
ISO:国际标准化组织 (ISO: International Organization for Standardization)

ISO is an abbreviation of the International Organization for Standardization. It is an international standard-setting organization that is independent, non-governmental, non-profitable, and global and which expands and brings out international standards. It offers and sets a standard for products and services. These standards of ISO are acknowledged globally and offer an assurance that the products and services are safe, trustworthy and of high-quality.

ISO是国际标准化组织的缩写 。 它是一个国际标准制定组织,它是独立的,非政府的,非盈利的并且是全球性的,并且在扩展和提出国际标准。 它提供并设置了产品和服务的标准。 这些ISO标准在全球范围内得到公认,并确保产品和服务是安全,可信赖的和高质量的。

ISO is the world's leading developer of voluntary global standards. Its head office is situated in Geneva in Switzerland and its official languages are English, French, and Russian. It operates in 164 countries around the world and support and encourages global proprietary, industrial and commercial standards.

ISO是自愿性全球标准的全球领先开发商。 其总部位于瑞士日内瓦,其官方语言为英语,法语和俄语。 它在全球164个国家/地区运营,并支持和鼓励制定全球专有,工业和商业标准。

It was one of the first organizations, which approved general consultative standing with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.


Image source: https://www.iso.org/iso-name-and-logo.html


ISO工作 (Work of ISO)

  • ISO offers outstanding specifications for products, services, and systems to make sure that the products and services are safe, trustworthy, high-quality and efficient.


  • The numbers of international standards published by ISO are more than 19500, which takes under every industry, technology, food safety, agriculture, and healthcare.


ISO简史 (ISO Brief History)

  • The representatives of 25 countries congregated at the Institute of Civil Engineers in London and decided to set up an international organization to make easy and possible international harmonization and confederation of industrial standards in 1946.


  • In February 1947, ISO was established and authoritatively started its operations.


Following is a listing of popular standards of international organization for Standardization,


  • ISO 9000: It is used for the standardization of quality management.

    ISO 9000 :用于质量管理的标准化。

  • ISO 10012: It is used to measure the management system.

    ISO 10012 :用于衡量管理体系。

  • ISO 14000: It is used for the standardization of environmental management.

    ISO 14000 :用于环境管理的标准化。

  • ISO 19011: It provides a guideline to the audit management system.

    ISO 19011 :它提供了审核管理系统的指南。

  • ISO 2768-1: It is used to provide a standard for general tolerance.

    ISO 2768-1 :用于提供一般公差的标准。

  • ISO 31000: It is a standard for risk management.

    ISO 31000 :这是风险管理的标准。

  • ISO 50001: It is a standard for energy management.

    ISO 50001 :这是能源管理的标准。

  • ISO 4217: It is used for the standardization of currency codes.

    ISO 4217 :用于货币代码的标准化。

理财 (Financing)

The funding for financing ISO is done by the amalgamation of:


  • The organizations which administer and control the particular projects or loan specialist professionals to contribute to the technical work.


  • Subscriptions from each country which are in association with ISO. These subscriptions are in the division to each country's gross national product and trade figures.

    来自与ISO关联的每个国家/地区的订阅。 这些订阅属于每个国家的国民生产总值和贸易数字的划分。

  • Trade of standards of product and services.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/iso-full-form.aspx



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