
Basic information:

Name: Yjb ys Gender: Male

Age: 21 Nationality: Chinese

Residence: Guangdong - Huizhou height and weight: 178cm 60KG

Marital status: Single Education: Bachelor

School: Hunan University Major: Computer Science and Technology

Current residence: Hunan - Zhuzhou political landscape: Komsomolets

IT Skills:

1): Familiar with C / C + +,, proficient in Linux environment, familiar with Linux platform development environment set up.

2): proficient commonly used algorithm data structure, and process design Design Contest ACM Awards.

3): Familiar QT, QT practical development experience with the boost libraries have a certain understanding.

4): Familiar with TCP / IP protocol principles, and learn to achieve, and multi-threaded programming familiar with Socket

5): Familiar with Shell programming, familiar with gcc / g+ + / gdb / vim / emacs / git and write a Makefile

6): English CET4 level, able to read English fluently technical documentation, and carry out simple English

Time: 2011/11 - 2011/12

Project Name: Qt + MySql College Students scoring system Billiton China

Title / Role: Analysis + Design + Code + test

Project job responsibilities:

This system is responsible for the school from 2010 to 2013 freshman quality Billiton extracurricular achievements are management, performance as a reference when graduation, graduation, student achievement based on its final validation. Background using MySQL storage, the client uses QT development, complete interaction with the customer.

Basic Course:

C / C + +, data structures, software engineering, operating systems, computer networks, databases, 8086 compilation, compiler theory, computer architecture, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, Computer English, Java, ASP, etc.


Life, I was a sunny, positive people; learning, I am a patient and willing to learn practical man; interpersonal, and I am an easy person to communicate;






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