多delegate 视线

by James Hsu


隐藏在视线范围内的更多“未来”技术:增强现实 (More “Future” Tech That’s Hiding in Plain Sight: Augmented Reality)

As I discussed in the previous article on hot future tech, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR/VR), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) might seem a long way off from mainstream adoption.

正如我在前一篇关于热门技术的文章中所讨论的那样,人工智能(AI),增强现实(AR / VR),区块链和物联网(IoT)似乎距离主流采用还有很长的路要走。

Movies like Ready Player One and Avengers: Infinity Wars only perpetuate this perception by mixing real technologies with fantasy, making the tech we wield in the real world seem primitive in the process.

像《 准备好玩家一号》和《 复仇者联盟:无限战争》这样的电影只能通过将真实的技术与幻想相结合来使这种感觉永存,从而使我们在现实世界中使用的技术在此过程中显得原始。

The reality, though?


AI, AR/VR, blockchain, and IoT are already playing an important role in our everyday lives, with countless examples hiding in plain sight.

人工智能,AR / VR,区块链和物联网已经在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色,无数的例子被隐藏在眼前。

In Part One of our series, we explored how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already deeply integrated into apps we use every day. In this article, we’ll dive into Augmented Reality (AR).

在本系列的第一部分中,我们探讨了如何将人工智能(AI)深度集成到我们每天使用的应用程序中。 在本文中,我们将深入研究增强现实(AR)。

什么是增强现实? (What is Augmented Reality?)

Not to be confused with virtual reality (VR), which is 100% driven by computer generated images, augmented reality (AR) is a technology that combines computer-generated visuals with a user’s live view of the real world, resulting in a composite view.

不要与虚拟现实(VR)混淆,虚拟现实(VR)100%由计算机生成的图像驱动, 增强现实(AR)是一种将计算机生成的视觉效果与用户对真实世界的实时视图结合在一起的技术。

For the most part, AR today is meant to be experienced through the lenses of devices like smartphones. (Microsoft’s attempt to evangelize head-worn AR, or what it calls “mixed reality”, is gaining traction in some areas but can still be considered niche.)

在大多数情况下,今天的AR旨在通过智能手机等设备的镜头来体验。 (微软试图传播头戴式AR或所谓的“混合现实”的尝试在某些领域越来越受关注,但仍然可以被视为利基市场。)

Modern smartphones come equipped with everything you need to enjoy an engaging AR experience:


  • A digital camera for providing a video feed of the real world.用于提供真实世界的视频馈送的数码相机。
  • A computer to store and run software applications.用于存储和运行软件应用程序的计算机。
  • A powerful processor capable of computer vision (CV), for accurate placement of the computer-generated images “into” the real world.

    功能强大的处理器具有计算机视觉 (CV)功能,可将计算机生成的图像准确放置到“真实世界”中。

  • A high-res display capable of showing the real-time composite view.高分辨率显示器能够显示实时合成视图。
  • Gyroscope sensors for sensing changes in orientation, to make the composite view more engaging/dynamic.陀螺仪传感器用于感测方向变化,以使合成视图更具吸引力/更具动感。

There is a massive business opportunity tied to the fact that all the hardware needed to experience meaningful AR applications today can be found inside any modern smartphone.


电子商务中的AR (AR in Ecommerce)

It can be challenging to spend your hard-earned cash on furniture you’ve never actually laid eyes on in person. And, even if you have seen a piece of furniture in person, questions remain that might prevent you from pulling the trigger on a purchase.

将来之不易的现金花在从未亲自亲眼看过的家具上可能会具有挑战性。 而且,即使您亲自看过一件家具,仍然存在问题,可能会阻止您触发购买。

How will it look with my coffee table and side tables? Is it too traditional for my living room? Will that color look tacky against the floral wall paper and shag carpet?

我的茶几和边桌看起来如何? 我的客厅太传统了吗? 该颜色在花卉墙纸和粗毛地毯上看起来会发粘吗?

Likewise, with fashion ecommerce, how do you know whether that designer jacket will actually look good on you without taking it into a fitting room and seeing whether it jives with the jeans and boots you’re wearing?


This is where AR comes in.


Companies like Amazon, IKEA, and Target have already added AR functionality to their mobile apps, allowing you to “place” virtual objects into your environment to preview how they might actually look in your home or office. You can place a virtual vase onto your actual coffee table (thanks to plane detection), or “push” a virtual wardrobe against your bedroom wall without breaking a sweat.

像Amazon , IKEA和Target这样的公司已经在其移动应用程序中添加了AR功能,使您可以将虚拟对象“放置”到您的环境中,以预览它们在家庭或办公室中的实际外观。 您可以将虚拟花瓶放在实际的茶几上(借助平面检测),也可以将虚拟衣柜“推”到卧室的墙壁上而不会流汗。

In fashion, Michael Kors will be using a Facebook AR-based ad campaign to provide users with a simple way to “try on” sunglasses and other fashion merchandise before they buy.

在时尚方面,迈克尔·科尔斯(Michael Kors)将使用基于Facebook AR的广告系列,为用户提供一种在购买前“试穿”太阳镜和其他时尚商品的简单方法。

Ecommerce companies that allow shoppers to try out merchandise with AR believe that doing so will provide a significant lift in conversion rates — and consequently will help grow sales revenues.


营销和广告中的AR (AR in Marketing & Advertising)

Even beyond the conversion-focused world of ecommerce, businesses are finding that augmented reality can be the perfect way to attract and engage potential customers.


Snap, the photography-obsessed creator of Snapchat, has already deployed a commercial platform called Lens Studio, which allows businesses to “create branded AR experiences”. Snapchat’s AR experiences are AR-based camera filters, called “lenses”, that Snapchat users are already very familiar with, thanks in part to earlier lenses like the Internet sensation, “Dancing Hotdog.”

专注于摄影的Snapchat创始人Snap 已经部署了一个名为Lens Studio的商业平台,该平台使企业可以“创造品牌化的AR体验” 。 Snapchat的AR体验是基于AR的相机滤镜,称为“镜头”,Snapchat用户已经非常熟悉,这在一定程度上要归功于早期的镜头,例如互联网风靡一时的“ Dancing Hotdog”。

See BMW’s Snapchat Lens in action below:


Facebook has also begun testing AR-based advertising with select clients (including Michael Kors, mentioned previously,) and is expected to make AR ad campaigns available to a wider audience of advertisers later in 2018. Early results are promising. ASUS reported that its AR-based test campaign saw 10x the engagement of its non-AR counterpart.

Facebook还开始与选定的客户(包括前面提到的Michael Kors)一起测试基于AR的广告,并有望在2018年晚些时候向更多广告客户提供AR广告活动。早期的结果是有希望的。 华硕报告说,其基于AR的测试活动是非AR竞争对手的十倍 。

Beyond these platforms, CPG companies are creating standalone AR experiences to bring life to food or beverage products, for no other reason than to increase customer engagement and create a buzz. Patrón, the Mexican tequila company, launched an AR app last year that lets you plant your own agave field, from which a distillery and bartender emerge to tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about creating Patrón tequila.

除了这些平台之外,CPG公司还创建了独立的AR体验,以将生活带入食品或饮料产品,其原因无非就是要增加客户参与度并引起轰动。 墨西哥龙舌兰酒公司Patrón去年启动了AR应用程序,可让您种植自己的龙舌兰田,从中酿酒厂和调酒师会告诉您有关创建Patrón龙舌兰酒的所有知识。

For companies planning a new product launch or corporate event, adding an AR experience can help dial up both audience engagement and the resulting media coverage.


Consider Samsung’s Galaxy S9 product launch, where attendees were able to witness their name badges become virtual and interactive Galaxy S9 phones right in their very hands.

考虑一下三星的Galaxy S9产品发布会,与会者可以亲眼目睹自己的名字徽章变成虚拟的交互式Galaxy S9手机。

工业和医疗程序中的AR (AR in Industrial and Medical Procedures)

Even if you’re not an industrial technician or a medical surgeon, you can probably appreciate the complexities inherent to these professions. One false move, and lives could be at stake.

即使您不是工业技术人员或医学外科医生,您也可能会欣赏这些专业所固有的复杂性。 一个错误的举动,可能会危及生命。

Thanks to AR, things are becoming a whole lot easier for these professionals.


Energy giant BP has begun using AR to help technicians in the field perform equipment maintenance. With the new technology, BP engineers wear AR headsets that transmit a live video feed to a remote expert, who can diagnose issues and then place relevant instructions and diagrams onto the field technician’s visual field (via the AR headset) in real time. This keeps the technician’s hands free to perform the necessary repairs.

能源巨头BP已开始使用AR帮助现场技术人员进行设备维护。 借助新技术,BP工程师佩戴了AR头戴式耳机,该头戴式耳机将实时视频源传输给远程专家,他们可以诊断问题,然后将相关指令和图表实时地(通过AR头戴式耳机)放置到现场技术人员的视野中。 这使技术人员可以腾出手来进行必要的维修。

Similar use cases are being developed in the medical field, where AR headsets can provide real time and hands-free information on surgical procedures and vital health information without having to look away from the patient.


AR游戏 (AR Gaming)

It’s been two years since Pokemon Go first grabbed the world with its killer combination of geolocation and AR-based exploration, allowing every man, woman, and child to live out their Pokemon trainer fantasies in the real world.


Pokemon Go’s massive popularity (with nearly $2 billion in revenue to date) has piqued plenty of interest and funding in AR gaming.

宠物小精灵Go(Pokemon Go)的广泛普及( 迄今为止已达到近20亿美元的收入 )引起了人们对AR游戏的兴趣和资金。

Jurassic World: Alive launched earlier this year and doesn’t diverge very far from the location-based and collections-oriented gameplay made popular by Pokemon Go.


A Walking Dead AR mobile game (Walking Dead: Our World) came out just last month, and Pokemon Go creator, Niantic, is expected to launch AR-based Harry Potter: Wizards Unite at some point this year.

《行尸走肉》 AR手机游戏( 《行尸走肉:我们的世界》 )于上个月问世,口袋妖怪Go的创作者Niantic有望在今年某个时候推出基于AR的《哈利·波特:巫师联盟》。

Admittedly, one major weakness of today’s AR games is that the AR component is often non-essential to the core gameplay.


Newly-released Walking Dead: Our World is an “AR-optional” game — and one in which the vast majority of users appear to skip the AR mode altogether (partly because it’s not essential to progress in the game, but also because the AR mode seems to struggle with plane detection.)

新发行的《行尸走肉:我们的世界》是一款“ AR可选”游戏,并且其中绝大多数用户似乎完全跳过了AR模式(部分原因是游戏进展并非必不可少,也是因为AR模式似乎很难与飞机检测结合起来。)

Even Pokemon Go — which has an excellent AR experience — is AR-optional. You can catch Pokemon without firing up the AR mode, though finding a rare Pokemon sitting on your laundry machine is MUCH more enjoyable.

甚至具有出色的AR体验的Pokemon Go都是AR可选的。 您可以在不启动AR模式的情况下捕获Pokemon,尽管发现坐在洗衣机上的稀有Pokemon更加有趣。

Some of these limitations are inherent to the software development kits (SDK) the applications are built on. Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore SDKs determine the ceiling for today’s mobile AR experiences on iOS and Android devices, respectively.

这些限制中的某些是应用程序所基于的软件开发工具包(SDK)固有的。 Apple的ARKit和Google的ARCore SDK分别为当今在iOS和Android设备上的移动AR体验确定了上限。

Both companies appear to be committed to enhancing support for richer AR experiences, though.


Announced earlier this year, Apple’s ARKit 2 will allow for much better AR-based gameplay experiences.

苹果今年早些时候宣布,其ARKit 2将提供更好的基于AR的游戏体验。

For example, consider this Apple demo of an AR game built on ARKit 2 , in which multiple players are able to interact with the SAME virtual objects in a “shared experience.” This mechanic opens up a universe of possibilities when it comes to multiplayer AR games.

例如,考虑一下这个基于ARKit 2构建的AR游戏的Apple演示,其中多个玩家能够以“共享的体验”与SAME虚拟对象进行交互。 当涉及到多人AR游戏时,这种机制打开了无限的可能性。

为什么AR比VR更快地获得主流采用 (Why AR will Gain Mainstream Adoption Faster than VR)

Most modern smartphones come standard with every hardware component you need to experience meaningful AR right now.


This low barrier to entry stands in stark contrast to virtual reality (VR).


For VR to work, users must own a virtual reality headset, which enables users to see the virtual world while blocking out all traces of the real world. VR headsets are typically purchased separately from the computers or phones that run the VR applications. While low end VR experiences can be had using a smartphone slapped into an inexpensive, VR headset (like the $15 Google Cardboard), the more immersive and believable VR experiences (on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, for example) require modern gaming computers and headsets that can cost upwards of $1,500 in total.

为了使VR正常工作,用户必须拥有一个虚拟现实耳机,使用户能够看到虚拟世界,同时屏蔽现实世界的所有痕迹。 VR头戴式耳机通常与运行VR应用程序的计算机或电话分开购买。 虽然可以将智能手机安装在便宜的VR耳机中(例如,售价15美元的Google Cardboard)来获得低端VR体验,但更沉浸,更令人信服的VR体验(例如,在Oculus Rift和HTC Vive上)需要现代游戏机和耳机总费用可能高达$ 1,500。

The other edge AR has over VR is its versatility.


AR apps are designed for a wide variety of real world use cases. And, because you maintain visibility of your actual surroundings when using AR, safety is not much of an issue — at least no more than when you’re playing Candy Crush or catching up on your Instagram feed.

AR应用程序专为各种现实情况而设计。 而且,由于在使用AR时可以保持对实际环境的可见性,因此安全性不是什么大问题-至少不比玩Candy Crush或赶上Instagram feed时多。

VR, on the other hand, is best enjoyed in a room without other people, tethered to devices like a desktop computer and motion sensors. This limits VR’s usefulness, relegating VR to use cases around gaming, entertainment, and complex commercial or governmental simulations (for aviation or military training, for example).

另一方面,VR最好在没有其他人的房间内欣赏,并拴在台式计算机和运动传感器等设备上。 这限制了VR的实用性,使VR只能使用围绕游戏,娱乐和复杂的商业或政府模拟(例如,用于航空或军事训练)的用例。

Here’s how Apple CEO Tim Cook explained his bullishness on AR relative to VR:

以下是苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)解释他对AR相对于VR的乐观看法:

“I’m incredibly excited by AR because I can see uses for it everywhere. I can see uses for it in education, in consumers, in entertainment, in sports. I can see it in every business that I know anything about. I also like the fact that [AR] doesn’t isolate. I don’t like our products being used a lot. I like our products amplifying us. And I think AR can help amplify the human connection. I’ve never been a fan of VR like that because I think it does the opposite. There are clearly some cool niche-y kind of things for VR. But it’s not profound in my view. AR is profound.”

“我为AR感到非常兴奋,因为我到处都能看到它的用途。 我可以看到它在教育,消费者,娱乐,体育中的用途。 我可以在任何我了解的业务中看到它。 我也喜欢[AR]不会隔离的事实。 我不喜欢我们的产品被大量使用。 我喜欢我们的产品放大我们。 而且我认为AR可以帮助扩大人与人之间的联系。 我从来不是那样的VR迷,因为我认为它的作用恰恰相反。 显然,有一些很酷的VR类东西。 但这在我看来并不深刻。 AR的意义深远。”

AR的可访问性也很深 (AR’s Accessibility is Profound, Too)

As jaw-dropping and eye-popping as some AR experiences can be, AR experiences are actually not difficult to create or enjoy.


From the consumer perspective (demand side), anyone with a modern smartphone can download AR-enabled applications and begin to enjoy the benefits of augmented reality.


From the business side (supply side), creating an AR experience is as easy as partnering with a reputable software company with AR/VR development capabilities.

从业务方面(供应方)开始,创建AR体验就像与具有AR / VR开发功能的著名软件公司合作一样容易。

The hardest part, as it often is with emerging technologies, is taking the initial plunge.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/more-future-tech-thats-hiding-in-plain-sight-augmented-reality-fd9680391e8f/

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