软件设计师 一年考几次

by Tiffany Eaton

蒂芙尼·伊顿(Tiffany Eaton)

一年写106篇文章如何帮助我成长为设计师 (How writing 106 articles in a year has helped me grow as a designer)

Consistency was never my strong suit. When I was younger, I remember kids my age keeping diaries or journals. My mom even got in the phase where she bought me a journal in the hope that I would write.

一致性从来不是我的强项。 小时候,我记得我的孩子们都在写日记或日记。 我妈妈甚至进入了她给我买日记的希望,希望我能写。

“What was the point?” I thought. Sure, it would be nice to look back to see what 9 year old me thought about life, but the main issue was that I was scared of making mistakes in my writing. I was scared that my writing would become a fabrication of events I had experienced with every fiber of my body in a moment of time.

“那是什么意思?” 我想。 当然,回头看看我9岁时对生活的看法会很好,但是主要的问题是我不敢在写作中犯错误。 我很害怕自己的写作会成为我在一段时间内身体各条纤维所经历的事件的捏造。

My writing wasn’t authentic. I wouldn’t be able to convey my thoughts in an eloquent way. I hated the way I sounded. I never considered myself a writer so why start? These were some of the thoughts that ran in my young mind for a long time.

我的作品不真实。 我无法雄辩地表达自己的想法。 我讨厌发声。 我从不认为自己是作家,所以为什么要开始呢? 这些是我很长一段时间以来脑海中浮现的一些想法。

It wasn’t until my junior year of college when I experienced an event which changed the trajectory of my growing design career: My interview experience with Microsoft.


At that time, I had developed this facade where I thought I was a great designer, and that the pace at which I was learning was totally fine. I didn’t think of pushing myself to learn further, as I would probably do that once I started working. I was already in a good place in that I was getting all these interviews! That was validation enough — or so I thought.

那时,我在自己认为自己是一位伟大的设计师的地方就开发了这种立面,并且学习的速度非常好。 我没想到要推动自己进一步学习,因为一旦开始工作,我可能会这样做。 在所有这些采访中,我已经处于一个不错的位置! 这已经足够验证了-大概我想。

When I found out that I got rejected from Microsoft, I was hurt. I didn’t know how to handle the rejection. I had worked so hard, and I thought I did great. Anyone who has gotten rejected knows how soul-sucking and bone-crushing the feeling is.

当我发现自己遭到微软的拒绝时,我很受伤。 我不知道如何处理拒绝。 我工作很努力,我认为自己做得很好。 任何被拒绝的人都知道这种感觉是多么的令人伤心和骨伤。

It wasn’t until this moment that I realized the way I was putting myself down was toxic, and I hated the fact I was making myself feel useless. I knew I had a lot more growing to do if I wanted to do big things and if I wanted to handle rejection in a way that encouraged action.

直到这一刻,我才意识到自己放下自己的方式是有毒的,并且我讨厌自己让自己感到无用的事实。 我知道,如果我想做大事并且想以鼓励行动的方式处理拒绝,我还有很多工作要做。

And action it was. I started reflecting on my experience to see where I could improve and put my feelings aside. I wanted to come to terms with rejection, but I wanted to do it in a way that would give insight to my interview experience for people interested in tech and preparing for interviews.

确实如此。 我开始反思自己的经历,以寻找可以改进的地方并将自己的感受抛在一边。 我想接受拒绝,但我想以一种对技术感兴趣并准备面试的人深刻理解我的面试经验的方式来做。

This is when I started writing about my Microsoft Onsite Interview Experience for the whole world to read. It was a way to reconcile the bitterness of rejection, so I could look back on my experience and improve from it moving forward.

这是我开始撰写有关我的Microsoft现场采访体验的文章,供全世界阅读的。 这是调和拒绝的痛苦的一种方式,因此我可以回顾一下自己的经验,并从中不断进步。

As a result of writing about my experience, I was surprised to receive lots of encouragement and gratitude for sharing my story. I also found that when I was writing, I enjoyed the process of it all. I loved crafting a story, reflecting on my experiences, keeping a tangible benchmark of what I had learned so I could keep growing, and sharing my stories with other people so that they could gain something from them. I couldn’t stop at one story, I needed to write more.

由于写了自己的经历,我为分享自己的故事而感到鼓舞和感激,感到非常惊讶。 我还发现当我写作时,我喜欢这一切的过程。 我喜欢编造一个故事,反思自己的经历,对所学知识进行明确的基准测试,这样我才能不断成长,并与其他人分享我的故事,以便他们从中受益。 我不能止步于一个故事,我需要写更多。

…And here we are. One year later and I am (still) writing every week. So what did I learn from writing every week for a year?

…我们来了。 一年后,我每周仍在写作。 那么从一年的每周写作中学到了什么?

写作使我能够收集自己的想法 (Writing has allowed me to collect my thoughts)

I believe our ability to reflect is so powerful because it allows us to come to terms with our deepest thoughts and encourage behavior change. Before I started writing, my mind was all over the place. I had so many thoughts but no outlet to filter them.

我相信我们的反思能力是如此强大,因为它使我们能够与我们最深刻的思想相处并鼓励行为改变。 在开始写作之前,我的想法无处不在。 我有很多想法,但没有过滤的方法。

Writing has allowed me to dedicate a few hours of my time every week to sit down and start reflecting about the things I have done. This could be anything I have done during that week, month, or even in recent years.

写作使我每周可以腾出几个小时坐下来,开始反思自己所做的事情。 这可能是我在那一周,一个月甚至最近几年里所做的一切。

Collecting my thoughts has made me think deeply about my experiences, questioning the things that went wrong or right. I’m now able to find something to learn from them.

收集思想使我对自己的经历进行了深入思考,对错误或正确的事情提出了质疑。 我现在可以找到一些要向他们学习的东西。

As a result, I have been able to grow from my experiences and develop the mindset to think deeply about what I do, focusing on the moment and being aware of my surroundings so I can learn new things.


写作使我能够面对失败 (Writing has allowed me to come face to face with failure)

Whenever I don’t succeed, I like writing about the experience because it causes me to think about things objectively and puts things into perspective. It also normalizes failure in that it isn’t something to be afraid of. Like in the design process, it’s better to fail early and fast.

每当我没有成功时,我都会喜欢写关于体验的文章,因为它使我能够客观地思考事物,并将事物视为透视。 它也使失败归一化,因为它不必担心。 像在设计过程中一样,最好尽早而快速地失败。

I used to think failure was terrible. When it happened, I would feel devastated, but after a while I would get up and try again. In hindsight, failure has actually helped me learn more than some of my “successes”. Success was more of a validation as a result of failing a few times and trying again.

我曾经认为失败是可怕的。 发生这种情况时,我会感到极度沮丧,但过了一会儿,我会站起来再试一次。 事后看来,失败实际上帮助我学习了比某些“成功”还要多的东西。 失败几次然后重试,成功更多地是一种验证。

By writing about my experiences and putting them online, I was acknowledging the things that happened, whether they were successes or failures. Learning from our mistakes results in progress. In fact it accelerates it.

通过写我的经历并将其在线,我承认发生的事情,无论是成功还是失败。 从错误中吸取教训,不断进步。 实际上,它加速了它。

Admitting failure makes me feel vulnerable. But vulnerability has allowed me to channel my energy towards self-improvement instead of self justification, which didn’t allow me to acknowledge my failures. This results in complacency.

承认失败使我感到脆弱。 但是,脆弱性使我能够将精力投入到自我完善而不是自我辩解上,这无法让我承认自己的失败。 这导致自满。

写作教会了我如何组织和讲述故事 (Writing has taught me how to organize and tell a story)

Telling a story about your design is just as important, if not more, than the design itself. If you can’t get people to understand what you made, then your idea will be sure to die unless you can communicate it better.

讲述设计的故事与设计本身同样重要,甚至更多。 如果您不能让人们理解您的所作所为,那么除非您能更好地进行交流,否则您的想法一定会死掉。

The design is the reflection of the creator. Writing follows the same concept.

设计是创作者的反映。 写作遵循相同的概念。

When I write, I get all my thoughts down on paper and then structure them into a coherent narrative my readers will be able to follow. Just like in design, you need to lay out all of your content, curate it, and tie it all together in an overlying narrative or message you are aiming to convey.

当我写作时,我将所有想法记在纸上,然后将它们整理成一个连贯的叙述,我的读者将能够遵循。 就像在设计中一样,您需要对所有内容进行布局,组织和整理,然后将其全部叠加在要传达的上层叙事或消息中。

I believe writing has allowed me to tell better stories because it is a matter of organizing your thoughts and deciding what or how you are going to present them.


写作教会了我一致性 (Writing has taught me consistency)

There are weeks where I’m super proud of what I’ve written, and weeks where I feel my writing is terrible. In order to improve in writing, I had to keep writing despite how I felt or when I had writer’s block. I have found that when I challenge myself, I am actually able to think about lots of ideas. I just need to focus my energy.

有几周我为自己的写作感到非常自豪,还有几周我觉得自己的写作很糟糕。 为了提高写作水平,无论我感觉如何或何时遇到作家障碍,我都必须继续写作。 我发现当我挑战自我时,我实际上能够想到很多想法。 我只需要集中精力。

The goal of consistency has engaged my mind to constantly think about making things rather than passively consuming. I would have never gotten to where I am now if I didn’t keep producing.

一致性的目标吸引了我不断思考而不是被动消费的想法。 如果我不继续生产,我永远都不会到达现在的位置。

In design, the most important thing is execution — execute and worry about how you did it later. You won’t be able to get yourself out there if you care too much about how something looks. You need to see how something works in the real world before deciding if it’s worth your time or not to refine it.

在设计中,最重要的是执行-执行并担心以后如何做。 如果您太在意某种事物的外观,将无法使自己脱颖而出。 您需要先确定现实中的事物是如何工作的,然后再决定是否值得花费时间或不对其进行完善。

Consistency has caused me to worry less about how something looks before uploading it because its all about making as many things as you can, iterating to build yourself or your brand, than sweating the small details.


写作教会了我勇气 (Writing has taught me courage)

When you put your work out in public, you are extremely vulnerable to criticism. Writing has allowed me to not be afraid of taking risks with what I write, as my resolve to get my message out there is more important than what people think of it.

当您公开发表作品时,您极易受到批评。 写作使我不必担心自己的写作会冒险,因为我决心把自己的信息传达出去的决心比人们所认为的重要。

An example is when I wrote a post about turning down an internship at Google. I received polarizing opinions about what I did.

一个例子是我写了一篇关于拒绝在Google实习的文章。 我对自己的所作所为产生了分歧。

My initial reaction to peoples’ reactions was: “Did I make the right decision? Should I just delete this post?”

我对人们的React的最初React是:“我做出了正确的决定吗? 我应该删除此帖子吗?”

I became extremely self-conscious, because some the comments towards me were so harsh and made me question how I portrayed my message.


As I continue to write, I realize that the most important thing for me is to take peoples’ criticism with a pinch of salt and stay true to my values in the light of doubt. It’s up to me to decide what I want to write, because I write for myself first.

在我继续写作的同时,我意识到对我来说最重要的是用一点点的盐来接受人们的批评,并在怀疑的情况下忠于我的价值观。 由我决定要写什么,因为我先为自己写。

Whenever you write things, you are bound to have people come up with assumptions. When that happens, you can ignore the comment or try to understand where that person is coming from and clarify your side to prevent misunderstanding.

每当您写东西时,您一定会让人想到。 发生这种情况时,您可以忽略此评论,也可以尝试了解该人的来历,并澄清自己的立场,以免造成误解。

Don’t let comments get the best of you. Sometimes the best work you produce is the result of taking risks and providing a point of view nobody has presented before.

不要让评论充分发挥您的作用。 有时,您制作出的最好的作品是冒险和提供前所未有的观点的结果。

写作教会了我感恩 (Writing has taught me gratitude)

By setting aside time to reflect on everything I have done, whether design related or not, I have been able practice gratitude for everything I have learned. I’m thankful for the people who have encouraged me to keep writing, friends, family, co-workers, and having the privilege to share my experiences with people who might not have the chance to do so.

通过留出时间来思考我所做的所有事情,无论是否与设计相关,我都可以对所学到的东西表示感谢。 感谢那些鼓励我继续写作,朋友,家人,同事并有幸与可能没有机会这样做的人分享我的经验的人。

尾注 (Ending Notes)

What was once considered my weakness became my strength. Writing has given me opportunities to branch out onto other platforms, help other people, and become a role model for other designers who have been my position just starting out.

曾经被认为我的弱点变成了我的力量。 写作使我有机会扩展到其他平台,帮助其他人,并成为其他设计师的榜样,这些设计师一直是我刚起步的职位。

Writing has also allowed me to develop a voice, something I have been struggling with for years.


How will I continue to grow? For me, it is to keep sharing my experiences with the public, continuing to reflect on everything that happens to me, and learning from my successes and mistakes.

我将如何继续成长? 对我而言,是要继续与公众分享我的经验,继续反思发生在我身上的一切,并从我的成功和错误中学习。

Thank you to Thomas Despin for inspiring me with his article of how he started writing. You can find his story here.

感谢托马斯·德斯平 ( Thomas Despin)撰写的有关他如何开始写作的文章启发了我。 你可以在这里找到他的故事。

Check out my Skillshare Course on UX research and learn something new!


To help you get started on owning your design career, here are some amazing tools from Rookieup, a site I used to get mentorship from senior designers. If you use the links I provided below, you get a discount:

为了帮助您开始拥有自己的设计事业,这里有一些Rookieup的出色工具,我曾经从该网站获得高级设计师的指导。 如果您使用我在下面提供的链接,您将获得折扣:

  • Build a portfolio with help from an experienced designer


  • Essential tools to strengthen and build your portfolio


  • Take control of your time and career by becoming a freelancer


  • Tips and tricks to get an amazing design job


Links to some other cool reads:


  • The Downfall of Design Teams and Products- How to Recover and Facilitate Inclusive Design Culture


  • I interviewed at Facebook as a new grad. Here is what I learned about design

    我在Facebook接受了应届毕业生的面试。 这是我从设计中学到的

  • Standing Up as a Design Leader


  • Journey Mapping is the Key to Gaining Empathy


  • UX is Grounded in Rationale, not Design


  • The Types of Design Research every Designer should know NOW


If you have any questions about design, message me on LinkedIn and I’ll write about it!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-writing-has-helped-me-grow-as-a-designer-afbed63c16a7/

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