
Search engines consider site speed to be an important factor search rankings. This is why at WPBeginner we try our best to improve site load speed to an optimal level. Doing that, we have noticed that caching our website helped us improve site speed as well as balancing huge spikes in traffic. We use W3 Total Cache to improve performance of our website. However, many of our readers asked us about how to install and setup WP Super Cache. Therefore in this guide, we will show you how to install and properly setup WP Super Cache.

搜索引擎认为网站速度是搜索排名的重要因素。 这就是为什么在WPBeginner我们尽力将站点加载速度提高到最佳水平的原因。 这样做,我们注意到缓存网站可以帮助我们提高网站速度以及平衡巨大的流量高峰。 我们使用W3 Total Cache来改善我们网站的性能。 但是,许多读者向我们询问如何安装和设置WP Super Cache。 因此,在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何安装和正确设置WP Super Cache。

Note: Both W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache are great plugins. We highly recommend that you use one or the other depending on your needs.

注意:W3 Total Cache和WP Super Cache都是不错的插件。 我们强烈建议您根据需要使用其中一个。

First thing you need to do is install and activate WP Super Cache plugin (tutorial: how to install a WordPress plugin). Upon activation, WP Super Cache will notify you that caching is not enabled on your website at the moment.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP Super Cache插件 (教程: 如何安装WordPress插件 )。 激活后,WP Super Cache将通知您当前尚未在网站上启用缓存。

设置WP超级缓存-简单的方法 (Setting up WP Super Cache – The Easy Way)

To enable cache, go to Settings » WP Super Cache. Under the Easy tab, turn Caching on and hit update status button.

要启用缓存,请转至设置»WP超级缓存 。 在“简单”选项卡下,打开“缓存”,然后单击“更新状态”按钮。

After turning on the cache, click on the test cache button to check if it is working. WP Super Cache will fetch your WordPress site twice and will compare the time stamps of both pages. If the both time stamps match then this means that caching is working on your site now.

打开缓存后,单击“测试缓存”按钮以检查其是否正常工作。 WP Super Cache将两次获取您的WordPress网站,并将比较两个页面的时间戳。 如果两个时间戳都匹配,则表明缓存现在正在您的站点上运行。

WP Super Cache高级设置 (WP Super Cache Advanced Set up)

WP super cache is a powerful plugin, and it comes with many advance options. These options can further improve your site’s performance. To Set up WP Super Cache with advance options, go to Settings » WP Super Cache and click on Advanced tab.

WP超级缓存是一个功能强大的插件,它带有许多高级选项。 这些选项可以进一步改善您网站的性能。 要使用高级选项设置WP Super Cache ,请转至设置»WP Super Cache ,然后单击高级选项卡。

Enable Caching
First check the box that says Cache hits to this website for quick access. Below that you will see three caching options. By default WP Super Cache uses PHP to serve cache files. However, using PHP to serve cache files can be resource intensive particularly on shared hosting environments. So we would like to recommend that you try using mod_rewrite to serve cache files. After that scroll down and hit the update status button to save these settings.

首先,选中表明Cache命中此网站以快速访问的框。 在其下,您将看到三个缓存选项。 默认情况下,WP Super Cache使用PHP服务缓存文件。 但是,使用PHP提供缓存文件可能会占用大量资源,尤其是在共享托管环境中。 因此,我们建议您尝试使用mod_rewrite提供缓存文件。 之后,向下滚动并单击更新状态按钮以保存这些设置。

WP Super Cache will now show you a notification that mod_rewrite rules must be updated and possibly another notification about scheduling garbage collection. Scroll down the page, and you will see mod_rewrite rules that needs to be added. Click on Update Mod_Rewrite Rules button to update these rules. Once mod_rewrite rules are updated this section will turn green.

WP Super Cache现在将向您显示必须更新mod_rewrite规则的通知,以及可能有关调度垃圾收集的另一条通知。 向下滚动页面,您将看到需要添加的mod_rewrite规则。 单击更新Mod_Rewrite规则按钮以更新这些规则。 更新了mod_rewrite规则后,此部分将变为绿色。

To resolve the notice about garbage collection, scroll down on the advance settings page to the Expiry Time & Garbage Collection section and set up a time and frequency for garbage collection of cached files on your server.


Enable Compression in WP Super Cache: Compression allows WP Super Cache to serve cached files as compressed files. These files are downloaded by user browsers quickly due to their smaller size. To enable compression, simply check the box that says Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors.

在WP Super Cache中启用压缩 :压缩允许WP Super Cache将缓存的文件作为压缩文件提供。 这些文件由于尺寸较小,因此可以通过用户浏览器快速下载。 要启用压缩功能,只需选中“ 压缩页面 ”框, 这样便可以更快地将其提供给访问者

使用WP Super Cache设置CDN (Setting up CDN with WP Super Cache)

Most content websites serve a lot of static files with each page request. These files are JavaScripts, images, stylesheets, etc. Unlike your WordPress posts which are dynamically generated by PHP, these files can be served using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). If you don’t know what is a CDN or why you need a CDN, then you should check out our infographic “What the Heck is a CDN“.

大多数内容网站在每个页面请求中都会提供大量静态文件。 这些文件是JavaScript,图像,样式表等。与PHP由PHP动态生成的WordPress帖子不同,可以使用内容分发网络(CDN)来提供这些文件。 如果您不知道什么是CDN或为什么需要CDN,则应查看我们的信息图“ 什么是CDN ”。

At WPBeginner we use MaxCDN. You can read our blueprint on Why we use MaxCDN. If you need help setting up MaxCDN, then we already have a tutorial for how to install and setup MaxCDN for WordPress. The tutorial uses W3 Total cache, but the basic concept is the same.

在WPBeginner我们使用MaxCDN 。 您可以阅读有关为什么使用MaxCDN的蓝图。 如果您需要有关设置MaxCDN的帮助,那么我们已经有一个有关如何为WordPress安装和设置MaxCDN的教程。 本教程使用W3 Total缓存,但基本概念相同。

To setup CDN with WP Super Cache, click on the CDN tab and check the box next to Enable CDN Support option. Enter your offsite URL, which will be the url of your pullzone. For example, http://cdn.wpbeginner.com

要使用WP Super Cache设置CDN,请单击CDN选项卡,然后选中启用CDN支持选项旁边的框。 输入您的异地URL,该URL将是您的pullzone的URL。 例如, http://cdn.wpbeginner.com

In the additional CNAMEs field enter other CNAMEs you have created for your pullzone. For example, http://cdn1.wpbeginner.com, http://cdn2.wpbeginner.com , http://cdn3.wpbeginner.com

在其他CNAME字段中,输入您为Pullzone创建的其他CNAME。 例如, http://cdn1.wpbeginner.com,http://cdn2.wpbeginner.com,http://cdn3.wpbeginner.com

Lastly, check the box that says Skip https URLs to avoid “mixed content” errors and save changes. Now your website is now ready to serve static content from a CDN.

最后,选中“ 跳过https URL”框, 以免出现“混合内容”错误并保存更改。 现在,您的网站已准备就绪,可以提供CDN中的静态内容。

使用WP Super Cache服务静态站点 (Serve a Static Site with WP Super Cache)

The preload mode in WP Super Cache allows you to create super cache static files for all your posts and pages and serve a static website. You may ask Why would anyone want to do that?

WP Super Cache中的预加载模式允许您为所有帖子和页面创建超级缓存静态文件,并为静态网站提供服务。 您可能会问为什么有人要这样做?

To conserve server resources.
To serve an old site that is not being updated anymore.
To improve site speed by serving static content only.


These were just a few reasons but there could be many more reasons and situations where you might want to completely disable PHP processes. Don’t worry your WordPress will work normally, and you will still be able to manage your content with WordPress.

这些只是一些原因,但可能还有更多原因和情况需要完全禁用PHP进程。 不用担心您的WordPress会正常工作,并且您仍然可以使用WordPress管理您的内容。

Refresh preload cache files options will be set to zero by default, minimum required time is at least 30 minutes. Pre-loading your entire WordPress site takes some time and consumes a lot of resources on your server. You can leave it to 0 if you do not want your static files to expire ever unless you manually refresh cache.

默认情况下,“刷新预加载缓存文件”选项将设置为零,所需的最短时间至少为30分钟。 预加载整个WordPress网站需要花费一些时间,并消耗服务器上的大量资源。 如果您不希望静态文件过期,则可以将其保留为0,除非您手动刷新缓存。

We hope this guide helped you setup WP Super Cache on your WordPress blog. For plugin specific support, please post all your questions in the WordPress support forums for the plugin author. Read our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it.

我们希望本指南能帮助您在WordPress博客上设置WP Super Cache。 对于特定于插件的支持,请在插件支持者的WordPress支持论坛中发布所有问题。 阅读我们的指南,了解如何正确地获得WordPress支持并获得它 。

For other feedback and questions, please leave a comment below.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-install-and-setup-wp-super-cache-for-beginners/


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