apple id无法创建

A while ago I started an Apple collection. I've been following Apple hardware (and its aesthetics) since I was a teenager, but at that time I didn't the have money to own a Mac.

前一段时间,我开始了一个苹果系列。 从我十几岁起我就一直在关注Apple硬件(及其美学),但是那时我没有钱拥有Mac。

I got my first Mac when I was 19. It was an iBook 700 Mhz, acquired on an eBay-like website in Brazil. The money came from a Flash project.

我19岁时得到了第一台Mac,那是一台iBook 700 Mhz,在巴西的类似eBay的网站上获得。 钱来自Flash项目。

After living in Canada for a few years now, I have some extra money to spend on a hobby. Most of the time I buy the devices from people on Craigslist.

在加拿大生活了几年之后,我有一些额外的钱可以花在业余爱好上。 大多数时候,我都是从Craigslist上的人那里购买设备的。

After a few laptops and iDevices, I decided that I should start collecting info about my iThings. In the beginning, I created a Gist containing the model, serial number, how I got the device, the minimum/maximum OS, and so on.

在购买了几台笔记本电脑和iDevices之后,我决定应该开始收集有关iThings的信息。 在开始时,我创建了一个Gist,其中包含型号,序列号,如何获得设备,最小/最大OS等。

The list kept getting bigger and bigger, and the content started looking messy. I thought showing this content on a website would be perfect, and I didn't need to hire a developer :D

列表越来越大,内容开始显得凌乱。 我以为在网站上显示此内容将是完美的,并且我不需要雇用开发人员:D

At first, I decided I would organize my data in an SQL database, with the information distributed in different columns and tables. After that, I would create a graphQL API to provide me the data needed to populate my UI – probably written in React, compiled with Babel and packed with Webpack.

首先,我决定将数据组织在一个SQL数据库中,并将信息分布在不同的列和表中。 之后,我将创建一个graphQL API为我提供填充我的UI所需的数据-可能是用React写的,用Babel编译并用Webpack打包的。

Reading the previous paragraph aloud, you can see that there are many technologies, and that I even ignored the backend language and UI details like SASS or styled-components. It all sounded a bit overwhelming when my ultimate goal was showing a list of items in a nice design.

朗读上一段,您会发现有很多技术,而且我什至忽略了后端语言和UI详细信息,例如SASS或样式化组件。 当我的最终目标是显示精美设计中的项目列表时,这一切听起来有些不知所措。

That being said, I thought about how I can deliver this content without:


  • An API or any backend workAPI或任何后端工作
  • Any JS framework/library任何JS框架/库
  • Any JS tooling (Webpack, Babel, etc.)任何JS工具(Webpack,Babel等)
  • Any CSS work任何CSS工作

On top of these constraints, I had a few stretch goals:


  • Create a website with good accessibility创建具有良好可访问性的网站
  • Create a website that works on old browsers, since I have computers running Mac OS 9.2 and iDevices running iOS 3创建一个可在旧浏览器上运行的网站,因为我有运行Mac OS 9.2的计算机和运行i​​OS 3的iDevices

Challenge accepted. One index.html, a few vanilla JS files, and no custom CSS. I'd like to share the experience of building the site with you.

接受挑战。 一个index.html,几个原始JS文件,没有自定义CSS。 我想与您分享建立网站的经验。



  • Final website


  • Source code


Let's talk about the constraints, point by point:


没有API或任何后端工作 (No API or any backend work)

A while ago I saw a SaaS product called Stein. You create your data inside a Google Sheets document and they give you an endpoint with your data. Their library works like Handlebars, and it looked perfect for my use case:

不久前,我看到了一种名为Stein的SaaS产品。 您在Google表格文档中创建数据,它们为您提供了数据端点。 他们的库就像把手一样,对于我的用例来说看起来很完美:

<div data-stein-url="" data-stein-limit="2"><div><h1>{{title}}</h1><h6>By {{author}}</h6>{{content}}Read on <a href="{{link}}">Medium</a></div>

没有JS框架/库和工具 (No JS framework/library and tooling)

I decided to avoid adding a framework or library in this project since the use case didn’t need one. All JS interactions on this page are quite simple (show/hide menus, open a modal screen, handle permalinks).

我决定避免在该项目中添加框架或库,因为用例不需要。 此页面上的所有JS交互都非常简单(显示/隐藏菜单,打开模式屏幕,处理永久链接)。

Since I was not using a framework/library, I could avoid adding Webpack and Babel. No need to dig into presets and loaders.

由于我没有使用框架/库,因此可以避免添加Webpack和Babel。 无需深入研究预设和加载器。

P.S. You can argue that I could have chosen create-react-app or Next.js and get all these problems solved, but no.


没有CSS工作 (No CSS work)

I love writing CSS, especially when I can use SASS, but I decided not to write any CSS here. I had a few good reasons to avoid doing it:

我喜欢编写CSS,尤其是当我可以使用SASS时,但是我决定在这里不编写任何CSS。 我有几个很好的理由避免这样做:

  • I had no designs in mind, and despite the fact that I could do something decent-looking, I didn’t want to put time and energy into it我没有设计的想法,尽管我可以做一些看起来不错的事情,但我不想浪费时间和精力
  • I wanted to use Tailwind CSS

    我想使用Tailwind CSS

If you've never heard about Tailwind CSS, please don’t just think, “It's just an alternative to Bootstrap.” Here is a good, short explanation from their website:

如果您从未听说过Tailwind CSS,请不要只是想:“它只是Bootstrap的替代品。” 这是他们网站上的简短说明:

Most CSS frameworks do too much. … Instead of opinionated predesigned components, Tailwind provides low-level utility classes that let you build completely custom designs without ever leaving your HTML.

大多数CSS框架做得太多。 ……Tailwind提供了底层实用程序类,而不是预先设计好的组件,可让您构建完全自定义的设计,而无需离开HTML。

This is pretty much true. A quick search gives you many web apps “rebuilt” with Tailwind CSS:

这是真的。 快速搜索为您提供了许多使用Tailwind CSS“重建”的Web应用程序:

  • Whatsapp


  • Telegram


  • Facebook


  • Reddit


  • Youtube


  • Slack


  • Coinbase


  • Github


  • Trello


  • Twitter


  • Netlify


创建具有良好可访问性的网站 (Create a website with good accessibility)

Last month I started taking accessibility courses at Deque University. Their content is great and it reminded me that HTML is accessible by default. By using a semantic HTML structure and testing basic things like keyboard navigation and colour contrast you eliminate several barries that move people with disabilities away from your content.

上个月,我开始在Deque大学学习无障碍课程。 它们的内容很棒,它使我想起默认情况下可以访问HTML 。 通过使用语义HTML结构并测试诸如键盘导航和颜色对比度之类的基本内容,您可以消除使残疾人远离您的内容的若干障碍。

I am not an accessibility expert, but here are a few accessibility-related things I’ve worked on for this website:


  • Disable stylesheets: By disabling stylesheets you can ensure that your content follows a logical/structural way.禁用样式表:通过禁用样式表,可以确保您的内容遵循逻辑/结构方式。
  • VoiceOver: VoiceOver is included in macOS and iOS. It is very simple to use, and by experimenting with it you can have a better understanding of how people use this feature.

    VoiceOver:VoiceOver包含在macOS和iOS中。 它非常易于使用 ,并且通过试验,您可以更好地了解人们如何使用此功能。

  • Modals: Modals can be problematic. I decided to follow Ire Aderinokun’s approach.

    模态:模态可能有问题。 我决定遵循艾雷迪诺昆(Ire Aderinokun)的方法。

  • axe: The extension is an accessibility checker for WCAG 2 and Section 508 accessibility rules.

    ax :扩展名是WCAG 2和第508节可访问性规则的可访问性检查器。

It is not perfect -- there are a few things that I didn’t work on for my site, like adding a skip link to the main content. If you are curious, here is the Pull Request with all the changes.

这不是完美的-我在网站上没有做过一些事情,例如添加了指向主要内容的跳过链接。 如果您感到好奇, 这里是带有所有更改的请求请求 。

创建一个可在旧浏览器中运行的网站 (Create a website that works in old browsers)

I couldn’t achieve this objective since I had no control over scripts and styles. However, it doesn’t seem to be impossible. A few things I noticed:

我无法控制脚本和样式,因此无法实现这一目标。 但是,这似乎并非不可能。 我注意到了几件事:

  • Expedite (Stein client) uses fetch, which was only added in Safari 10. The request to their server could be probably replaced with an XMLHttpRequest.

    Expedite (Stein客户端)使用fetch (仅在Safari 10中添加) 。 向其服务器的请求可能会替换为XMLHttpRequest。

  • Tailwind uses Flexbox in many elements. Safari only started supporting Flexbox in iOS 7. Maybe I could write a few properties for their existing elements to achieve a decent look.Tailwind在许多元素中使用Flexbox。 Safari才开始在iOS 7中支持Flexbox。也许我可以为它们的现有元素编写一些属性,以实现美观的外观。
  • SSL Certificates may be an issue for old browsers.SSL证书可能是旧浏览器的问题。

结论 (Conclusions)

Making this website was super fun. Having this kind of pet project gave me a good reason to work with tech that I don't use in my job. Maybe in the future, Stein and/or TailwindCSS will be useful to prototype a feature or build a hackathon project.

使这个网站超级有趣。 拥有这种宠物项目使我有充分的理由使用我在工作中不使用的技术。 也许在将来,Stein和/或TailwindCSS将对功能原型或构建hackathon项目很有用。

The fact that I added “constraints” to my project made me think outside the box. Even though I didn't achive all my objectives, it helped me understand more and more about how all the pieces are connected.

我在项目中添加了“约束”这一事实使我跳出了框框。 即使我没有实现我的所有目标,它也帮助我越来越了解所有各部分之间的联系。

I totally recommend doing something like this to give you a chance to play with different tech. It doesn't need to be an Apple collection -- you can create a site to list your favourite books or the best hikes you've done. In this case, the journey matters more than the goal.

我完全建议您这样做,让您有机会使用其他技术。 它不一定是Apple收藏的书,您可以创建一个网站来列出自己喜欢的书或您所做的最佳远足。 在这种情况下,旅程比目标更重要。

Out of curiosity, I tracked my time using Clockify and between coding, creating the data, testing and writing this post I’ve worked 13 hours on this.


Also posted on my blog. Follow me on Twitter

也张贴在我的博客上 。 在Twitter上关注我


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