
In this article you will find out the one food that causes the worst acne breakouts that you get, those nasty cystic ones that last weeks! I suffered from acne for 11 years and found that when I stopped eating this one food my acne cleared up massively, and I no longer got those bad breakouts ever again.

So what is this acne causing disaster food?

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Vegetable oil.

Why does it cause acne?

Because it causes hormonal inflammation in the body. This results in acne. In fact, eating vegetable oil can result in a breakout within 30 minutes and can last weeks or even months.

Where is vegetable oil found?

It is mostly used as a cooking oil. Go and check your kitchen now and see whether you use a vegetable cooking oil such as sunflower oil. DO NOT cook with these vegetable oils IF you want clear skin!

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What about other food?

Vegetable oil is a fairly common ingredient in food, but it is easily avoidable. Simply check the food ingredients label and replace any foods containing vegetable oil with non-vegetable oil alternatives. For example, some pasta sauces contain it, some don't. Get the ones that don't.

Won't I be deprived of food I like to eat by avoiding vegetable oil?

Absolutely not. There are so many non-vegetable oil containing foods on the market that make avoiding it is easy and won't deprive you. And when you see the amazing acne clearing results by NOT eating vegetable oil you will be quite happy to avoid it.

Many acne sufferers around the world are discovering this and other acne killing secrets and are curing their acne right now.

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