Cumulative Update 9 for Trados Studio 2021 SR2 (Build, released on 15 December 2021)


Cumulative Update 9 for Trados Studio 2021 SR2 这个版本开始使用WebView2了,因此需要安装一个WebView2运行时,大约100MB,需要联网下

Studio Studio 2021 SR2累积更新9包括以下修复:

  • 一般固定问题
    Trados Studio在从AppStore安装插件时有时会停止响应。这个问题现在已经解决了。(CRQ-26864)
    从Trados Studio的“帮助”选项卡访问论坛不再导致以下错误:“根据验证过程,远程证书无效”。(CRQ-26930)

  • 文件类型和核心组件更改

  • 核心组件更新
    TARTOS Studio 2021 SR2累积更新9针对修复与PerfectMatch有关的下列问题的核心组件更新功能:
    PerfectMatch现在可以正确匹配中的脚注标记。在以前的Trados Studio版本中创建的sdlxliff文件。(CRQ-25840)

  • 文件类型
    在Excel嵌入式内容处理中使用自定义标记定义规则时,Trados Studio不再在目标片段中复制匹配项。(CRQ-25161)

Trados Studio 2021 SR2 Cumulative Update 9 includes the following fixes:
General fixed issues
Trados Studio would sometimes stop responding when installing plug-ins from the AppStore. This issue is now fixed. (CRQ-26864)
The shortcut for the ń character now works correctly for Polish keyboard users and no longer conflicts with the Sign in functionality. (CRQ-24807)
Clicking multiple times in the Concordance Search window no longer duplicates your cursor. You can now correctly copy text from the Concordance Search window in all circumstances. (CRQ-20787)
The “Import failed. The file could not be processed” error no longer occurs when trying to import multiple .tmx files at once. (CRQ-27102)
The Browse button from the Translation Memory Import wizard now works correctly when trying to select a location for the invalid translation units. (CRQ-27101)
Accessing the Forums from the Help tab in Trados Studio no longer results in the following error: “The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure”. (CRQ-26930)
File type and Core Component changes
Core Component updates
Trados Studio 2021 SR2 Cumulative Update 9 features updates for core components that fix the following issues related to PerfectMatch:
PerfectMatch now correctly matches footnote tags from .sdlxliff files created in a previous Trados Studio version. (CRQ-25840)
PerfectMatched segments would sometimes show only partial translations for certain files. This issue was related to incorrectly merged tags and is now fixed. (CRQ-25143)
File types
Excel Embedded Content Processing
Trados Studio no longer duplicates matches in target segments when using custom Tag definition rules in Excel embedded content processing. (CRQ-25161)

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