

1 -- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
2 main = do
3     x <- getLine
4     y <-  getLine
5     putStrLn $ reverse $ foldl (\acc (x, y) -> [y]++[x]++acc) [] $ zip x y


1 -- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
2 import Data.List
3 main = do
4     inputdata <- getLine
5     putStrLn . concat . map (\xs -> f (head xs) (length xs)) . group $ inputdata
6         where
7             f ch len
8                 | len == 1 = [ch]
9                 | otherwise = [ch] ++ show len


 1 -- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
 2 import Data.Char
 3 main::IO ()
 4 main = getContents >>= print . (\[n, k] -> superDigit ((read k) * getStrSum(n))) . words
 6 superDigit::Int -> Int
 7 superDigit n
 8     | n < 10 = n
 9     | otherwise = superDigit . getSum $ n
11 getSum::Int -> Int
12 getSum 0 = 0
13 getSum n  = (n `rem` 10) + getSum ( n `div` 10)
15 getStrSum::String -> Int
16 getStrSum [] = 0
17 getStrSum (x:xs) = ord x - ord '0' + getStrSum xs 




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