It's important to understand this two-phase approach because it has a direct impact on how variable and function expansion happens; this is often a source of some confusion when writing makefiles.  Here we will present a summary of the phases in which expansion happens for different  constructs within the makefile.  We say that expansion is "immediate"if it happens during the first phase: in this case `make' will expand any variables or functions in that section of a construct as the
makefile is parsed.  We say that expansion is "deferred" if expansion is not performed immediately.  Expansion of a deferred construct is not performed until either the construct appears later in an immediate context, or until the second phase.
You may not be familiar with some of these constructs yet.  You can reference this section as you become familiar with them, in later                        
我们说,在第一阶段,扩展是立即发生的:在这种情形下,make分析makefile时,在构建的时候, 要展开所有变量和函数。我们说如果扩展不是立即执行,那么这种扩展将被推迟。

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