

Internet trolls are people who want to provoke and upset others online for their own amusement. Here’s how to spot the signs that someone is a troll, and how to handle them.

互联网巨魔是那些想在网上挑衅和打扰他人以娱乐的人。 这是如何发现某人是巨魔的迹象,以及如何处理它们的方法。

什么是互联网巨魔? (What Are Internet Trolls?)

If you’ve been on the internet for any period of time, you’ve likely run into a troll at some point. An internet troll is someone who makes intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic. They can come in many forms. Most trolls do this for their own amusement, but other forms of trolling are done to push a specific agenda.

如果您有一段时间上网,则可能在某个时候遇到了巨魔。 互联网巨魔是指在网上故意做出煽动性,粗鲁或令人不安的言论,以引起人们强烈的情感反感或使话题偏离话题的人。 它们可以有多种形式。 大多数巨魔都是出于自己的娱乐目的而这样做,但也采取了其他形式的巨魔来推动特定的议程。

Trolls have existed in folklore and fantasy literature for centuries, but online trolling has been around for as long as the internet has existed. The earliest known usage of the term can be traced back to the 1990s on early online message boards. Back then, it was a way for users to confuse new members by repeatedly posting an inside joke. It’s since turned into a much more malicious activity.

巨魔在民间传说和奇幻文学中已经存在了数百年,但是在线巨魔已经存在了很长时间,只要互联网已经存在。 该术语的最早已知用法可以追溯到1990年代早期的在线留言板上。 那时,它是用户通过反复发布内部笑话来迷惑新成员的一种方式。 从那以后,它变成了一种更加恶意的活动。

HBRH/Shutterstock.comHBRH / Shutterstock.com

Trolling is distinct from other forms of cyberbullying or harassment. It is normally not targeted towards any one person and relies on other people paying attention and becoming provoked. Trolling exists on many online platforms, from small private group chats to the biggest social media websites. Here’s a list of places online where you’re likely to see online trolls:

拖钓与其他形式的网络欺凌或骚扰不同。 它通常不针对任何人,而是依赖于其他人的关注和惹怒。 从小规模的私人聊天到最大的社交媒体网站,许多在线平台上都存在拖钓活动。 以下是您可能会看到在线巨魔的在线地方列表:

  • Anonymous online forums: Places like Reddit, 4chan, and other anonymous message boards are prime real-estate for online trolls. Because there’s no way of tracing who someone is, trolls can post very inflammatory content without repercussion. This is especially true if the forum has lax or inactive moderation.

    匿名在线论坛: Reddit,4chan和其他匿名留言板等地方是在线巨魔的主要房地产。 由于无法追踪某人的身份,因此巨魔可以发布非常具有煽动性的内容而不会产生反响。 如果论坛管理不严或不活跃,则尤其如此。

  • Twitter: Twitter also has the option to be anonymous, and has become a hotbed for internet trolls. Frequent Twitter trolling methods involve hijacking popular hashtags and mentioning popular Twitter personalities to gain attention from their followers.

    Twitter: Twitter还可以选择匿名,并已成为互联网巨魔的温床。 Twitter经常使用的拖曳方法包括劫持流行的标签和提及流行的Twitter人物,以引起其关注者的注意。

  • Comment sections: The comment sections of places such as YouTube and news websites are also popular areas for trolls to feed. You’ll find a lot of obvious trolling here, and they frequently generate a lot of responses from angry readers or viewers.

    评论部分: YouTube和新闻网站等地方的评论部分也是供巨魔使用的热门区域。 在这里,您会发现很多明显的巨魔,它们经常引起愤怒的读者或观众的很多反响。

You’ll find trolls anywhere online, including on Facebook and on online dating sites. They’re unfortunately pretty common.

您会在网上的任何地方找到巨魔,包括在Facebook和在线约会网站上。 不幸的是,它们很常见。

有人在拖钓的迹象 (Signs Someone Is Trolling)

It can sometimes become difficult to tell the difference between a troll and someone who just genuinely wants to argue about a topic. However, here are a few tell-tale signs that someone is actively trolling.

有时很难分辨出巨魔和只想真正讨论某个话题的人之间的区别。 但是,这里有一些迹象表明有人正在积极拖钓。

  • Off-topic remarks: Completely going off-topic from the subject at hand. This is done to annoy and disrupt other posters.

    题外话:完全偏离了当前的主题。 这样做是为了烦扰和破坏其他海报。

  • Refusal to acknowledge evidence: Even when presented with hard, cold facts, they ignore this and pretend like they never saw it.


  • Dismissive, condescending tone: An early indicator of a troll was that they would ask an angry responder, “Why you mad, bro?” This is a method done to provoke someone even more, as a way of dismissing their argument altogether.

    轻描淡写,居高临下的语气:巨魔的早期迹象是他们会问一个愤怒的回应者,“你为什么生气,兄弟?” 这是一种用来激怒某人的方法,可以完全消除他们的论点。

  • Use of unrelated images or memes: They reply to others with memes, images, and gifs. This is especially true if done in response to a very long text post.

    使用不相关的图像或模因:他们使用模因,图像和gif回复他人。 如果是针对很长的文本帖子而进行的,则尤其如此。

  • Seeming obliviousness: They seem oblivious that most people are in disagreement with them. Also, trolls rarely get mad or provoked.

    似乎忘了:他们似乎忘了大多数人与他们意见不一致。 另外,巨魔很少发疯或被激怒。

The list above is by no means definitive. There are a lot of other ways to identify that someone is trolling. Generally, if someone seems disingenuous, uninterested in a real discussion, and provocative on purpose, they’re likely an internet troll.

上面的列表决不是绝对的。 还有许多其他方法可以识别某人正在拖钓。 通常,如果某人看起来虚伪,对真正的讨论不感兴趣并且故意挑衅,则他们很可能是互联网巨魔。

我应该如何处理它们? (How Should I Handle Them?)

karen roach/Shutterstock.com凯伦·罗奇/Shutterstock.com

The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “Don’t feed the trolls.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

关于巨魔的最经典格言是“不要喂巨魔”。 巨魔会寻找情绪React并发现挑逗是有趣的,因此回复它们或试图辩论它们只会使它们变得更多。 通过完全忽略巨魔,他们可能会感到沮丧,并进入互联网上的其他地方。

You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day.

你应该尽力不要把任何巨魔的话当回事。 无论他们的行为多么糟糕,请记住这些人花了无数无用的时间试图使人们发疯。 他们不值得您花时间。

If a troll becomes spammy or begins to clog up a thread, you can also opt to report them to the site’s moderation team. Depending on the website, there’s a chance nothing happens, but you should do your part to actively dissuade them from trolling on that platform. If your report is successful, the troll may be temporarily suspended or their account might be banned entirely.

如果某个巨魔变得垃圾邮件或开始阻塞线程,您还可以选择将其报告给站点的审核团队。 根据网站的不同,有可能什么也不会发生,但是您应该尽自己的一份力量积极劝阻他们不要在该平台上拖钓。 如果您的报告成功,则巨魔可能会暂时被暂停,或者其帐户可能会被完全禁止。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/465416/what-is-an-internet-troll-and-how-to-handle-trolls/


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