Does this sound familiar? You start to watch a video on YouTube, and want to pause it. So you press the spacebar on your keyboard, but rather than pause the video, you randomly jump down the page instead.

这听起来很熟悉吗? 您开始在YouTube上观看视频,并希望将其暂停。 因此,您按下键盘上的空格键,而不是暂停视频,而是随机跳下页面。

If you’re like me, then you probably find this thoroughly aggravating. As it turns out, YouTube has its own keyboard shortcuts that solve this problem–albeit a little messily. But let’s start by talking about that annoying spacebar.

如果您像我,那么您可能会发现这种情况更加恶化。 事实证明,YouTube拥有自己的键盘快捷键,可以解决此问题-尽管有点混乱。 但是,让我们从谈论那个烦人的空格键开始。

为什么按下空格键会跳下页面? (Why Does Pressing the Spacebar Jump Down the Page?)

You’ve essentially been programmed to use the spacebar through a gradual and likely accidental form of Behavioral Engineering. Most, if not all, media players available today, including video streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Instant Video, utilize the spacebar as the shortcut for playing and pausing media. It’s hard to tell where this started, but in my research, I found references to both RealPlayer and QuickTime as far back as 2001. During that time, other media players were using Ctrl+P as the method to control this function but eventually practically all media players adopted the spacebar convention.

实际上,您已经被编程为通过行为工程的一种逐渐且可能是偶然的形式来使用空格键。 当今大多数(如果不是全部)可用的媒体播放器,包括Netflix和Amazon Instant Video等视频流服务,都使用空格键作为播放和暂停媒体的快捷方式。 很难说这是从哪里开始的,但是在我的研究中,我发现早在2001年就同时引用了RealPlayer和QuickTime。在此期间,其他媒体播放器都使用Ctrl + P作为控制此功能的方法,但实际上几乎所有媒体播放器采用了空格键约定。

Like other media players, YouTube also allows you to press the spacebar for play/pause, because that’s what everyone else does. There’s one catch, though: pressing spacebar only pauses when the player is focused or in Full Screen.

与其他媒体播放器一样,YouTube也允许您按空格键进行播放/暂停,因为其他所有人都可以这样做。 不过,有一个陷阱:仅在玩家聚焦或处于“全屏”状态时,按空格键才会暂停。

If the player isn’t in focus, it’ll use your browser’s default spacebar behavior: scrolling down the page. Why do browsers use the spacebar as a standard shortcut for page scrolling rather than just using the arrow keys? Your guess is as good as mine, but it’s a standard shortcut in nearly all browsers. YouTube is just respecting it.

如果播放器没有对准焦点,它将使用浏览器的默认空格键行为:向下滚动页面。 为什么浏览器将空格键用作滚动页面的标准快捷方式,而不仅仅是使用箭头键 ? 您的猜测和我的一样好,但这是几乎所有浏览器中的标准快捷方式。 YouTube只是尊重它。

Thankfully, you should never have to use spacebar to control YouTube: it has its own special keyboard shortcuts built-in.


YouTube的不同模式:以页面为中心,以播放器为中心和全屏 (YouTube’s Different Modes: Page Focused, Player Focused, and Full Screen)

Here’s where things get messy: YouTube uses different shortcuts depending on how you’ve interacted with the page. YouTube essentially has three “modes”: Page Focused mode (1) is when you are watching a video on YouTube but you have not directly interacted with the video player. Player Focused mode (2) becomes enabled when you click one of the controls on the player. As you’d expect, Full Screen mode (3) is activated when you full screen the video.

事情变得一团糟:YouTube使用不同的快捷方式,具体取决于您与页面的互动方式。 YouTube本质上具有三种“模式”:“页面聚焦”模式(1)是您在YouTube上观看视频但尚未与视频播放器直接交互的时候。 单击播放器上的控件之一时,将启用“播放器聚焦”模式(2)。 如您所料,全屏显示视频时会激活全屏显示模式(3)。

Page Focused mode is the most limited mode for shortcuts, as to not interfere with normal browser controls. (That’s why spacebar jumps down the page instead of pausing the video). Full Screen mode and Player Focused mode can utilize YouTube’s full range of shortcuts.

页面聚焦模式是快捷方式的最大局限性模式,因为它不会干扰正常的浏览器控件。 (这就是为什么空格键跳下页面而不是暂停视频的原因)。 全屏模式和“聚焦播放器”模式可以利用YouTube的所有快捷方式。

Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t make it easy to discover the various shortcuts, or even indicate which mode you’re in. But we have you covered.


页面聚焦模式的键盘快捷键 (Keyboard Shortcuts for Page Focused Mode)

If you’re watching a video but haven’t interacted with the player itself yet, the following keyboard shortcuts are available to you:


Shortcut Action
K Play & Pause (toggle)
J Rewind 10 seconds
L Fast forward 10 seconds
M Mute audio
F Full Screen (toggle)
> Increase playback speed
< Decrease playback speed
Shift+N Next video in the playlist
Shift+P Previous video in the playlist
捷径 行动
ķ 播放和暂停(切换)
Ĵ 倒带10秒
大号 快进10秒
中号 静音
F 全屏(切换)
> 提高播放速度
< 降低播放速度
Shift + N 播放列表中的下一个视频
Shift + P 播放列表中的上一个视频

玩家聚焦和全屏模式的键盘快捷键 (Keyboard Shortcuts for Player Focused and Full Screen Modes)

If you’ve interacted with the video player or full-screened your video, you’ll be able to utilize a larger set of shortcuts, including all of the Page Focused mode shortcuts:


Shortcut Action
K or Spacebar Play & Pause (toggle)
*Note: spacebar requires mouse interaction to activate
J Rewind 10 seconds
L Just forward 10 seconds
M Mute audio
F Full Screen (toggle)
> Increase playback speed
< Decrease playback speed
Shift+N Next video in the playlist
Shift+P Previous video in the playlist
 Left Arrow key Rewind 5 seconds
Right Arrow key Jump forward 5 seconds
Up Arrow key Increase Volume (by 5%)
Down Arrow key Decrease Volume (by 5%)
C Closed Captioning / Subtitles (toggle)
B Changes the visual elements of the Closed Captioning text.
(repeat to explore all the available options)
+ or = Increase the Closed Captioning font size
(only available in Blink-based and Webkit-based browsers)
– or _ Decrease the Closed Captioning font size
(only available in Blink-based and Webkit-based browsers)
Escape or F Exit full screen mode
Home or 0 Jump to the beginning of the video
End Jump to the end of the video
1 Jump to position, 10% of the video
2 Jump to position, 20% of the video
3 Jump to position, 30% of the video
4 Jump to position, 40% of the video
5 Jump to position, 50% of the video
6 Jump to position, 60% of the video
7 Jump to position, 70% of the video
8 Jump to position, 80% of the video
9 Jump to position, 90% of the video
捷径 行动
K或空格键 播放和暂停(切换)
Ĵ 倒带10秒
大号 快进10秒
中号 静音
F 全屏(切换)
> 提高播放速度
< 降低播放速度
Shift + N 播放列表中的下一个视频
Shift + P 播放列表中的上一个视频
左箭头键 倒带5秒
右方向键 向前跳5秒
向上箭头键 增加音量(5%)
向下键 减少音量(降低5%)
C 隐藏式字幕/字幕(切换)
+或= 增加隐藏字幕字体大小
(仅在基于Blink和基于 Webkit的浏览器中可用)
- 要么 _ 减少隐藏式字幕的字体大小
(仅在基于Blink和基于 Webkit的浏览器中可用)
转义或F 退出全屏模式
家或0 跳转到视频的开头
结束 跳至影片结尾
1个 跳到位置,视频的10%
2 跳到位置,视频的20%
3 跳到位置,视频的30%
4 跳到位置,视频的40%
5 跳到位置,视频的50%
6 跳到位置,视频的60%
7 跳到位置,视频的70%
8 跳到位置,视频的80%
9 跳到位置,视频的90%

These keyboard shortcuts should give you some relief to the frustrations of video playback on YouTube and in some ways might make YouTube viewing more enjoyable.




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