
As astonishing as it may sound but the idea behind wireless communication and power transmission is more than a century old. First presented by the revolutionary inventor Nikola Tesla, who made the announcement on this possibility in 1893. The Austrian-born American inventor even tried to put these ideas to practical use in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project — an intercontinental wireless communication and power transmitter but ran out of funding before he could complete it.

由于惊人的,因为它可能听起来,但背后无线通信和电力传输的想法是一个多世纪的历史。 由革命性发明家尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)首次提出,他于1893年宣布了这种可能性。这位奥地利出生的美国发明家甚至试图在未完成的Wardenclyffe塔项目(洲际无线通信和功率发送器)中将这些想法付诸实践。没钱之前,他就无法完成。

Although the great inventor never got his real due during his lifetime, his groundbreaking work in the field of Science inspired many in the years to come. We even have two separate companies by the name of Tesla & Nikola crediting the mathematical genius. Although his idea of wireless power transmission was considered too outlandish at the time, a startup from New Zealand has now developed a safe method to wirelessly transmit electric power across long distances.

尽管这位伟大的发明家终其一生都没有得到应有的回报,但他在科学领域的开创性工作启发了许多年。 我们甚至还拥有两家名为Tesla和Nikola的独立公司,这归功于数学天才。 尽管当时他的无线电力传输想法被认为太过古怪,但来自新西兰的一家初创公司现在已经开发出一种安全的方法,可以在远距离无线传输电力。

EMROD has produced the first long-range, high-power, wireless power transmission alternative to the traditional copper wire method by using the concept of electromagnetic waves. The company intends to implement the idea in collaboration with Powerco — the country’s second-largest power distributor.

通过使用电磁波的概念, EMROD产生了第一个替代传统铜线方法的远程高功率无线功率传输。 该公司打算与该国第二大配电商Powerco合作实施这一想法。

“I wanted to come up with a solution to move all that clean energy around from where it’s abundant to where it’s needed in a cost-effective, eco-friendly way. Energy generation and storage methods have progressed tremendously over the last century but energy transmission has remained virtually unchanged since Edison, Siemens, and Westinghouse first introduced electric networks based on copper wires 150 years ago.”

“我想提出一种解决方案,以经济高效,环保的方式将所有清洁能源从丰富的地方转移到需要的地方。 在上个世纪,能量的产生和存储方法取得了巨大的进步,但是自150年前爱迪生,西门子和西屋公司首次引入基于铜线的电网以来,能量的传输几乎保持不变。”

~ EMROD Founder, Greg Kushnir

〜EMROD创始人Greg Kushnir

The startup was a dream come true for tech entrepreneur Greg Kushnir — who was determined to find an alternate technology that can reduce power distribution costs, avoid outages & support renewable energy. Although Nikola Tesla’s idea of powering the world for free by putting giant wireless power transmission towers around the globe was shot down by greedy investors, Emrod has convinced a power distribution company to try their innovation on a commercial scale. It might not be free, but it would be cheap, accessible, and scaled up with ease.

对于科技企业家格雷格·库什尼尔(Greg Kushnir)来说,这家创业公司是一个梦想成真的梦想,他决心找到一种可降低配电成本,避免停电并支持可再生能源的替代技术。 尽管尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)通过在全球范围内放置巨型无线输电塔来免费为世界供电的想法遭到了贪婪的投资者的反对,但Emrod还是说服了一家配电公司尝试以商业规模尝试其创新。 它可能不是免费的,但会便宜,可访问且易于扩展。

The setup contains a transmitting antenna, a series of relays and a receiving rectenna — a rectifying antenna capable of converting microwave energy into electricity. Each of these components looks like big old squares on poles as seen in the picture below. They utilize the non-ionizing Industrial, Scientific and Medical band of the radio spectrum, including frequencies commonly used in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

该装置包含一个发射天线,一系列继电器和一个接收整流天线-一种能够将微波能量转换为电能的整流天线。 这些组件中的每一个看起来都像杆子上的旧大方块,如下图所示。 他们利用无线电频谱的非电离工业,科学和医学频段,包括Wi-Fi和蓝牙中常用的频率。

Image credit: EMROD

A “low power laser safety curtain” immediately shuts down power transmission before any object, like a bird, drone, or power thief can touch the main beam. The system also allows placing a meter anywhere to measure the usage of electricity.

“低功率激光安全幕”会在任何物体(例如鸟,无人机或小偷)触摸远光灯之前立即关闭功率传输。 该系统还允许将电表放置在任何地方以测量用电量。

According to EMROD, this wireless power transmission works in various atmospheric conditions like rain, fog & dust. In addition, the line of sight between each relay is the only limiting factor for the distance of transmission — thus greatly reducing infrastructure & maintenance costs & environmental impact, that a wired solution imposes.

根据EMROD的说法,这种无线电力传输可以在各种大气条件下工作,例如雨,雾和灰尘。 此外,每个继电器之间的视线是传输距离的唯一限制因素-从而大大降低了有线解决方案带来的基础设施和维护成本以及对环境的影响。

This wireless transmission could be the key to harnessing renewable energy which is often generated in areas far from where it is needed. An example of this is the ambitious new venture-Sun Cable-which intends to provide renewable energy from north of Australia to Singapore via a 3,800 km undersea cable.

这种无线传输可能是利用可再生能源的关键,可再生能源通常是在远离需要的地方产生的。 例如,雄心勃勃的新公司Sun Cable计划通过一条3,800公里的海底电缆从澳大利亚北部向新加坡提供可再生能源。

The technology can come in handy especially in case of an unplanned power outage — where a truck can be fitted out with a rectenna, and then driven anywhere in the visual range of a relay to create a temporary wireless power connection. It could also be useful in providing electricity to regions which are hard to reach.

这项技术可以派上用场,特别是在计划外停电的情况下-卡车可以装上整流天线,然后在继电器可视范围内的任何地方行驶,以建立临时的无线电源连接。 在为难以到达的地区供电时,也可能有用。

A working prototype is currently being tested by Powerco, with plans to build another one in October. The final version would be tested extensively in a lab before moving onto field trials. EMROD has also been working with the Radio Spectrum Management authorities in New Zealand throughout its development process to meet the safety guidelines.

Powerco目前正在测试一个可运行的原型,并计划在十月份再制造一个。 最终版本将在进行现场试验之前在实验室进行广泛测试。 EMROD在整个开发过程中还一直与新西兰的无线电频谱管理当局合作,以达到安全准则。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/technicity/the-dream-of-wireless-power-transmission-might-soon-become-a-reality-9b57f4bf7c57




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