
DP:显示图片 (DP: Display Picture)

DP is an abbreviation of the Display Picture. It is also called a profile picture. It denotes a picture which is in commonly used as a display picture by uploading on a profile of social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. to show your visual identity.

DP是Display Picture的缩写 。 也称为个人资料图片。 它表示一种图片,通常通过将其上传到诸如Facebook,Twitter,Tumblr等社交网站的个人资料上来作为显示图片,以显示您的视觉识别。

Display pictures can be stated as: "A picture which draws particular attention towards one person on social media or other internet social media account profile which denotes that person’s visual identity." It is also stated as a profile picture, but according to its name, it does not describe a particular user’s profile, so, a large number of people like it better to call it a Display Picture (DP).

可以将显示图片表示为:“在社交媒体或其他Internet社交媒体帐户资料上特别关注一个人的图片,该图片表示该人的视觉识别。” 它也被描述为个人资料图片,但是根据其名称,它并未描述特定用户的个人资料,因此,许多人更喜欢将其称为“ 显示图片(DP)”

A user can also crop, filter, change the display picture's background, change contrast and brightness, etc.


Image source: https://diyuehb.com/explore/blank-profile-picture.html


其他术语(DP:数据处理) (Other term (DP: Data Processing))

DP also is an abbreviation of Data Processing. It is a method of operations that uses computer software to systematize and handle data, generally a huge sum of numeric data. It is also used to organize, arrange, manage, analyze, calculate, process and store data. In easy terms, it is the exchange of unprocessed data to significant information through a process of operations that integrates computer systems, software, etc.

DP也是数据处理的缩写。 它是一种使用计算机软件来系统化和处理数据(通常是大量的数字数据)的操作方法。 它还用于组织,安排,管理,分析,计算,处理和存储数据。 简单来说,就是通过集成计算机系统,软件等的操作过程将未处理的数据交换为重要的信息。

Corporations and organizations use commonly computer systems and software to execute a sequence of operations to acquire information by processing unprocessed data. The outcome with lots of information is presented in the structure appearance of diagrams, reports, and graphics, etc. There is a huge number of software accessible in the market to process operations on the data. The examples of this software are MS Word, PowerPoint, and MS Excel, etc.

公司和组织通常使用计算机系统和软件来执行一系列操作,以通过处理未处理的数据来获取信息。 在图表,报告和图形等的结构外观中提供了包含大量信息的结果。市场上有大量可用于处理数据操作的软件。 该软件的示例包括MS Word,PowerPoint和MS Excel等。

Some processes which comprises by Data processing are,


  • Validation:


    This process makes certain that the data which is provided is clear, accurate and functional.


  • Sorting:


    This process is used to organize and arrange items in some series of sequence either ascending or descending.


  • Summarization:


    This process is used to diminish complete information showing data into its summarized format which is also defined as main points.


  • Aggregation:


    This process is used to merge numerous segments of data into its combined format for purposes such as statistical analysis to retrieve more information about specific groups based on particular variables.


  • Analysis:


    This process makes use of specialized and extremely precise algorithms and statistical calculations.


  • Classification:


    This process is used to divide data into a variety of classifications.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/dp-full-form.aspx



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