
This article was sponsored by wpDataTables. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文由wpDataTables赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

What is one of the more mind-numbing aspects of working with huge amounts of data for you? For us, it is the endless amount of time it seems to take to condense it into comprehensible charts and graphs.

为您处理大量数据的最令人神往的方面是什么? 对我们来说,这似乎是无休止的时间,将其浓缩为易于理解的图表。

When you need to work with a variety of data categories and statistics, your task can take much longer.


Maybe you’d really like to find something to do the heavy lifting for you. For WordPress, that “something” would be a chart- and/or table-building plugin. This is a tool that gets the job done, and doesn’t require trudging up a steep learning curve to use it.

也许您真的想找到一些可以为您完成的工作。 对于WordPress,该“内容”将是一个图表和/或表格构建插件。 这是一项可以完成工作的工具,不需要架设陡峭的学习曲线即可使用它。

wpDataTables is such a tool. This valuable WP plugin does the data management and organization heavy-lifting for you. Your website data will be displayed in orderly, intuitive, interactive charts and tables.

wpDataTables是这样的工具。 这个有价值的WP插件可以为您完成数据管理和组织工作。 您的网站数据将以有序,直观,交互式的图表形式显示。

To top it off, no coding of any kind is required on your part.


wpDataTables 2.0的令人兴奋的新功能 (wpDataTables 2.0’s Exciting New Features)

A chart and table building tool that can provide valuable help to 12,000+ users must have many things going for it. This can happen when a team, like the wpDataTables team, listen to what their users want. They continue to add value to this plugin by making it more intuitive to use. They add helpful features and cut any errant bugs.

可以为12,000多个用户提供有价值帮助的图表构建工具,必须具备许多功能。 当一个团队(如wpDataTables团队)倾听用户的需求时,可能会发生这种情况。 他们通过使其更加直观的使用方式继续为该插件增加价值。 它们添加了有用的功能并消除了任何错误。

Which is what you’ll find in wpDataTables 2.0.

这是您在wpDataTables 2.0中可以找到的。

您会节省很多时间 (You’ll save a bunch of time)

TMS, the developer, has improved their easy-to-use plugin. They made it even easier to work with. As you well know, and 80%+ of wpDataTables users will verify: a flat learning curve is best.

开发人员TMS改进了其易于使用的插件。 他们使工作变得更加轻松。 众所周知,wpDataTables的80%以上的用户将验证:最佳学习曲线是最佳的。

The back-end, as well as the front-end, has experienced a makeover and has in fact been redesigned from the ground up. Now, you can create complex tables, based on millions of rows of data, in mere minutes.

后端和前端都经历了改造,实际上已经从头开始进行了重新设计。 现在,您可以在短短几分钟内根据数百万行数据创建复杂的表。

您会立即得到结果 (You get instant results)

How often have you created a table, only to find that changes will eventually be required? Probably quite often. With 2.0, when you make a change, you’ll be able to preview its effect in an instant. Zero wait time is especially nice when someone is demanding quick action!

您创建表的频率是多少,才发现最终将需要进行更改? 大概很多时候。 使用2.0进行更改时,您可以立即预览其效果。 当有人要求快速行动时,零等待时间特别好!

您不必成为技术专家 (You don’t have to be a techie)

Although wpDataTables will make you look like one — even if you’re a newbie.


You don’t have to know the code, and you don’t have to know anything about data management. You just need to know what you want the final result to look like. Even then, the plugin will do all the work for you. If you can click a mouse and do a copy-paste, you have it made.

您无需了解代码,也无需了解任何数据管理。 您只需要知道最终结果是什么样子即可。 即使那样,该插件仍将为您完成所有工作。 如果您可以单击鼠标并进行复制粘贴,则说明已完成。

拥有更少的东西意味着更少的担忧(或根本没有后顾之忧) (Having fewer things means less worry (or no worries at all))

wpDataTables’ features and functions that required some improvement have been improved. Those that required a little fixing, have been fixed. Conditional formatting, editing logic, and advanced filtering logic functions now perform better.

wpDataTables的特性和功能需要进行一些改进。 那些需要一点点修复的问题已经修复。 现在,条件格式,编辑逻辑和高级过滤逻辑功能的性能更好。

与重力形式和强大形式的整合 (Integration with Gravity Forms and Formidable Forms)

Lately, the people at TMS created two new add-ons that will allow you to show Gravity Forms or Formidable Forms entry data in wpDataTables, and consolidate the power of form builders and interactive responsive tables.

最近,TMS的人员创建了两个新的加载项,它们使您可以在wpDataTables中显示Gravity Forms或Formidable Forms条目数据,并巩固了表单构建器和交互式响应表的功能。

Now you can render your forms entries in wpDataTables natively.


These two, along with the Report Builder, help you generate reports on table data, and create more powerful filtering systems.

两者与Report Builder一起 ,可帮助您生成有关表数据的报告,并创建功能更强大的过滤系统。

wpDataTables最喜欢的常绿功能 (wpDataTables’ Best Liked Evergreen Features)

When users really like a feature, it’s best to leave it alone if it doesn’t require fixing or improving. This is true even when other features are being enhanced and new ones are being added.

当用户真正喜欢某个功能时,如果不需要修复或改进它,则最好将其保留下来。 即使增强了其他功能并添加了新功能,也是如此。

You aren’t confined to specific formats either; wpDataTables isn’t picky that way. Excel files, Google spreadsheets, CSV files, XML, JSON, etc. It doesn’t matter. Real-time data? You can create a table from MySQL if you wish.

您也不限于特定的格式。 wpDataTables并不挑剔。 Excel文件,Google电子表格,CSV文件,XML,JSON等。没关系。 实时数据? 您可以根据需要从MySQL创建表。

您的表格和图表将随时响应 (Your tables and charts will be responsive – every time)

You can create a small, simple chart, or a million-row table for any WordPress theme — it will be responsive anyway. The same is true with Google Charts and Highcharts.

您可以为任何WordPress主题创建一个小型的简单图表或一百万行的表格-无论如何它都会响应。 Google图表和Highcharts也是如此。

需要组织大量数据吗? 没问题 (Need to organize huge amounts of data? Not a problem)

You’ll be amazed at wpDataTables’ computational power. Its computational formatting option enables you to quickly calculate sums and totals. Moreover, it allows you to highlight numbers that will be of key interest or importance to users.

您会对wpDataTables的计算能力感到惊讶。 其计算格式选项使您可以快速计算总和。 此外,它允许您突出显示对用户至关重要或重要的数字。

Conditional formatting works similarly to Excel’s, although more powerfully and efficiently.


需要使用MySQL数据吗? 没问题 (Need to work with MySQL data? No problem)

wpDataTables will accept and process any data you feed it. Thanks to the special Table Constructor feature, you can import existing spreadsheet files.

wpDataTables将接受并处理您提供给它的任何数据。 由于特殊的表构造器功能,您可以导入现有的电子表格文件。

It also enables you to create MySQL files, or generate SQL queries to existing data tables. Any of this information is editable when working within WordPress.

它还使您能够创建MySQL文件或生成对现有数据表SQL查询。 在WordPress中工作时,所有这些信息都是可编辑的。

精确地在您需要时进行数据处理 (Data processing precisely when you want it)

Present this plugin with a tremendously huge amount of data to process. By using the MySQL engine, it will arrange and list it in a matter of seconds.

向此插件提供要处理的大量数据。 通过使用MySQL引擎,它将在几秒钟内安排并列出它。

MySQL, with a little help from Ajax requests, can efficiently manage huge amounts of data.


It is so easy to delegate data processing functions to MySQL! Thus, you are spared the hard work and extra time it would normally take you to arrange the same data manually.

将数据处理功能委托给MySQL非常容易! 这样,您就省去了辛苦的工作,并且省去了通常需要手动安排的相同数据的额外时间。

综上所述 (In Summary)

Is there a data management situation that threatens to outstrip your technical ability? wpDataTables can be a lifesaver.

是否有数据管理情况威胁到您的技术能力? wpDataTables可以成为救生员。

Just let this plugin manage your table- and chart-making tasks — it is the best solution you could think of.


Does your job involves dealing with scientific, operational or financials statistics? Maybe it happens that you need to piece together and maintain large product catalogs? Then you know how many hours can be involved.

您的工作涉及处理科学,运营或财务统计信息吗? 也许您需要拼凑并维护大型产品目录? 然后,您会知道需要花费几个小时。

A far better solution is one that will perform these and similar tasks in mere minutes — and do so flawlessly.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/you-should-use-wpdatatables-to-create-tables-charts-in-wordpress/



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