











function [st,t,f] = st(timeseries,minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate)
% Returns the Stockwell Transform of the timeseries.
% Code by Robert Glenn Stockwell.
% Reference is "Localization of the Complex Spectrum: The S Transform"
% from IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 44., number 4, April 1996, pages 998-1001.
%-------Inputs Needed------------------------------------------------
%   *****All frequencies in (cycles/(time unit))!******
%   "timeseries" - vector of data to be transformed
%-------Optional Inputs ------------------------------------------------
%"minfreq" is the minimum frequency in the ST result(Default=0)
%"maxfreq" is the maximum frequency in the ST result (Default=Nyquist)
%"samplingrate" is the time interval between samples (Default=1)
%"freqsamplingrate" is the frequency-sampling interval you desire in the ST result (Default=1)
%Passing a negative number will give the default ex.  [s,t,f] = st(data,-1,-1,2,2)
%-------Outputs Returned------------------------------------------------
% st     -a complex matrix containing the Stockwell transform.
%            The rows of STOutput are the frequencies and the
%         columns are the time values ie each column is
%         the "local spectrum" for that point in time
%  t      - a vector containing the sampled times
%  f      - a vector containing the sampled frequencies
%--------Additional details-----------------------
%   %  There are several parameters immediately below that
%  the user may change. They are:
%[verbose]    if true prints out informational messages throughout the function.
%[removeedge] if true, removes a least squares fit parabola
%                and puts a 5% hanning taper on the edges of the time series.
%                This is usually a good idea.
%[analytic_signal]  if the timeseries is real-valued
%                      this takes the analytic signal and STs it.
%                      This is almost always a good idea.
%[factor]     the width factor of the localizing gaussian
%                ie, a sinusoid of period 10 seconds has a
%                gaussian window of width factor*10 seconds.
%                I usually use factor=1, but sometimes factor = 3
%                to get better frequency resolution.
%   Copyright (c) by Bob Stockwell
%   $Revision: 1.2 $  $Date: 1997/07/08  $% This is the S transform wrapper that holds default values for the function.
TRUE = 1;
FALSE = 0;
%%% DEFAULT PARAMETERS  [change these for your particular application]
verbose = TRUE;
removeedge= FALSE;
analytic_signal =  FALSE;
factor = 1;
% First:  make sure it is a valid time_series
%         If not, return the help messageif verbose disp(' '),end  % i like a line left blankif nargin == 0 if verbose disp('No parameters inputted.'),endst_helpt=0;,st=-1;,f=0;return
end% Change to column vector
if size(timeseries,2) > size(timeseries,1)timeseries=timeseries';
end% Make sure it is a 1-dimensional array
if size(timeseries,2) > 1error('Please enter a *vector* of data, not matrix')return
elseif (size(timeseries)==[1 1]) == 1error('Please enter a *vector* of data, not a scalar')return
end% use defaults for input variablesif nargin == 1minfreq = 0;maxfreq = fix(length(timeseries)/2);samplingrate=1;freqsamplingrate=1;
elseif nargin==2maxfreq = fix(length(timeseries)/2);samplingrate=1;freqsamplingrate=1;[ minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate] =  check_input(minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,timeseries);
elseif nargin==3 samplingrate=1;freqsamplingrate=1;[ minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate] =  check_input(minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,timeseries);
elseif nargin==4   freqsamplingrate=1;[ minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate] =  check_input(minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,timeseries);
elseif nargin == 5[ minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate] =  check_input(minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,timeseries);
else      if verbose disp('Error in input arguments: using defaults'),endminfreq = 0;maxfreq = fix(length(timeseries)/2);samplingrate=1;freqsamplingrate=1;
if verbose disp(sprintf('Minfreq = %d',minfreq))disp(sprintf('Maxfreq = %d',maxfreq))disp(sprintf('Sampling Rate (time   domain) = %d',samplingrate))disp(sprintf('Sampling Rate (freq.  domain) = %d',freqsamplingrate))disp(sprintf('The length of the timeseries is %d points',length(timeseries)))disp(' ')
%END OF INPUT VARIABLE CHECK% If you want to "hardwire" minfreq & maxfreq & samplingrate & freqsamplingrate do it here% calculate the sampled time and frequency values from the two sampling rates
t = (0:length(timeseries)-1)*samplingrate;
spe_nelements =ceil((maxfreq - minfreq+1)/freqsamplingrate)   ;
f = (minfreq + [0:spe_nelements-1]*freqsamplingrate)/(samplingrate*length(timeseries));
if verbose disp(sprintf('The number of frequency voices is %d',spe_nelements)),end% The actual S Transform function is here:
st = strans(timeseries,minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,removeedge,analytic_signal,factor);
% this function is below, thus nicely encapsulated%WRITE switch statement on nargout
% if 0 then plot amplitude spectrum
if nargout==0 if verbose disp('Plotting pseudocolor image'),endpcolor(t,f,abs(st))
function st = strans(timeseries,minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,removeedge,analytic_signal,factor);
% Returns the Stockwell Transform, STOutput, of the time-series
% Code by R.G. Stockwell.
% Reference is "Localization of the Complex Spectrum: The S Transform"
% from IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 44., number 4,
% April 1996, pages 998-1001.
%-------Inputs Returned------------------------------------------------
%         - are all taken care of in the wrapper function above
%-------Outputs Returned------------------------------------------------
%   ST    -a complex matrix containing the Stockwell transform.
%            The rows of STOutput are the frequencies and the
%            columns are the time values
%-----------------------------------------------------------------------% Compute the length of the data.
original = timeseries;
if removeedgeif verbose disp('Removing trend with polynomial fit'),endind = [0:n-1]';r = polyfit(ind,timeseries,2);fit = polyval(r,ind) ;timeseries = timeseries - fit;if verbose disp('Removing edges with 5% hanning taper'),endsh_len = floor(length(timeseries)/10);wn = hanning(sh_len);if(sh_len==0)sh_len=length(timeseries);wn = 1&[1:sh_len];end% make sure wn is a column vector, because timeseries isif size(wn,2) > size(wn,1)wn=wn';   endtimeseries(1:floor(sh_len/2),1) = timeseries(1:floor(sh_len/2),1).*wn(1:floor(sh_len/2),1);timeseries(length(timeseries)-floor(sh_len/2):n,1) = timeseries(length(timeseries)-floor(sh_len/2):n,1).*wn(sh_len-floor(sh_len/2):sh_len,1);end% If vector is real, do the analytic signal if analytic_signalif verbose disp('Calculating analytic signal (using Hilbert transform)'),end% this version of the hilbert transform is different than hilbert.m%  This is correct!ts_spe = fft(real(timeseries));h = [1; 2*ones(fix((n-1)/2),1); ones(1-rem(n,2),1); zeros(fix((n-1)/2),1)];ts_spe(:) = ts_spe.*h(:);timeseries = ifft(ts_spe);
end  % Compute FFT's
tim_est = tim_est*ceil((maxfreq - minfreq+1)/freqsamplingrate)   ;
if verbose disp(sprintf('Estimated time is %f',tim_est)),end% Preallocate the STOutput matrix
st=zeros(ceil((maxfreq - minfreq+1)/freqsamplingrate),n);
% Compute the mean
% Compute S-transform value for 1 ... ceil(n/2+1)-1 frequency points
if verbose disp('Calculating S transform...'),end
if minfreq == 0st(1,:) = mean(timeseries)*(1&[1:1:n]);
end%the actual calculation of the ST
% Start loop to increment the frequency point
for banana=freqsamplingrate:freqsamplingrate:(maxfreq-minfreq)st(banana/freqsamplingrate+1,:)=ifft(vector_fft(minfreq+banana+1:minfreq+banana+n).*g_window(n,minfreq+banana,factor));
end   % a fruit loop!   aaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
% End loop to increment the frequency point
if verbose disp('Finished Calculation'),end%%% end strans function%------------------------------------------------------------------------
function gauss=g_window(length,freq,factor)% Function to compute the Gaussion window for
% function Stransform. g_window is used by function
% Stransform. Programmed by Eric Tittley
%-----Inputs Needed--------------------------
%   length-the length of the Gaussian window
%   freq-the frequency at which to evaluate
%         the window.
%   factor- the window-width factor
%-----Outputs Returned--------------------------
%   gauss-The Gaussian window
% Compute the Gaussion window
function [ minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate] =  check_input(minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,timeseries)
% this checks numbers, and replaces them with defaults if invalid% if the parameters are passed as an array, put them into the appropriate variables
s = size(minfreq);
l = max(s);
if l > 1  if verbose disp('Array of inputs accepted.'),endtemp=minfreq;minfreq = temp(1);;if l > 1  maxfreq = temp(2);,end;if l > 2  samplingrate = temp(3);,end;if l > 3  freqsamplingrate = temp(4);,end;if l > 4  if verbose disp('Ignoring extra input parameters.'),endend;end      if minfreq < 0 | minfreq > fix(length(timeseries)/2);minfreq = 0;if verbose disp('Minfreq < 0 or > Nyquist. Setting minfreq = 0.'),endendif maxfreq > length(timeseries)/2  | maxfreq < 0 maxfreq = fix(length(timeseries)/2);if verbose disp(sprintf('Maxfreq < 0 or > Nyquist. Setting maxfreq = %d',maxfreq)),endendif minfreq > maxfreq temporary = minfreq;minfreq = maxfreq;maxfreq = temporary;clear temporary;if verbose disp('Swapping maxfreq <=> minfreq.'),endendif samplingrate <0samplingrate = abs(samplingrate);if verbose disp('Samplingrate <0. Setting samplingrate to its absolute value.'),endendif freqsamplingrate < 0   % check 'what if freqsamplingrate > maxfreq - minfreq' casefreqsamplingrate = abs(freqsamplingrate);if verbose disp('Frequency Samplingrate negative, taking absolute value'),endend% bloody odd how you don't end a function%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%
function st_helpdisp(' ')disp('st()  HELP COMMAND')disp('st() returns  - 1 or an error message if it fails')disp('USAGE::    [localspectra,timevector,freqvector] = st(timeseries)')disp('NOTE::   The function st() sets default parameters then calls the function strans()')disp(' ')  disp('You can call strans() directly and pass the following parameters')disp(' **** Warning!  These inputs are not checked if strans() is called directly!! ****')disp('USAGE::  localspectra = strans(timeseries,minfreq,maxfreq,samplingrate,freqsamplingrate,verbose,removeedge,analytic_signal,factor) ')disp(' ')disp('Default parameters (available in st.m)')disp('VERBOSE          - prints out informational messages throughout the function.')disp('REMOVEEDGE       - removes the edge with a 5% taper, and takes')disp('FACTOR           -  the width factor of the localizing gaussian')disp('                    ie, a sinusoid of period 10 seconds has a ')disp('                    gaussian window of width factor*10 seconds.')disp('                    I usually use factor=1, but sometimes factor = 3')disp('                    to get better frequency resolution.')disp(' ')disp('Default input variables')disp('MINFREQ           - the lowest frequency in the ST result(Default=0)')disp('MAXFREQ           - the highest frequency in the ST result (Default=nyquist')disp('SAMPLINGRATE      - the time interval between successive data points (Default = 1)')disp('FREQSAMPLINGRATE  - the number of frequencies between samples in the ST results')% end of st_help procedure   


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