
By default, iMessage on the iPhone and Mac show the sender when you’ve read a message. That can be handy sometimes, but not always. The good news is that the feature is easy to turn on and off.

默认情况下,iPhone和Mac上的iMessage在您阅读邮件时会显示发件人。 有时可能很方便,但并非总是如此。 好消息是该功能易于打开和关闭。

The Messaging app on iOS and Mac devices is capable of sending and receiving two types of messages: text messages, which use your carrier’s SMS system, and iMessages, which are instant messages sent using your data connection. iMessage requires that both the sender and recipient are using an iOS or Mac device, and that a data connection is available. iMessages offer a few features that text messages do not, such as being about to see when someone is typing you a message, better group messaging, and, yes, read receipts. If you prefer that people not know when you’ve read their iMessages, we’ve got the fix for you.

iOS和Mac设备上的Messaging应用程序能够发送和接收两种类型的消息 :使用运营商的SMS系统的文本消息,以及使用数据连接发送的即时消息iMessages。 iMessage要求发件人和收件人都使用iOS或Mac设备,并且数据连接可用。 iMessages提供了一些文本消息不具备的功能,例如即将看到有人在给您键入消息的消息,更好的群组消息传递以及可以阅读回执。 如果您希望其他人不知道您何时阅读了他们的iMessages,我们将为您提供解决方案。

在iPhone上禁用iMessage的已读回执 (Disable Read Receipts for iMessage on the iPhone)

On the iPhone, you can disable read receipts for everyone, or for specific contacts (if you’re using iOS 10).

在iPhone上,您可以为所有人或特定联系人(如果使用的是iOS 10)禁用已读回执。

为所有人 (For Everybody)

As with most things iPhone, you’ll disable iMessage read receipts using the Settings app. In Settings, scroll down and tap Messages.

与大多数iPhone一样,您将使用“设置”应用禁用iMessage阅读回执。 在设置中,向下滚动并点击消息。

On the Messages screen, tap the “Send Read Receipts” switch to toggle the feature on or off.


对于特定联系人 (For Specific Contacts)

What if you turn off read receipts wholesale, but still want one or two individuals to see that you’ve read their message? iOS 10 will allow you to turn on (or off) read receipts on a per-message basis. To do this open any message thread in Messages and tap on the “i” in the upper-right corner.

如果您关闭了批发阅读收据,但仍然希望一两个人看到您已经阅读了他们的信息,该怎么办? iOS 10将允许您按消息打开(或关闭)已读回执 。 为此,请在“消息”中打开任何消息线程,然后点击右上角的“ i”。

Then you can turn read receipts for each individual message on or off according to how you have them set globally.


When you disable read receipts, people who send you iMessages will still see a status when a message has been successfully delivered, but they will no longer see that you have read the message.


Keep in mind that while you can individually select who exactly you turn on read receipts for, it’s possible for the global read receipt toggle to still be turned on. This means that whenever you add a new contact to your iPhone, read receipts will automatically be enabled for them if they also have an iPhone.

请记住,虽然您可以单独选择要为其打开阅读收据的确切对象,但可能仍会打开全局已读收据开关。 这意味着每当您向iPhone添加新联系人时,如果他们也有iPhone,则会自动为其启用已读回执。

The only way to keep this from happening is to turn off the global toggle in the settings. Doing this will disable read receipts for everyone, so you’ll have to go back in and re-enable them individually for the contacts you want them turned on for.

防止这种情况发生的唯一方法是关闭设置中的全局切换。 这样做将禁用所有人的已读回执,因此您必须重新打开并为要为其启用通讯录的联系人分别重新启用它们。

在Mac上禁用iMessage的已读回执 (Disable Read Receipts for iMessage on the Mac)

The Messages app in newer versions of Mac OS X also support the iMessage protocol. It’s similarly easy to turn off read receipts in the Mac Messages app, and just like iOS, you can do it for all contacts or certain contacts (if you’re running macOS Sierra).

较新版本的Mac OS X中的Messages应用程序还支持iMessage协议。 同样,在Mac Messages应用程序中关闭已读回执也很容易,就像iOS一样,您可以对所有联系人或某些联系人(如果正在运行macOS Sierra)执行此操作。

Note that if you use both your Mac and iOS device to read messages, you’ll need to disable read receipts in both places.


为所有人 (For Everybody)

In the Messages app on your Mac, click Messages on the Apple menu and then click Preferences. In the Preferences window, switch to the Accounts tab.

在Mac上的“消息”应用中,在Apple菜单上单击“消息”,然后单击“首选项”。 在“首选项”窗口中,切换到“帐户”选项卡。

On the Accounts tab, select your iMessage account on the left and then, on the right, disable the “Send read receipts” check box. You can then close the Preferences window.

在“帐户”选项卡上,在左侧选择您的iMessage帐户,然后在右侧禁用“发送已读回执”复选框。 然后,您可以关闭“首选项”窗口。

对于特定联系人 (For Specific Contacts)

On macOS Sierra, read receipts can be enabled or disabled on a per message basis. Just open any message and click “Details” in the upper-right corner.

在macOS Sierra上,可以基于每条消息启用或禁用已读回执。 只需打开任何消息,然后单击右上角的“详细信息”即可。

Then enable or disable “Send Read Receipts”. Again, whether this option is already checked or unchecked will depend on how read receipts are configured globally.

然后启用或禁用“发送已读回执”。 同样,此选项是否已选中还是将取决于全局配置已读回执。

With read receipts disabled, you can now read messages whenever you want without feeling the extra pressure to reply right away. And if like having read receipts enabled most of the time, it’s easy enough to disable them temporarily if you want to read a particular message without people knowing. Enjoy!

在禁用已读回执的情况下,您现在可以随时阅读邮件,而不会感到立即回复的额外压力。 如果喜欢在大多数时间启用阅读回执,那么如果您想在人们不知的情况下阅读特定邮件,可以很容易地暂时将其禁用。 请享用!




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