此示例脚本把某些小键盘上特殊的 000 键设置为等号键. You can change the action by replacing the Send, = line with line(s) of your choice.

此示例脚本把某些小键盘上特殊的 000 键设置为等号键. You can change the action by replacing the Send, = line with line(s) of your choice.

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 5 ; Allow multiple threads for this hotkey.


#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1

; Above: Use the $ to force the hook to be used, which prevents an

; infinite loop since this subroutine itself sends Numpad0, which

; would otherwise result in a recursive call to itself.

SetBatchLines, 100 ; Make it run a little faster in this case.

DelayBetweenKeys = 30 ; Adjust this value if it doesn't work.

if A_PriorHotkey = %A_ThisHotkey%


if A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < %DelayBetweenKeys%


if Numpad0Count =

Numpad0Count = 2 ; i.e. This one plus the prior one.

else if Numpad0Count = 0

Numpad0Count = 2



; Since we're here, Numpad0Count must be 2 as set by

; prior calls, which means this is the third time the

; the key has been pressed. Thus, the hotkey sequence

; should fire:

Numpad0Count = 0

Send, = ; ******* This is the action for the 000 key


; In all the above cases, we return without further action:

CalledReentrantly = y




; Otherwise, this Numpad0 event is either the first in the series

; or it happened too long after the first one (e.g. perhaps the

; user is holding down the Numpad0 key to auto-repeat it, which

; we want to allow). Therefore, after a short delay -- during

; which another Numpad0 hotkey event may re-entrantly call this

; subroutine -- we'll send the key on through if no reentrant

; calls occurred:

Numpad0Count = 0

CalledReentrantly = n

; During this sleep, this subroutine may be reentrantly called

; (i.e. a simultaneous "thread" which runs in parallel to the

; call we're in now):

Sleep, %DelayBetweenKeys%

if CalledReentrantly = y ; Another "thread" changed the value.


; Since it was called reentrantly, this key event was the first in

; the sequence so should be suppressed (hidden from the system):

CalledReentrantly = n



; Otherwise it's not part of the sequence so we send it through normally.

; In other words, the *real* Numpad0 key has been pressed, so we want it

; to have its normal effect:

Send, {Numpad0}


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