wi-fi 密码

Windows remembers Wi-Fi passwords to save you time, but you can save more time by exporting the saved passwords and transfering them to other computers. LastPass, WirelessKeyView, and Windows itself can back up your wireless passwords.

Windows会记住Wi-Fi密码,以节省您的时间,但是您可以通过导出已保存的密码并将其传输到其他计算机来节省更多时间。 LastPass,WirelessKeyView和Windows本身可以备份您的无线密码。

Both LastPass and Windows itself allow you to import the saved settings on other computers, while WirelessKeyView generates a text file listing the information you’ll need.


最后通行证 (LastPass)

The LastPass password manager, which we’ve covered in-depth,  recently added the ability to import and export your Wi-Fi passphrases. If you’re a LastPass user, you can save your Wi-Fi passphrases in your LastPass vault and automatically sync them between your computers.

我们已经深入介绍了LastPass密码管理器,最近还增加了导入和导出Wi-Fi密码短语的功能。 如果您是LastPass用户,则可以将Wi-Fi密码保存在LastPass库中,并在计算机之间自动同步它们。

To find this option, click the LastPass button, point to “Import From” and select “Wi-Fi Passwords.”

要找到此选项,请单击LastPass按钮,指向“导入自”,然后选择“ Wi-Fi密码”

If you don’t see this option, you may not have an up-to-date version of LastPass installed. This feature requires LastPass 1.90 or later. You may also see an error message after you click this option — if you do, you’ll have to run the LastPass Universal Installer to install its Wi-Fi utility on your system.

如果看不到此选项,则可能未安装最新版本的LastPass。 此功能需要LastPass 1.90或更高版本。 单击此选项后,您可能还会看到错误消息-如果这样做,则必须运行LastPass Universal Installer才能在系统上安装其Wi-Fi实用程序。

You may see an error message when you click this option. If you do, you’ll have to run the LastPass Universal Installer to install the Wi-Fi utility.

单击此选项时,您可能会看到一条错误消息。 如果这样做,则必须运行LastPass Universal Installer来安装Wi-Fi实用程序。

Click the Import button on the new tab to import the saved Wi-Fi passwords and settings from your computer. You can toggle the check boxes to the left of each network if you only want to import settings from specific networks.

单击新选项卡上的导入按钮,以从计算机导入保存的Wi-Fi密码和设置。 如果只想从特定网络导入设置,则可以在每个网络的左侧切换复选框。

Export the passphrases on another computer by using the “Export To” menu to select the “Wi-Fi Passwords” option. LastPass will restore the saved networks, so you can connect to Wi-Fi access points without manually entering their passphrases.

使用“导出到”菜单选择“ Wi-Fi密码”选项,将密码短语导出到另一台计算机上。 LastPass将恢复保存的网络,因此您无需手动输入其密码即可连接到Wi-Fi接入点。

视窗 (Windows)

Windows has its own way to backup Wi-Fi settings, which we’ve covered in the past. The drawback to this method is that you can only import one Wi-Fi network’s settings at a time.

Windows有其自己的备份Wi-Fi设置的方式,我们过去已经介绍过。 这种方法的缺点是您一次只能导入一个Wi​​-Fi网络的设置。

First, open the Network and Sharing Center from the list of available Wi-Fi Networks.


Click the “Manage Wireless Networks” option at the left side of the window to see your saved Wi-Fi networks.


Use the Properties option in the right-click menu to select a specific network.


Click the “Copy this network profile to a USB flash drive” link and Windows will prompt you for a flash drive.


After the process is complete, you can plug the USB flash drive into another computer and double-click the “setupSNK.exe” file on the flash drive to import your saved network settings.

该过程完成后,您可以将USB闪存驱动器插入另一台计算机,然后双击闪存驱动器上的“ setupSNK.exe ”文件以导入保存的网络设置。

You can also click over to the Security tab in a network’s properties window and click the “Show characters” check box to view its password.


WirelessKeyView (WirelessKeyView)

If you have a lot of Wi-Fi passwords saved, you can use NirSoft’s free WirelessKeyView utility to view them all at the same time and export them to a text or HTML file.


Download the utility, double-click its .exe file in the .zip file and you’ll see a list of every saved wireless password on your system.


Select the networks you want to export and use the “Save Selected Items” option in the File menu to export them to a text file. You can also use the “HTML Report” option under the View menu to view the list in your web browser.

选择您要导出的网络,然后使用“文件”菜单中的“保存所选项目”选项将其导出到文本文件。 您还可以使用“查看”菜单下的“ HTML报告”选项在Web浏览器中查看列表。

Each tool has its pros and cons. LastPass is ideal if you already use LastPass, while the method built into Windows itself is great for sharing a Wi-Fi network’s settings with people around you. WirelessKeyView saves the passwords to a simple text file, which is ideal for printing.

每个工具都有其优缺点。 如果您已经使用LastPass,LastPass是理想的选择,而Windows本身内置的方法非常适合与周围的人共享Wi-Fi网络的设置。 WirelessKeyView将密码保存到一个简单的文本文件中,非常适合打印。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/107189/3-ways-to-back-up-restore-your-wi-fi-passwords/

wi-fi 密码

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