
Suddenly, it's November, and it's time to plan what you'll wear on St. Andrew's Day (November 30th). He is the patron saint of Scotland (and other countries), so of course you'll need a kilt, made in your family tartan. Fortunately, you can create a tartan pattern in Excel, if your family doesn't have a tartan. Thanks to John Marshall for creating this handy tool.

突然是11月,是时候计划在圣安德鲁节(11月30日)穿什么。 他是苏格兰(和其他国家 )的守护神,因此,您当然需要用家庭格子呢制成的苏格兰短裙。 幸运的是,如果您的家人没有格子呢,则可以在Excel中创建格子呢图案。 感谢John Marshall创建了这个方便的工具。

我的苏格兰根 (My Scottish Roots)

You've probably guessed already, but Dalgleish is a Scottish name. We've traced our ancestors back to Galashiels, in the Borders area of Scotland. According to the family history that we've read, things did not always go well for the family members, who"were consistently at odds with authority." I guess that's why some of them decided to move to Canada in the 1800s.

您可能已经猜到了,但是Dalgleish是苏格兰的名字。 我们的祖先可以追溯到苏格兰“边界”地区的Galashiels。 根据我们读过的家族史 ,家庭成员的状况并不总是很好,他们“与权威始终存在矛盾”。 我想这就是为什么其中一些人决定在1800年代移居加拿大的原因。

So, when John Marshall (a Visio MVP from Canada) sent me a copy of his workbook that creates a tartan pattern in Excel, I was interested. Okay, obsessed might be a better word. I had to dig in, and find out more about tartans, and how they're created.

因此,当John Marshall (来自加拿大的Visio MVP)向我发送他的工作簿副本(在Excel中创建格子图案)时,我很感兴趣。 好吧,痴迷可能是一个更好的词。 我必须深入研究,并找到有关格子呢及其创建方式的更多信息。

格子呢和定居点 (Tartans and Setts)

The workbook that John sent to me had the setts for several tartans, such as Marshall, Cameron, and Barclay.


  • A tartan is a repeating pattern made of setts.


  • A sett is a list of the colours and thread count that will appear in the tartan in the correct order. If a colour appears more than once, it should also appear that way in the sett.

    沉降物是将以正确顺序显示在格子呢中的颜色和线数的列表。 如果一种颜色出现不止一次,则它也应该在沉降物中以这种方式出现。

To learn more about setts, watch the first video below, where curmudgeon66 is weaving a tartan. There's even a print out of an Excel sheet!

要了解有关定居点的更多信息,请观看下面的第一个视频,其中curmudgeon66编织格子呢。 甚至还有Excel工作表中的打印内容!

达格人格子呢 (The Dalgleish Tartan)

The Dalgleish family doesn't have a official tartan, unlike some of the other clans. I guess it's hard to weave, when you're running from the authorities!

与其他部族不同,Dalgleish家族没有正式的格子呢。 我猜想,当您要离开官方时,很难编织!

Fortunately, with the macros in John's workbook, I was able to create a new sett, based on a sample Dalgleish Dress tartan that I found.

幸运的是,借助John工作簿中的宏,我能够基于我发现的Dalgleish Dress格子呢样本创建新的sett。

The hard part is counting the threads! I zoomed in closely, to count all the threads. The sett ends where I've drawn the red line, then reverses at that point.

困难的部分是计算线程! 我仔细放大,以计算所有线程。 沉降物在我绘制红线的地方结束,然后在那一点反转。

I also discovered that there is a Dalgleish Kilts shop in Lanarkshire, Scotland, near Glasgow. They have designed a couple of Dalgleish tartans that look quite nice too – a grey tartan and a green one. Maybe I'll work on those next.

我还发现,苏格兰格拉斯哥附近的拉纳克郡有一家Dalgleish Kilts商店。 他们设计了一些看起来也很不错的Dalgleish格子呢– 灰色格子呢和绿色 格子呢 。 也许接下来我会处理。

There is also a mill in Selkirk, named D.C. Dalgliesh, and it is Scotland's last artisan tartan weaver. They spell Dalgleish incorrectly, but at least they pronounce it right! You can see the mill in the video at the end of this article.

塞尔柯克还有一家名为DC Dalgliesh的工厂 ,它是苏格兰最后的工匠格子呢编织工。 他们拼错了Dalgleish,但至少他们说得对! 您可以在本文结尾的视频中看到工厂。

创建一个新的沉降 (Create a New Sett)

Then I opened the Tartan Maker Macro workbook, to get started. A Tartan tab appears when you open the file, and you can use those buttons to build your tartan.

然后,我打开了Tartan Maker Macro工作簿以开始使用。 打开文件时,将显示“格子呢”选项卡,您可以使用这些按钮来构建格子呢。

Here's how to get started with a new sett:


  • To start a new tartan, click one of the New Sheet buttons – I added a Blank sheet 要启动新的格子呢,请单击“新建工作表”按钮之一–我添加了一个空白工作表
  • On that sheet, I filled the first row cells with the colours from the tartan, and the thread count for each occurrence of each colour. 在那张纸上,我在第一行单元格中填充了格子呢的颜色,以及每种颜色每种出现的线数。
  • Then, I clicked the Store New Sett button, in case I needed to adjust it later, or wanted to weave the tartan again. 然后,我单击了Store New Sett按钮,以防日后需要调整它或想再次编织格子呢。

建造格子呢的步骤 (Steps to Build the Tartan)

John wrote several macros to go through the steps of"weaving" a tartan in Excel. You can go through each step by clicking the buttons in the "Build Tartan" group on the Tartan tab. In the workbook, you'll see a list of all the macros, and what they do.

John编写了几个宏,以完成在Excel中“编织”格子呢的步骤。 您可以通过单击“格子呢”选项卡上“构建格子呢”组中的按钮来完成每个步骤。 在工作簿中,您将看到所有宏的列表以及它们的作用。

I don't have that kind of patience though, so I made a couple of "All in One" macros, to run all the steps. If your pattern is symmetrical, use the All With Mirror command. For asymmetrical patterns, use the All – No Mirror command.

我虽然没有这种耐心,所以我制作了几个“ All in One”宏来运行所有步骤。 如果图案是对称的,请使用“全部带镜”命令。 对于非对称图案,请使用“全部–无镜像”命令。

And here is the completed tartan, after running the All With Mirror command. It's pretty close to the original, I think!

运行“全部镜像”命令后,这是完成的格子呢。 我认为它与原始版本非常接近!

获取样本工作簿 (Get the Sample Workbook)

To build your own tartan pattern in Excel, download the sample file. Go to the Excel Sample Files page on my Contextures website, and scroll down to the "UserForms, VBA, Add-Ins" section. Look for UF0039 - Create a Tartan Pattern, and click the link to download the file. The zipped file is in xlsm format, and contains macros.

要在Excel中构建自己的格子图案,请下载示例文件。 转到我的Contextures网站上的“ Excel示例文件”页面,然后向下滚动到“ UserForms,VBA,加载项”部分。 查找UF0039-创建格子图案 ,然后单击链接下载文件。 压缩文件为xlsm格式,并包含宏。

As I mentioned, I'm slightly (?) obsessed with this tartan thing, so if you have any suggestions for improving the workbook, please let me know! I'm still tweaking it in my spare time, to get closer to the fabric tartans.

正如我所提到的,我对这个格子呢东西有点着迷(?),所以如果您对改进工作簿有任何建议,请告诉我! 我仍会在业余时间进行调整,以使其更接近织物格子呢。

视频:Tartan Setts解释了 (Video: Tartan Setts Explained)

In the first half of this video, curmudgeon66 is weaving a tartan, and explains what a Sett is, and how it pivots. (Setts have pivots – just like Excel!)

在此视频的前半部分中,curmudgeon66编织格子呢,并解释了Sett是什么以及它如何旋转。 (定居点有关键点-就像Excel!)

He even has a spreadsheet print out with the pattern, and uses that as part of the explanation.



视频:了解如何编织格子呢 (Video: See How a Tartan is Woven)

In this video, watch how a tartan is woven at D.C. Dalgliesh, Scotland's last artisan tartan weaver. The mill is in Selkirk, close to Galasheils, where our ancestors came from.

在此视频中,观看苏格兰最后一位工匠格子呢编织工DC Dalgliesh如何编织格子呢。 该工厂位于祖尔克尔克(Selkirk),靠近祖先所在的加拉希尔斯(Galasheils)。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2017/11/02/create-a-tartan-pattern-in-excel/




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