
5.7.4 The `--print-directory' Option
------------------------------------If you use several levels of recursive `make' invocations, the `-w' or
`--print-directory' option can make the output a lot easier to
understand by showing each directory as `make' starts processing it and
as `make' finishes processing it.  For example, if `make -w' is run in
the directory `/u/gnu/make', `make' will print a line of the form:make: Entering directory `/u/gnu/make'.

before doing anything else, and a line of the form:make: Leaving directory `/u/gnu/make'.

when processing is completed.Normally, you do not need to specify this option because `make' does
it for you: `-w' is turned on automatically when you use the `-C'
option, and in sub-`make's.  `make' will not automatically turn on `-w'
if you also use `-s', which says to be silent, or if you use
`--no-print-directory' to explicitly disable it.

5.7.4 '--print-directory' 选项

如果你有几层的递归式make激活,-w 或者 --print-directory 选项能够通过显示make开始处理的每一个目的和结束处理的每一个目录,使得输出更加容易理解。例如,如果 make -w 正在目录 /u/gnu/make目录下运行, 在作任何事情之前,make 将会打印出一行:

make: Entering directory `/u/gnu/make'.


make: Leaving directory `/u/gnu/make'.

通常,你不需要设定这个选项,因为 make 会为你做这件事:当你使用 -C 选项,-w 是自动打开的,并且在子make中, 如果你也使用了 -s,make 不会自动打开 -w。-s 表示要保持静默,或者如果你显式使用了 --no-print-directory,也不会打开 -w。



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