
Maybe Yahoo! and Microsoft would have been a good fit after all. Their advertising departments seem like they’d have meshed pretty well, at least. This month both companies have launched seemingly non-sensical ad campaigns that don’t really appear to be the necessary medicine to turn either company’s fortunes around (bearing in mind, of course, that Microsoft still has vast fortunes and makes cash hand over fist).

也许雅虎! 微软毕竟是一个很好的选择。 他们的广告部门似乎至少相处得很好。 本月两家公司都发起了看似荒谬的广告活动,这些广告活动似乎并不是扭转任何一家公司命运的必要药(当然,请记住,微软仍然拥有巨大的财富并且可以将现金交出拳头) 。

Microsoft’s wacky new ad campaign features Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld in mostly awkward situations that have nothing to do with Windows or Microsoft. It was roundly panned in the blogosphere (and according to my unscientific survey of friends over dinner the other night).

微软古怪的新广告系列中, 比尔·盖茨和杰里·森菲尔德都处于与Windows或微软无关的尴尬境地。 它在Blog圈中被彻底淘洗(根据我前晚晚餐时对朋友的不科学调查)。

And today, TechCrunch noticed a new campaign from Yahoo! revolving around the color purple, which is the company’s official color (I guess). It’s a brand awareness campaign that includes purple-themed photos at a special Flickr account, purple improv comedy videos, a fleet of purple bikes, and, uh, other purple things.

今天, TechCrunch注意到 Yahoo!发起了一项新的活动。 围绕紫色 ,这是公司的官方颜色(我想)。 这是一项品牌知名度宣传活动,其中包括使用Flickr特殊帐户保存的以紫色为主题的照片,紫色即兴喜剧视频,紫色自行车车队以及其他紫色物品。

The site is introduced by a video featuring the song “Start Wearing Purple,” by so-called Gypsy punk band Gogol Bordello.

该网站是由吉普赛朋克乐队Gogol Bordello播放的歌曲“ Start Wearing Purple”的视频介绍的。

As much as I like Gogol Bordello (I saw them in August when they came through my city and they put on a great show), it’s hard to see the point of this ad campaign. It probably didn’t cost much to put together, and it might serve to do some brand building, but is that really want Yahoo! needs? Are people really not using Yahoo!’s search engine because they’ve never heard of it? I don’t think so. As Mike Arrington says, Yahoo! might be wise to spend that marketing budget coming up with ways to convince people to actually use their services.

尽管我喜欢Gogol Bordello(我在八月份看到他们,当时他们来过我的城市,并且进行了精彩的表演),但很难理解这个广告系列的意义。 组装起来可能不会花费太多,它可能有助于建立一些品牌,但这真的是要Yahoo! 需要吗? 人们是否真的因为从未听说过Yahoo!的搜索引擎而没有使用它? 我不这么认为。 正如Mike Arrington所说,Yahoo! 将营销预算花在说服人们实际使用他们的服务上可能是明智的。

The strangest part of the site? The “Share This” button in the lower right hand corner features links to social media sites Delicious, Facebook, Digg, Reddit, MySpace, and StumbleUpon — but not Yahoo!’s own Buzz property. Perhaps this is an indication of what is wrong at Yahoo!: their own marketing efforts fail to promote their sites.

该网站最奇怪的部分? 右下角的“共享”按钮具有指向社交媒体网站Delicious,Facebook,Digg,Reddit,MySpace和StumbleUpon的链接,但没有Yahoo!自己的Buzz属性。 也许这表明Yahoo!出了什么问题:他们自己的营销工作未能推广他们的网站。

Anyway, for your enjoyment, here’s the music video for Gogol Bordello’s “Start Wearing Purple:”

无论如何,以下是Gogol Bordello的“开始穿紫色衣服”的音乐视频:

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoo-taps-its-inner-gypsy/


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