); i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)){itemid     = PageGetItemId(origpage, i);itemsz    = ItemIdGetLength(itemid);item     = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(origpage, itemid);/* does new item belong before this one? */if (i == newitemoff){if (newitemonleft){if (!_bt_pgaddtup(leftpage, newitemsz, newitem, leftoff)){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "failed to add new item to the left sibling"" while splitting block %u of index \"%s\"",origpagenumber, RelationGetRelationName(rel));}leftoff = OffsetNumberNext(leftoff);}else{if (!_bt_pgaddtup(rightpage, newitemsz, newitem, rightoff)){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "failed to add new item to the right sibling"" while splitting block %u of index \"%s\"",origpagenumber, RelationGetRelationName(rel));}rightoff = OffsetNumberNext(rightoff);}}/** 注意,上面代码有一个非常精妙的地方,* 首先在分裂之前并没有对newitem做插入操作,所以newitem并不属于任何一个节点* 但是这里通过newitemoff表示了,如果有足够的空间newitem应该插入到origpage中的什么位置* 所以当i == newitemoff时,我们就知道我们应该“迁移”newitem了。** 注意,newitem“迁移”完成后,并没有continue,也不能有continue,* 因为我们还要迁移原本就位于origpage中i处的item。**//* decide which page to put it on */if (i < firstright){if (!_bt_pgaddtup(leftpage, itemsz, item, leftoff)){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "failed to add old item to the left sibling"" while splitting block %u of index \"%s\"",origpagenumber, RelationGetRelationName(rel));}leftoff = OffsetNumberNext(leftoff);}else{if (!_bt_pgaddtup(rightpage, itemsz, item, rightoff)){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "failed to add old item to the right sibling"" while splitting block %u of index \"%s\"",origpagenumber, RelationGetRelationName(rel));}rightoff = OffsetNumberNext(rightoff);}}/* cope with possibility that newitem goes at the end */if (i <= newitemoff){/** Can't have newitemonleft here; that would imply we were told to put* *everything* on the left page, which cannot fit (if it could, we'd* not be splitting the page).** 如果newitem比origpage中的所有item都要大,那么就会出现这种情况。* 显然,在这种情况下,newitem应该插入到rightpage的最右边。** 上面那个英文注释的意思是,此时不应该有newitemonleft的存在,* 因为newitem不可能插入leftpage,如果有这种可能,那就不需要分裂了。*/Assert(!newitemonleft);if (!_bt_pgaddtup(rightpage, newitemsz, newitem, rightoff)){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "failed to add new item to the right sibling"" while splitting block %u of index \"%s\"",origpagenumber, RelationGetRelationName(rel));}rightoff = OffsetNumberNext(rightoff);}/** We have to grab the right sibling (if any) and fix the prev pointer* there. We are guaranteed that this is deadlock-free since no other* writer will be holding a lock on that page and trying to move left, and* all readers release locks on a page before trying to fetch its* neighbors.** 现在需要对oopaque的右节点上锁,* 注意我们现在已经持有oopaque的锁,然后要锁定oopaque的右节点。那么这里就可能会出现死锁。* 死锁的原因如下: 为了提高并发性,postgresql在分裂的时候不会锁定整个索引,* 所以其他进程可以对索引进行查询。那么如果在分裂的时候有如下SQL语句:* select * from table where id < 10000 order by id desc;* 由于这是一个要求id降序排列的SQL,所以显然索引会定位到值为10000的item,然后前向遍历。* 对于节点内的item进行遍历肯定要锁定该页面,一个页面遍历完后,* 就会“切换”到当前页面的leftpage,然后锁定leftpage继续遍历。* 注意,如果我们的“切换”流程是先锁定leftpage,再解锁当前节点,那么就可能和分裂流程发生死锁。* 所以切换流程必须是:all readers release locks on a page before trying to fetch its* neighbors,即先解锁当前节点再锁定邻居。** 如果不这么做,即便没有分裂也可能死锁。比如:两个进行分别执行如下两条语句:* select * from table where id < 10000 order by id desc;* select * from table where id < 10000 order by id asc;*/if (!P_RIGHTMOST(oopaque)){sbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, oopaque->btpo_next, BT_WRITE);spage = BufferGetPage(sbuf);sopaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(spage);if (sopaque->btpo_prev != origpagenumber){memset(rightpage, 0, BufferGetPageSize(rbuf));elog(ERROR, "right sibling's left-link doesn't match: ""block %u links to %u instead of expected %u in index \"%s\"",oopaque->btpo_next, sopaque->btpo_prev, origpagenumber,RelationGetRelationName(rel));}/** Check to see if we can set the SPLIT_END flag in the right-hand* split page; this can save some I/O for vacuum since it need not* proceed to the right sibling.  We can set the flag if the right* sibling has a different cycleid: that means it could not be part of* a group of pages that were all split off from the same ancestor* page.  If you're confused, imagine that page A splits to A B and* then again, yielding A C B, while vacuum is in progress.  Tuples* originally in A could now be in either B or C, hence vacuum must* examine both pages.  But if D, our right sibling, has a different* cycleid then it could not contain any tuples that were in A when* the vacuum started.** 这个好像是优化vacuum的,所以没太看懂,先放一放*/if (sopaque->btpo_cycleid != ropaque->btpo_cycleid)ropaque->btpo_flags |= BTP_SPLIT_END;}/** Right sibling is locked, new siblings are prepared, but original page* is not updated yet.** NO EREPORT(ERROR) till right sibling is updated.  We can get away with* not starting the critical section till here because we haven't been* scribbling on the original page yet; see comments above.*/START_CRIT_SECTION();/** 功能:将leftpage拷贝回origpage,拷贝完成后会释放leftpage* * By here, the original data page has been split into two new halves, and* these are correct.  The algorithm requires that the left page never* move during a split, so we copy the new left page back on top of the* original.  Note that this is not a waste of time, since we also require* (in the page management code) that the center of a page always be* clean, and the most efficient way to guarantee this is just to compact* the data by reinserting it into a new left page.  (XXX the latter* comment is probably obsolete; but in any case it's good to not scribble* on the original page until we enter the critical section.)** 至此,原始的数据页面被分为了两个新的部分。该算法要求在分裂的过程中left page不存在move操作。* 所以我们将新的left page拷回origpage的最开始位置。注意这不是在浪费时间,由于我们同样要求* (在页面管理代码中)页面的中心需要维持clean,保证这一点最有效的办法就是将其重新插入一个新的* 节点,以此来压缩数据。** We need to do this before writing the WAL record, so that XLogInsert* can WAL log an image of the page if necessary.* 我们需要在WAL日志写入之前完成这些工作,这样,如果有需要的话,* XLogInsert可以在日志中记录image page**/PageRestoreTempPage(leftpage, origpage);/* * leftpage, lopaque must not be used below here * 函数返回后leftpage所在的临时空间会被释放,所以leftpage和lopaque就不能用了*/MarkBufferDirty(buf);MarkBufferDirty(rbuf);/* 将rightpage加入链表 */if (!P_RIGHTMOST(ropaque)){sopaque->btpo_prev = rightpagenumber;MarkBufferDirty(sbuf);}/** Clear INCOMPLETE_SPLIT flag on child if inserting the new item finishes* a split.*/if (!isleaf){Page      cpage = BufferGetPage(cbuf);BTPageOpaque cpageop = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(cpage);cpageop->btpo_flags &= ~BTP_INCOMPLETE_SPLIT;MarkBufferDirty(cbuf);}/* XLOG stuff */if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel)){xl_btree_split  xlrec;uint8         xlinfo;XLogRecPtr       recptr;xlrec.level      = ropaque->btpo.level;  //分裂节点在树中的levelxlrec.firstright     = firstright;          //分裂位置xlrec.newitemoff  = newitemoff;          //newitem的插入位置XLogBeginInsert();/* 注册分裂信息:xlrec */XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBtreeSplit);/* 注册buf、rbuf、sbuf、cbuf */XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buf, REGBUF_STANDARD); XLogRegisterBuffer(1, rbuf, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);/* * Log the right sibling, because we've changed its prev-pointer. * 由于非最右节点改变了sbuf的前驱,所以将sbuf也写入日志*/if (!P_RIGHTMOST(ropaque))XLogRegisterBuffer(2, sbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);if (BufferIsValid(cbuf))XLogRegisterBuffer(3, cbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);/** Log the new item, if it was inserted on the left page. (If it was* put on the right page, we don't need to explicitly WAL log it* because it's included with all the other items on the right page.)* Show the new item as belonging to the left page buffer, so that it* is not stored if XLogInsert decides it needs a full-page image of* the left page.  We store the offset anyway, though, to support* archive compression of these records.* 记录新插入的item,如果这个item被插入到left page(原始节点)* 如果被插入right page(新节点)就不用记录,因为新节点整个都会被记录在日志中。*/if (newitemonleft)XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) newitem, MAXALIGN(newitemsz));/* Log left page */if (!isleaf){/** We must also log the left page's high key, because the right* page's leftmost key is suppressed on non-leaf levels.  Show it* as belonging to the left page buffer, so that it is not stored* if XLogInsert decides it needs a full-page image of the left* page.*/itemid = PageGetItemId(origpage, P_HIKEY);item = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(origpage, itemid);XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) item, MAXALIGN(IndexTupleSize(item)));}/** Log the contents of the right page in the format understood by* _bt_restore_page(). We set lastrdata->buffer to InvalidBuffer,* because we're going to recreate the whole page anyway, so it should* never be stored by XLogInsert.** Direct access to page is not good but faster - we should implement* some new func in page API.  Note we only store the tuples* themselves, knowing that they were inserted in item-number order* and so the item pointers can be reconstructed.  See comments for* _bt_restore_page().*/XLogRegisterBufData(1,(char *) rightpage + ((PageHeader) rightpage)->pd_upper,((PageHeader) rightpage)->pd_special - ((PageHeader) rightpage)->pd_upper);if (isroot)xlinfo = newitemonleft ? XLOG_BTREE_SPLIT_L_ROOT : XLOG_BTREE_SPLIT_R_ROOT;elsexlinfo = newitemonleft ? XLOG_BTREE_SPLIT_L : XLOG_BTREE_SPLIT_R;recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BTREE_ID, xlinfo);PageSetLSN(origpage, recptr);PageSetLSN(rightpage, recptr);if (!P_RIGHTMOST(ropaque)){PageSetLSN(spage, recptr);}if (!isleaf){PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(cbuf), recptr);}}END_CRIT_SECTION();/* * release the old right sibling * 释放原始右节点的锁*/if (!P_RIGHTMOST(ropaque))_bt_relbuf(rel, sbuf);/* release the child */if (!isleaf)_bt_relbuf(rel, cbuf);/* split's done */return rbuf;


B+树分裂的最后一个步骤是将新节点的min key和节点编号组成index tuple,然后插入到父亲节点中。这个操作本身非常简单。难的是如何确定当前节点的父亲节点是谁?如果分裂的节点是根节点,根节点自然没有父节点,所以需要分配一个新的节点作为父节点。如果分裂的节点不是根节点呢?其实在我们定位插入位置时,本身就是一个从上至下的查找过程,那么只要我们在查询时记录好B+树的遍历路径,通过这个路径就能直接找到当前节点的父节点。而记录遍历路径的结构体就是BTStack,定义如下:

typedef struct BTStackData
{BlockNumber bts_blkno;OffsetNumber bts_offset;IndexTupleData bts_btentry;struct BTStackData *bts_parent;
} BTStackData;typedef BTStackData *BTStack;
  • bts_blkno


  • bts_offset

    当前index tuple的偏移

  • bts_btentry

    当前index tuple

  • bts_parent




所以,如果block1发生分裂,通过BTStack我们就可以很容易的知道,新节点对应的index tuple即<min key, new blockno>应该插入3号节点,offset为1的位置上。



BTStack是在_bt_search时构建的。回顾下《B+树索引—插入》中我们讲过的插入的基本流程,通过_bt_search我们找到了index tuple插入的叶子节点。然后,我们通过下面两行代码,将叶子节点上的共享锁变为互斥锁。

/* trade in our read lock for a write lock */
LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
LockBuffer(buf, BT_WRITE);

我们说过,在多进程环境下,一旦对节点执行了unlock,那么这个节点就可能被其他进程加上互斥锁,然后执行插入,插入可能会导致该节点分裂,分裂会写父节点。所以,在给叶子节点加上互斥锁之后,会调用_bt_moveright来获取index tuple真正插入的节点。而_bt_moveright只会右移叶子节点,父节点不会联动,所以_bt_moveright之后BTStack就不靠谱了。具体情况如图10所示:



在《B+树索引—插入》中,我们说过如果待插入的index tuple与当前节点的high key相等,那么既可以插入当前节点,也可以插入当前节点的右兄弟,如果插入当前节点会引起节点分裂,那么就插入当前节点的右兄弟。所以插入的节点都发生了变化BTStack自然就不靠谱了。


既然BTStack不靠谱,我们需要一种机制,来校验BTStack是否靠谱,如果不靠谱就让他靠谱。这个机制通过_bt_getstackbuf来实现。_bt_getstackbuf的实现思路非常简单,就是从bts_parent->bts_btentry中获取孩子节点的blockno(记为blockno child),然后将blockno child与当前的bts_blkno比较,如果不相等则说明父亲节点发生了变化。于是在父亲节点中从bts_offset开始,先向后遍历寻找blockno child与bts_blkno相等的item,如果找不到则从bts_offset开始向前遍历。当前节点找不到就向右遍历下一个节点,直到找到bts_blkno对应的那个父亲节点以及对应的item


这里为什么要从bts_offset开始先向后遍历再向前遍历?因为只有分裂和合并才会导致BTStack不靠谱,这种概率比较低,通常bts_offset对应的blockno child与bts_blkno是相等的,即便不相等,都应该在他附近。并且,由于分裂的概率又大于合并,所以先向后,再向前是很合理的。


_bt_getstackbuf(Relation rel, BTStack stack, int access)
{BlockNumber blkno;OffsetNumber start;blkno = stack->bts_blkno;start = stack->bts_offset;for (;;){Buffer        buf;Page        page;BTPageOpaque opaque;buf = _bt_getbuf(rel, blkno, access);page = BufferGetPage(buf);opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);if (access == BT_WRITE && P_INCOMPLETE_SPLIT(opaque)){_bt_finish_split(rel, buf, stack->bts_parent);continue;}if (!P_IGNORE(opaque)){OffsetNumber offnum,minoff,maxoff;ItemId       itemid;IndexTuple   item;minoff = P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque);maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);/** start = InvalidOffsetNumber means "search the whole page". We* need this test anyway due to possibility that page has a high* key now when it didn't before.*/if (start < minoff)start = minoff;/** Need this check too, to guard against possibility that page* split since we visited it originally.*/if (start > maxoff)start = OffsetNumberNext(maxoff);/** These loops will check every item on the page --- but in an* order that's attuned to the probability of where it actually* is.  Scan to the right first, then to the left.** 先向后遍历*/for (offnum = start;offnum <= maxoff;offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum)){itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);item = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid);if (BTEntrySame(item, &stack->bts_btentry)){/* Return accurate pointer to where link is now */stack->bts_blkno = blkno;stack->bts_offset = offnum;return buf;}}/*再向前遍历*/for (offnum = OffsetNumberPrev(start);offnum >= minoff;offnum = OffsetNumberPrev(offnum)){itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);item = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid);if (BTEntrySame(item, &stack->bts_btentry)){/* Return accurate pointer to where link is now */stack->bts_blkno = blkno;stack->bts_offset = offnum;return buf;}}}/** The item we're looking for moved right at least one page.*/if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque)){_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);return InvalidBuffer;}blkno = opaque->btpo_next;start = InvalidOffsetNumber;_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);}


static void
_bt_insert_parent(Relation rel,Buffer buf,Buffer rbuf,BTStack stack,bool is_root,bool is_only)
{/** Here we have to do something Lehman and Yao don't talk about: deal with* a root split and construction of a new root.  If our stack is empty* then we have just split a node on what had been the root level when we* descended the tree.  If it was still the root then we perform a* new-root construction.  If it *wasn't* the root anymore, search to find* the next higher level that someone constructed meanwhile, and find the* right place to insert as for the normal case.** If we have to search for the parent level, we do so by re-descending* from the root.  This is not super-efficient, but it's rare enough not* to matter.** 分裂节点为根节点*/if (is_root){Buffer     rootbuf;Assert(stack == NULL);Assert(is_only);/* create a new root node and update the metapage */rootbuf = _bt_newroot(rel, buf, rbuf);/* release the split buffers */_bt_relbuf(rel, rootbuf);_bt_relbuf(rel, rbuf);_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);}else{/* 分裂节点不为根节点 */BlockNumber bknum = BufferGetBlockNumber(buf);BlockNumber rbknum = BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuf);Page     page = BufferGetPage(buf);IndexTuple   new_item;BTStackData fakestack;IndexTuple   ritem;Buffer        pbuf;if (stack == NULL){BTPageOpaque lpageop;elog(DEBUG2, "concurrent ROOT page split");lpageop = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);/* Find the leftmost page at the next level up */pbuf = _bt_get_endpoint(rel, lpageop->btpo.level + 1, false,NULL);/* Set up a phony stack entry pointing there */stack = &fakestack;stack->bts_blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(pbuf);stack->bts_offset = InvalidOffsetNumber;/* bts_btentry will be initialized below */stack->bts_parent = NULL;_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);}/* get high key from left page == lowest key on new right page */ritem = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page,PageGetItemId(page, P_HIKEY));/* form an index tuple that points at the new right page */new_item = CopyIndexTuple(ritem);ItemPointerSet(&(new_item->t_tid), rbknum, P_HIKEY);/** Find the parent buffer and get the parent page.** Oops - if we were moved right then we need to change stack item! We* want to find parent pointing to where we are, right ?  - vadim* 05/27/97*/ItemPointerSet(&(stack->bts_btentry.t_tid), bknum, P_HIKEY);pbuf = _bt_getstackbuf(rel, stack, BT_WRITE);/** Now we can unlock the right child. The left child will be unlocked* by _bt_insertonpg().*/_bt_relbuf(rel, rbuf);/* Check for error only after writing children */if (pbuf == InvalidBuffer)elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find parent key in index \"%s\" for split pages %u/%u",RelationGetRelationName(rel), bknum, rbknum);/* Recursively update the parent */_bt_insertonpg(rel, pbuf, buf, stack->bts_parent,new_item, stack->bts_offset + 1,is_only);/* be tidy */pfree(new_item);}

这里需要注意的是line48,为什么会出现stack == NULL的情况。是这样的,现在进程1希望在图1中插入2,于是首先通过_bt_search遍历定位插入节点,由于图1中叶子节点即是根节点,所以stack为null。然后进程1希望block1加锁。然而此时有其他进程正在对block1做insert操作,所以进程1只有等待。等到其他进程unlock block1后,进程1锁住block1,然而此时的B+树变成了图11所示的样子:


此时,2依然应该插入到block1中,插入2会导致block1分裂,分裂后在_bt_insert_parent时就会发现stack为空。stack为空怎么办?按照前面所讲的_bt_getstackbuf的思路,我们应该遍历Level2的所有item,找到blockno child为block1的那个item。所以在这里,PostgreSQL构建了一个fakestack,将他指向Level2的最左节点的第一个元素。然后调用_bt_getstackbuf来寻找真正的父节点。


注意看line60的代码stack->bts_offset = InvalidOffsetNumber;这里用InvalidOffsetNumber来表示节点内的第一个元素,原因是这里不知道这个节点是否为right-most节点。right-most节点没有high key所以first key为第一个元素,非right-most节点有high key所以first key为第二个元素。在前面_bt_getstackbuf的line42就在处理bts_offset为InvalidOffsetNumber的情况。


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    原文链接:http://hedengcheng.com/?p=525 问题背景 今天,看到Twitter的DBA团队发布了其最新的MySQL分支:Changes in Twitter MySQL 5. ...

  3. 从MySQL Bug#67718浅谈B+树索引的分裂优化

    从MySQL Bug#67718浅谈B+树索引的分裂优化 1月 6th, 2013 发表评论 | Trackback 问题背景 今天,看到Twitter的DBA团队发布了其最新的MySQL分支:Cha ...

  4. MySQL(InnoDB剖析):24---B+树索引(聚集索引与非聚集索引(辅助索引))、B+树索引的分裂

    一.B+树索引概述 B+树索引的本质就是B+树在数据库中的实现.但是B+索引在数据库中有一个特点就是高扇出性,因此在数据库中,B+树的高度一般都在2~4层,也就是说查找某一键值的行记录最多只需要2~4 ...

  5. B树索引是怎么分裂的?

    什么是分裂 在开始介绍之前,我们先来搞清楚什么是索引分裂吧."索引分裂"就是索引块的分裂,当一次DML事务操作修改了索引块上的数据,但是旧有的索引块没有足够的空间来容纳新修改的数据 ...

  6. MySQL(InnoDB剖析):---B+树索引(聚集索引与非聚集索引(辅助索引))、B+树索引的分裂

    小伙伴们大家好!今天是大年三十,给大家拜个早年!在此小弟祝各位大哥们与家人团团圆圆,和和睦睦,新的一年身体健康,工作顺利! 一.B+树索引概述 B+树索引的本质就是B+树在数据库中的实现.但是B+索引 ...

  7. PostgreSQL中的索引——4(B树)

    目录 B树 架构 通过等式搜索 通过不等式搜索 通过范围查询 示例 (本文中所述的B树通过双向链表组织了叶节点,其实应该算B+树) 我们已经讨论了PostgreSQL的索引引擎和访问方法的接口,以及哈 ...

  8. c++删除数组中重复元素_PG13中的功能—B树索引中的重复数据删除

    PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1版本于2020年5月21日发布,PostgreSQL 13 Beta 2版本于2020年6月25日发布.虽然Beta 版本中依旧包含一些错误,但是它总是几乎涵盖 ...

  9. 面试题:mysql 表删除一半数据,B+树索引文件会不会变小???

    今日寄语:努力的阶段,往往是最不养生的阶段! 一张千万级的数据表,删除了一半的数据,你觉得B+树索引文件会不会变小? (答案在文章中!!) 我们先来做个实验,看看表的大小是如何变化的?? 做个实验,让 ...


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