


Log2 of the number of words in the smallest cache line of all the data caches and unified caches that are controlled by the PE.x

cache line的大小,cache_line_size = 4 * (2x2^x2x), x=[19:16], [3:0]

获取d-cache cache-line的示例代码:

        .macro  dcache_line_size, reg, tmpmrs     \tmp, ctr_el0                   // read CTRubfm    \tmp, \tmp, #16, #19            // cache line size encodingmov     \reg, #4                        // bytes per wordlsl     \reg, \reg, \tmp                // actual cache line size.endm

a. 读取ctr_el0比特16到19的数值 : tmp = ctr_el0[19:16]
b. 计算cache line大小 : reg = (4 << tmp) = 4 * (2^tmp)


Tag minimum Line. Log2 of the number of words covered by Allocation Tags in the smallest cache
line of all caches which can contain Allocation tags that are controlled by the PE

cache line的大小,tag_size = 4 * (2x2^x2x), x=[37:32]


Instruction cache invalidation requirements for data to instruction coherence

0b0 Instruction cache invalidation to the Point of Unification is required for data to instruction coherence.
0b1 Instruction cache invalidation to the Point of Unification is not required for data to instruction coherence.


Data cache clean requirements for instruction to data coherence

0b0 Data cache clean to the Point of Unification is required for instruction to data coherence,
unless CLIDR_EL1.LoC == 0b000 or (CLIDR_EL1.LoUIS == 0b000 &&
CLIDR_EL1.LoUU == 0b000).
0b1 Data cache clean to the Point of Unification is not required for instruction to data


Cache writeback granule. Log2 of the number of words of the maximum size of memory


Exclusives reservation granule. Log2 of the number of words of the maximum size of the reservation granule


Level 1 instruction cache policy

0b00 VMID aware Physical Index, Physical tag (VPIPT)
0b01 ASID-tagged Virtual Index, Virtual Tag (AIVIVT)
0b10 Virtual Index, Physical Tag (VIPT)
0b11 Physical Index, Physical Tag (PIPT)


在Linux Kernel代码中,读取CTR_EL0的地方只有三处,分别是:

  • raw_icache_line_size
  • raw_dcache_line_size
  • read_ctr
/** raw_icache_line_size - get the minimum I-cache line size on this CPU* from the CTR register.*/.macro    raw_icache_line_size, reg, tmpmrs   \tmp, ctr_el0           // read CTRand  \tmp, \tmp, #0xf        // cache line size encodingmov  \reg, #4            // bytes per wordlsl    \reg, \reg, \tmp        // actual cache line size.endm/*/** raw_dcache_line_size - get the minimum D-cache line size on this CPU* from the CTR register.*/.macro    raw_dcache_line_size, reg, tmpmrs   \tmp, ctr_el0           // read CTRubfm \tmp, \tmp, #16, #19        // cache line size encodingmov  \reg, #4            // bytes per wordlsl    \reg, \reg, \tmp        // actual cache line size.endm.macro    read_ctr, reg
alternative_if_not ARM64_MISMATCHED_CACHE_LINE_SIZEmrs  \reg, ctr_el0           // read CTRnop
alternative_elseldr_l   \reg, arm64_ftr_reg_ctrel0 + ARM64_FTR_SYSVAL

read_ctr被 dcache_line_size 和 icache_line_size调用

/** dcache_line_size - get the safe D-cache line size across all CPUs*/.macro    dcache_line_size, reg, tmpread_ctr  \tmpubfm        \tmp, \tmp, #16, #19    // cache line size encodingmov      \reg, #4        // bytes per wordlsl        \reg, \reg, \tmp    // actual cache line size.endm/** raw_icache_line_size - get the minimum I-cache line size on this CPU* from the CTR register.*/.macro  raw_icache_line_size, reg, tmpmrs   \tmp, ctr_el0           // read CTRand  \tmp, \tmp, #0xf        // cache line size encodingmov  \reg, #4            // bytes per wordlsl    \reg, \reg, \tmp        // actual cache line size.endm

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