

  • 目录
  • Tungsten Fabric as SDN for Akraino Based Network Edges
  • Deployment

Tungsten Fabric as SDN for Akraino Based Network Edges

Tungsten Fabric Integration with Akraino based Network Edge Cloud

TF, by integrating with Akraino Edge Stack, can act as unified SDN controller to enhance many features for 5G core and edge nodes, including

  1. Enabling distributed edge computing using TF remote compute architecture
  2. A common SDN controller for different workloads in network cloud i.e. CNF, VNF, PNFs
  3. Service chaining at different types of edge sites or clouds (public or private)
  4. Common security policy enforcement for all nodes
  5. Advanced networking performance features: SR/IOV, DPDK, BGP-VPN, IPSec/TLS Support, etc


In this PoC, TF integrates with Kubernetes (CNI) and OpenStack (Neutron) as SDN plugin to enable rich networking capabilities and lifecycle management of VMs and containers where TF components or control functions deployed.

The configuration declared at the central data center is enforced on edge nodes to set up consistent network and security policies.

The basic idea behind this PoC is to define an architecture for a distributed Edge Cloud keeping operational and deployment cost low. Another objective is to build a network where failure of any edge node application should not hamper availability and functionality of edge network to avoid traffic loss.

To implement such architecture, a solution proposed in this PoC exercise utilizes the same TF based on a single SDN cluster that spans across all the edge nodes. A central SDN cluster located at main data center will have TF installed with Kubernetes and OpenStack orchestrators along with TF control components. Dedicated control functions, which handles compute and networking operations for all edge nodes, are located at the central data center, and connected to vRouter (TF component) set at the edge nodes using set of gateways.

The dedicated control function is logically present at the Primary POP to control vRouters of the edge nodes located on the remote POPS. MP-BGP protocol is used between SDN Gateways and control functions, and XMPP is used for communication between vRouters and dedicated control functions.

To have an end-to-end data transmission, an overlay network is established between edge nodes and central data centers in which MPLS over IP (MPLSoXoIP) is used. Communication between gateways can optionally use IPsec encryption to protect network data.

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