
文档 Documentation

注:Redis 文档

Note: The Redis Documentation is also available in raw (computer friendly) format in the redis-doc github repository. The Redis Documentation is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

使用 Redis 编程

Programming with Redis

  • Redis 实现的全部命令在文档中贯穿始终地进行讲解。  The full list of commands implemented by Redis, along with thorough documentation for each of them.
  • 学习如何一次发送多条命令  Pipelining: Learn how to send multiple commands at once, saving on round trip time.
  • Redis 发布/订阅:Redis Pub/Sub: Redis is a fast and stable Publish/Subscribe messaging system! Check it out.
  • 内存优化:Memory optimization: Understand how Redis uses RAM and learn some tricks to use less of it.
  • 过期:Redis 允许为每一个键设置一个不同的存活时间,以便 这个键在过期时会自动移除。Expires: Redis allows to set a time to live different for every key so that the key will be automatically removed from the server when it expires.
  • Redis 作为一个最近使用原则缓存:Redis as an LRU cache: How to configure and use Redis as a cache with a fixed amount of memory and auto eviction of keys.
  • Redis 事务:Redis transactions: It is possible to group commands together so that they are executed as a single transaction.
  • 客户端缓存:Client side caching: Starting with version 6 Redis supports server assisted client side caching. This document describes how to use it.
  • 大量数据插入:Mass insertion of data: How to add a big amount of pre existing or generated data to a Redis instance in a short time.
  • 分区:如何在多个 Redis 实例之间分布数据 Partitioning: How to distribute your data among multiple Redis instances.
  • 使用 Redis 实现一个分布式锁管理器 Distributed locks: Implementing a distributed lock manager with Redis.
  • Redis 关键空间通知:Redis keyspace notifications: Get notifications of keyspace events via Pub/Sub (Redis 2.8 or greater).
  • 使用 Redis 创建辅助索引:Creating secondary indexes with Redis: Use Redis data structures to create secondary indexes, composed indexes and traverse graphs.

Redus 可编程(扩展)能力 Redis programmability

  • Redis Programability: An overview of programmability in Redis.
  • Redis Lua API: Reference about the embedded Lua 5.1 interepreter runtime environment and APIs.
  • Introduction to Eval Scripts: An introduction about using cached scripts.
  • Introduction to Redis Functions: An introduction about using functions.
  • Debugging Lua scripts: An overveiw of the native Redis Lua debugger for cached scripts.

Redis 模块接口 Redis modules API

  • Introduction to Redis modules. A good place to start learing about Redis 4.0 modules programming.
  • Implementing native data types. Modules scan implement new data types (data structures and more) that look like built-in data types. This documentation covers the API to do so.
  • Blocking operations with modules. This is still an experimental API, but a very powerful one to write commands that can block the client (without blocking Redis) and can execute tasks in other threads.
  • Redis modules API reference. Directly generated from the top comments in the source code inside src/module.c. Contains many low level details about API usage.

教程以及问答 Tutorials & FAQ

  • Introduction to Redis data types: This is a good starting point to learn the Redis API and data model.
  • Introduction to Redis streams: A detailed description of the Redis 5 new data type, the Stream.
  • Writing a simple Twitter clone with PHP and Redis
  • Auto complete with Redis
  • Data types short summary: A short summary of the different types of values that Redis supports, not as updated and info rich as the first tutorial listed in this section.
  • FAQ: Some common questions about Redis.

管理 Administration

  • 快速开始:如何快速安装和配置 Redis 。这篇针对没有丰富 Redis 预备经验的人。Quick Start: How to quickly install and configure Redis. This targets people without prior experience with Redis.
  • Redis-cli Redis 客户端:Redis-cli: Learn how to master the Redis command line interface, something you'll be using a lot in order to administer, troubleshoot and experiment with Redis.
  • 配置:Configuration: How to configure redis.
  • 复制:你需要知道的内容,以便搭建主备复制。Replication: What you need to know in order to set up master-replicas replication.
  • Persistence: Know your options when configuring Redis' durability.
  • Redis 管理:Redis Administration: Selected administration topics.
  • 安全:Security: An overview of Redis security.
  • Redis 访问控制列表:Redis Access Control Lists: Starting with version 6 Redis supports ACLs. It is possible to configure users able to run only selected commands and able to access only specific key patterns.
  • 加密:Encryption: How to encrypt Redis client-server communication.
  • 信号处理:Signals Handling: How Redis handles signals.
  • 连接处理:Connections Handling: How Redis handles clients connections.
  • 高可用:High Availability: Redis Sentinel is the official high availability solution for Redis.
  • Redis Releases: Redis development cycle and version numbering.

性能 Performance

  • Latency monitoring: Redis integrated latency monitoring and reporting capabilities are helpful to tune Redis instances for low latency workloads.
  • Benchmarks: See how fast Redis is in different platforms.
  • Redis on-CPU profiling and tracing: See how to perform on-CPU resource bottlenecks analysis in Redis.

嵌入式和物联网 Embedded and IoT

  • Redis on ARM and Raspberry Pi: Starting with Redis 4.0 ARM and the Raspberry Pi are officially supported platforms. This page contains general information and benchmarks.
  • A reference implementation of Redis for IoT and Edge Computing can be found here.

问题 Troubleshooting

  • Redis problems?: Bugs? High latency? Other issues? Use our problems troubleshooting page as a starting point to find more information.

Redis 集群 Redis Cluster

  • Redis Cluster tutorial: a gentle introduction and setup guide to Redis Cluster.
  • Redis Cluster specification: the more formal description of the behavior and algorithms used in Redis Cluster.

命令运行时内省 Command runtime introspection

  • Command key specifications: as of Redis 7.0, the server reports how to extract the names of keys accessed by every command.
  • Command tips: tips communicate non-trivial execution modes and post-processing information about commands.
  • Command arguments: an overview of command arguments as returned by the COMMAND DOCS command.

其它基于 Redis 的分布式系统 Other distributed systems based on Redis

  • Redis CRDTs an active-active geo-distribution solutions for Redis.
  • Roshi is a large-scale CRDT set implementation for timestamped events based on Redis and implemented in Go. It was initially developed for the SoundCloud stream.

Redis on SSD and persistent memory

  • Redis on Flash by Redis Ltd. extends DRAM capacity with SSD and persistent memory.

规范 Specifications

  • Redis Design Drafts: Design drafts of new proposals.
  • Redis Protocol specification: if you're implementing a client, or out of curiosity, learn how to communicate with Redis at a low level.
  • Redis RDB format specification, and RDB version history.
  • Internals: Learn details about how Redis is implemented under the hood.

资源 Resources

  • Redis Cheat Sheet: Online or printable function reference for Redis.

用例 Use cases

  • Who is using Redis

书籍 Books

The following is a list of books covering Redis that are already published. Books are ordered by release date (newer books first).

  • Mastering Redis (Packt, 2016) by Jeremy Nelson.
  • Redis Essentials (Packt, 2015) by Maxwell Da Silva and Hugo Tavares
  • Redis in Action (Manning, 2013) by Josiah L. Carlson (early access edition).
  • Instant Redis Optimization How-to (Packt, 2013) by Arun Chinnachamy.
  • Instant Redis Persistence (Packt, 2013) by Matt Palmer.
  • The Little Redis Book (Free Book, 2012) by Karl Seguin is a great free and concise book that will get you started with Redis.
  • Redis Cookbook (O'Reilly Media, 2011) by Tiago Macedo and Fred Oliveira.

The following books have Redis related content but are not specifically about Redis:

  • Seven databases in seven weeks (The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2012).
  • Mining the Social Web (O'Reilly Media, 2011)
  • Professional NoSQL (Wrox, 2011)


Redis is developed and maintained by the Redis community.

The project was created, developed and maintained by Salvatore Sanfilippo until June 30th, 2020. In the past Pieter Noordhuis and Matt Stancliff provided a very significant amount of code and ideas to both the Redis core and client libraries.

The full list of Redis contributors can be found in the Redis contributors page at Github. However there are other forms of contributions such as ideas, testing, and bug reporting. When it is possible, contributions are acknowledged in commit messages. The mailing list archives and the Github issues page are good sources to find people active in the Redis community providing ideas and helping other users.


The work Salvatore Sanfilippo does in order to develop Redis is sponsored by Redis Ltd. Other sponsors and past sponsors of the Redis project are listed in the Sponsors page.

License, Trademark and Logo

  • Redis is released under the three clause BSD license. You can find additional information in our license page.
  • The Redis trademark and logos are owned by Redis Ltd., please read the Redis trademark guidelines for our policy about the use of the Redis trademarks and logo.

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