MATLAB与深度学习(二)— 训练神经网络(图像分类识别)


1. 下载数据集
1.1 方式一,在matlab上下载

%% Download the CIFAR-10 dataset
if ~exist('cifar-10-batches-mat','dir')cifar10Dataset = 'cifar-10-matlab';disp('Downloading 174MB CIFAR-10 dataset...');   websave([cifar10Dataset,'.tar.gz'],...['',cifar10Dataset,'.tar.gz']);gunzip([cifar10Dataset,'.tar.gz'])delete([cifar10Dataset,'.tar.gz'])untar([cifar10Dataset,'.tar'])delete([cifar10Dataset,'.tar'])

1.2 方式二,直接下载

2. 利用CIFAR10数据集 — 迁移学习训练现有网络

convnet = alexnet;
convnet.Layers % Take a look at the layers


ReLU 层通过将负值映射到零和保持正数值,实现更快、更高效的训练。


全连接层将网络 2D 空间特征“扁平化”为 1D 矢量,为分类目的而表示图像级特征。

Softmax 层为数据集中的每个类别提供概率。


 saveCIFAR10AsFolderOfImages('cifar-10-batches-mat', pwd, true);


rootFolder = 'cifar10Train';
categories = {'Deer','Dog','Frog','Cat'};
imds = imageDatastore(fullfile(rootFolder, categories), 'LabelSource', 'foldernames');
imds.ReadFcn = @readFunctionTrain;% Change the number 50 to as many training images as you would like to use
% how does increasing the number of images change the
% accuracy of the classifier?
[trainingSet, ~] = splitEachLabel(imds, 50, 'randomize');


featureLayer = 'fc7';
trainingFeatures = activations(convnet, trainingSet, featureLayer);


temp(:,:)=trainingFeatures ;
classifier = fitcnb(temp, trainingSet.Labels);


rootFolder = 'cifar10Test';
testSet = imageDatastore(fullfile(rootFolder, categories), 'LabelSource', 'foldernames');
testSet.ReadFcn = @readFunctionTrain;
testFeatures = activations(convnet, testSet, featureLayer);
temp1(:,:)=testFeatures ;
predictedLabels = predict(classifier, temp);
confMat = confusionmat(testSet.Labels, predictedLabels);
confMat = confMat./sum(confMat,2);


3. 利用CIFAR10数据集训练自主创建的神经网络模型

clear all; close all;clc;
[trainingImages,trainingLabels,testImages,testLabels] = helperCIFAR10Data.load('cifar10Data');
thumbnails = trainingImages(:,:,:,1:100);
montage(thumbnails)%% 训练
numImageCategories = 10;
categories(trainingLabels)%建立输入层32x32x3 CIFAR-10 images
[height, width, numChannels, ~] = size(trainingImages);
imageSize = [height width numChannels];
inputLayer = imageInputLayer(imageSize);%建立网络中间层
filterSize = [5 5];
numFilters = 32;middleLayers = [% The first convolutional layer has a bank of 32 5x5x3 filters. A
% symmetric padding of 2 pixels is added to ensure that image borders
% are included in the processing. This is important to avoid
% information at the borders being washed away too early in the
% network.
convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, 'Padding', 2)  %(n+2p-f)/s+1% Note that the third dimension of the filter can be omitted because it
% is automatically deduced based on the connectivity of the network. In
% this case because this layer follows the image layer, the third
% dimension must be 3 to match the number of channels in the input
% image.% Next add the ReLU layer:
reluLayer()% Follow it with a max pooling layer that has a 3x3 spatial pooling area
% and a stride of 2 pixels. This down-samples the data dimensions from
% 32x32 to 15x15.
maxPooling2dLayer(3, 'Stride', 2)% Repeat the 3 core layers to complete the middle of the network.
convolution2dLayer(filterSize, numFilters, 'Padding', 2)
maxPooling2dLayer(3, 'Stride',2)convolution2dLayer(filterSize, 2 * numFilters, 'Padding', 2)
maxPooling2dLayer(3, 'Stride',2)
finalLayers = [% Add a fully connected layer with 64 output neurons. The output size of
% this layer will be an array with a length of 64.
fullyConnectedLayer(64)% Add an ReLU non-linearity.
reluLayer% Add the last fully connected layer. At this point, the network must
% produce 10 signals that can be used to measure whether the input image
% belongs to one category or another. This measurement is made using the
% subsequent loss layers.
fullyConnectedLayer(numImageCategories)% Add the softmax loss layer and classification layer. The final layers use
% the output of the fully connected layer to compute the categorical
% probability distribution over the image classes. During the training
% process, all the network weights are tuned to minimize the loss over this
% categorical distribution.
layers = [inputLayermiddleLayersfinalLayers
layers(2).Weights = 0.0001 * randn([filterSize numChannels numFilters]);%设置网络参数值
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...'Momentum', 0.9, ...'InitialLearnRate', 0.001, ...'LearnRateSchedule', 'piecewise', ...'LearnRateDropFactor', 0.1, ...'LearnRateDropPeriod', 8, ...'L2Regularization', 0.004, ...'MaxEpochs', 40, ...'MiniBatchSize', 128, ...'Verbose', true,...'Plots','training-progress');
%  参数解释:
%  sgdm就是stochastic gradient descent with momentum(动量的随机梯度下降法),
%  Momentum是动量参数为0.9,InitialLearnRate初始学习速率0.001,L2Regularization=0.004
%  是L2正则化系数,LearnRateDropFactor=0.1、LearnRateDropPeriod=8是每8个epoces使得学习
%  速率乘以一个0.1的比例因子,MaxEpochs=?40最大训练为40个epoces,MiniBatchSize=128为Batch
%  为128,Verbose?=true就是把信息打印到命令窗口% 开始训练
% doTraining为false,直接导入已经训练好的模型,
% doTraining为True,可以自己改模型训练
doTraining = true;if doTraining    % Train a network.cifar10Net = trainNetwork(trainingImages, trainingLabels, layers, opts);
else% Load pre-trained detector for the example.load('rcnnStopSigns.mat','cifar10Net')
w = cifar10Net.Layers(2).Weights;% rescale the weights to the range [0, 1] for better visualization
w = rescale(w);figure
montage(w)% 在测试集上训练网络
YTest = classify(cifar10Net, testImages);% 计算准确度
accuracy = sum(YTest == testLabels)/numel(testLabels)


% This is helper class to download and import the CIFAR-10 dataset. The
% dataset is downloaded from:
% ?
% References
% ----------
% Krizhevsky, Alex, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Learning multiple layers of
% features from tiny images." (2009).
classdef helperCIFAR10Datamethods(Static)%------------------------------------------------------------------
function download(url, destination)
if nargin == 1
url = '';
endunpackedData = fullfile(destination, 'cifar-10-batches-mat');
if ~exist(unpackedData, 'dir')
fprintf('Downloading CIFAR-10 dataset...');
untar(url, destination);
% Return CIFAR-10 Training and Test data.
function [XTrain, TTrain, XTest, TTest] = load(dataLocation) location = fullfile(dataLocation, 'cifar-10-batches-mat');[XTrain1, TTrain1] = loadBatchAsFourDimensionalArray(location, 'data_batch_1.mat');
[XTrain2, TTrain2] = loadBatchAsFourDimensionalArray(location, 'data_batch_2.mat');
[XTrain3, TTrain3] = loadBatchAsFourDimensionalArray(location, 'data_batch_3.mat');
[XTrain4, TTrain4] = loadBatchAsFourDimensionalArray(location, 'data_batch_4.mat');
[XTrain5, TTrain5] = loadBatchAsFourDimensionalArray(location, 'data_batch_5.mat');XTrain = cat(4, XTrain1, XTrain2, XTrain3, XTrain4, XTrain5);
TTrain = [TTrain1; TTrain2; TTrain3; TTrain4; TTrain5];[XTest, TTest] = loadBatchAsFourDimensionalArray(location, 'test_batch.mat');end
endfunction [XBatch, TBatch] = loadBatchAsFourDimensionalArray(location, batchFileName)
XBatch = data';
XBatch = reshape(XBatch, 32,32,3,[]);
XBatch = permute(XBatch, [2 1 3 4]);
TBatch = convertLabelsToCategorical(location, labels);
endfunction categoricalLabels = convertLabelsToCategorical(location, integerLabels)
categoricalLabels = categorical(integerLabels, 0:9, label_names);



%Load training data
% Please note: these are 4 of the 10 categories available
% Feel free to choose which ever you like best!
categories = {'Deer','Dog','Frog','Cat'};rootFolder = 'cifar10Train';
imds = imageDatastore(fullfile(rootFolder, categories), ...'LabelSource', 'foldernames');%Define Layers
varSize = 32;
conv1 = convolution2dLayer(5,varSize,'Padding',2,'BiasLearnRateFactor',2);
conv1.Weights = gpuArray(single(randn([5 5 3 varSize])*0.0001));
fc1 = fullyConnectedLayer(64,'BiasLearnRateFactor',2);
fc1.Weights = gpuArray(single(randn([64 576])*0.1));
fc2 = fullyConnectedLayer(4,'BiasLearnRateFactor',2);
fc2.Weights = gpuArray(single(randn([4 64])*0.1));layers = [imageInputLayer([varSize varSize 3]);conv1;maxPooling2dLayer(3,'Stride',2);reluLayer();convolution2dLayer(5,32,'Padding',2,'BiasLearnRateFactor',2);reluLayer();averagePooling2dLayer(3,'Stride',2);convolution2dLayer(5,64,'Padding',2,'BiasLearnRateFactor',2);reluLayer();averagePooling2dLayer(3,'Stride',2);fc1;reluLayer();fc2;softmaxLayer()classificationLayer()];%Define training options
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...'InitialLearnRate', 0.001, ...'LearnRateSchedule', 'piecewise', ...'LearnRateDropFactor', 0.1, ...'LearnRateDropPeriod', 8, ...'L2Regularization', 0.004, ...'MaxEpochs', 10, ...'MiniBatchSize', 100, ...'Verbose', true);%tain
[net, info] = trainNetwork(imds, layers, opts);%test
rootFolder = 'cifar10Test';
imds_test = imageDatastore(fullfile(rootFolder, categories), ...'LabelSource', 'foldernames');labels = classify(net, imds_test);ii = randi(4000);
im = imread(imds_test.Files{ii});
if labels(ii) == imds_test.Labels(ii)colorText = 'g';
elsecolorText = 'r';
title(char(labels(ii)),'Color',colorText);% This could take a while if you are not using a GPU
confMat = confusionmat(imds_test.Labels, labels);
confMat = confMat./sum(confMat,2);


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