
  • Python学习day5作业

    • ATM和购物商城

      • 1. 程序说明
      • 2. 基本流程图
      • 3. 程序测试帐号
      • 4. 程序结构:
      • 5. 程序测试

title: Python学习day5作业
tags: python
author: Chinge Yang
date: 2017-01-27






  1. 指定最大透支额度
  2. 可取款
  3. 定期还款(每月指定日期还款,如15号)
  4. 可存款
  5. 定期出账单
  6. 支持多用户登陆,用户间转帐
  7. 支持多用户
  8. 管理员可添加账户、指定用户额度、冻结用户等


  1. 商品信息- 数量、单价、名称
  2. 用户信息- 帐号、密码、余额
  3. 用户可充值
  4. 购物历史信息
  5. 允许用户多次购买,每次可购买多件
  6. 余额不足时进行提醒
  7. 用户退出时 ,输出当次购物信息
  8. 用户下次登陆时可查看购物历史
  9. 商品列表分级显示

1. 程序说明


  • [x] 博客
  • [x] 多用户登录
  • [x] 商品按二级菜单显示
  • [x] 充值功能
  • [x] 多次购买,每次购买多件
  • [x] 余额不足提示充值
  • [x] 可查看购物历史


  • [x] 指定最大透支额度
  • [x] 可取款
  • [ ] 定期还款(每月指定日期还款,如15号)
  • [x] 可存款
  • [x] 定期出账单
  • [x] 支持多用户登陆,用户间转帐
  • [x] 支持多用户
  • [x] 管理员可添加账户、指定用户额度、冻结用户等


2. 基本流程图

3. 程序测试帐号


4. 程序结构:

├── Atm  # ATM主程目录
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── api  # ATM程序API目录
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   │   ├── __init__.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   └── pay1.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   └── pay.py # ATM支付api
│   ├── bin  # ATM执行文件目录
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── atm.py  # ATM执行程序,普通用户登录入口
│   │   └── manager.py  # ATM管理员登录入口
│   ├── conf  # ATM配置目录
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   │   ├── __init__.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   └── settings.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   └── settings.py  # ATM配置文件
│   ├── core  # ATM主要逻辑程序目录
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   │   ├── __init__.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   ├── accounts.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   ├── auth.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   ├── bill_date.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   ├── db_handler.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   ├── logger.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   ├── main.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   │   └── transaction.cpython-35.pyc
│   │   ├── accounts.py  # 用于从文件里加载和存储账户数据
│   │   ├── auth.py  # 用于帐户认证和帐户操作
│   │   ├── bill_date.py  # 根据年-月,生成帐单起止时间模块
│   │   ├── db_handler.py  # 数据库连接引擎
│   │   ├── logger.py  # 日志记录模块
│   │   ├── main.py  # 主逻辑程序
│   │   └── transaction.py  # 记账\还钱\取钱等所有的与账户金额相关的操作模块
│   ├── db  # 用户数据存储目录
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── account_sample.py  # 生成一个初始的账户数据 ,把这个数据存成一个以这个账户id为文件名的文件,放在accounts目录就行了,程序自己去会这里找
│   │   └── accounts  # 存各个用户的账户数据,一个用户一个文件
│   │       ├── 1000.json  # 一个普通用户账户文件
│   │       └── admin.json  # 一个管理员用户示例文件
│   ├── docs  # 程序说明文档目录
│   │   └── __init__.py
│   └── log  # 日志根目录
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── access.log  # 用户访问和操作的相关日志
│       ├── accounts  # 存各个用户的帐单数据,一个用户一个文件
│       │   └── 1000.bills  # 一个普通用户的帐单文件
│       └── transactions.log  # 所有的交易还款等日志
├── README.md   # readme文件
└── Shopping_mall  # 购物商城程序目录├── bin  # 购物商城执行文件目录│   ├── __init__.py│   └── shopping_mall.py  # 购物商城入口程序├── conf  # 购物商城配置目录│   ├── __init__.py│   ├── __pycache__│   │   ├── __init__.cpython-35.pyc│   │   ├── goods.cpython-35.pyc│   │   └── settings.cpython-35.pyc│   ├── goods.py  # 购物商城商品价格列表│   └── settings.py  # 购物商城配置文件├── core  # 购物商城主要逻辑程序目录│   ├── __init__.py│   ├── __pycache__│   │   ├── __init__.cpython-35.pyc│   │   ├── accounts.cpython-35.pyc│   │   ├── auth.cpython-35.pyc│   │   ├── db_handler.cpython-35.pyc│   │   ├── logger.cpython-35.pyc│   │   ├── main.cpython-35.pyc│   │   └── shopping.cpython-35.pyc│   ├── accounts.py  # 用于从文件里加载和存储账户数据│   ├── auth.py  # 用于帐户认证和帐户操作│   ├── db_handler.py  # 数据库连接引擎│   ├── logger.py  # 日志记录模块│   └── main.py  # 主逻辑程序├── db  # 用户数据存储目录│   └── accounts  # 存各个用户的账户数据,一个用户一个文件│       ├── __init__.py│       └── test.json  # 一个普通用户账户文件└── log├── access.log  # 用户访问和操作的相关日志└── test_shopping.log  # 用户购物历史日志

5. 程序测试

  1. 管理员登录失败
    python Atm/bin/manager.py
################ATM admin manager#################
Account [a] does not exist!
Account [a] does not exist!
Account [a] does not exist!
2017-01-27 01:47:07,377 - access - ERROR - account [a] too many login attemptsProcess finished with exit code 0
  1. 管理员登录(不允许普通用户登录)
    python Atm/bin/manager.py
################ATM admin manager#################
Permission deniedProcess finished with exit code 0
################ATM admin manager#################
password:abc------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:1001
Option does not exist!------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:1
account id:1001
Account [1001] is exist,try another account.
account id:1002
account [1002] added sucessed------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:2
Please input your query account id:1002
pay_day             :22
credit              :15000
status              :0
balance             :15000
id                  :1002
enroll_date         :2017-01-27
expire_date         :2022-01-26          ------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:2
Please input your query account id:1001
pay_day             :22
credit              :15000
status              :0
id                  :1001
balance             :15000
enroll_date         :2017-01-27
expire_date         :2022-01-26          ------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:>>:3
account id:1001
You can choose the items like this:
{"password": "abc","credit": 15000,"status": 0,"expire_date": "2021-01-01","pay_day": 22
Input modify items(json):{"credit":20000,"pay_day": 23}
Account infomation updated!------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:2
Please input your query account id:1001
pay_day             :23
credit              :20000
status              :0
balance             :15000
id                  :1001
enroll_date         :2017-01-27
expire_date         :2022-01-26          ------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:>>:2
Please input your query account id:0
Get account [0] info pemission denied!------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>>>:2
Please input your query account id:0
Get account [0] info pemission denied!------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>>>:2
Please input your query account id:0
Get account [0] info pemission denied!------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:4
------------------Account bill:-------------------
------------------Account bill:-------------------
expire_date         :2021-01-01
credit              :15000
enroll_date         :2016-01-02
status              :0
balance             :4265.0
pay_day             :22
id                  :1000
Today is not the bill generation day!
Account [1000] need to repay [10735.0]
------------------Account bill:-------------------
expire_date         :2022-01-26
id                  :1001
pay_day             :23
status              :0
balance             :15000
enroll_date         :2017-01-27
credit              :20000
Today is not the bill generation day!
Account [1001] need to repay [5000]
------------------Account bill:-------------------
expire_date         :2022-01-26
credit              :15000
pay_day             :22
status              :0
balance             :15000
enroll_date         :2017-01-27
id                  :1002
Today is not the bill generation day!
Account [1002] needn't to repay.
------------------Account bill:-------------------
-----------------------End------------------------------- Admin erea ---------1.  添加账户2.  查询用户信息3.  用户信息修改(冻结帐户、用户信用卡额度等)4.  生成全部用户帐单5.  退出>>:5
  1. 普通用户登录(不允许管理员登录)
    python Atm/bin/atm.py
##################Welcome to ATM##################
password:abc------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:1
status              :0
pay_day             :22
enroll_date         :2016-01-02
balance             :4265.0
expire_date         :2021-01-01
credit              :15000
id                  :1000                ------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:2--------- BALANCE INFO --------Credit :    15000Balance:    4265.0
Tip: [b] to back
Input repay amount:200
2017-01-28 09:49:30,934 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:repay    amount:200.0   interest:0.0
New Balance:4465.0
Tip: [b] to back
Input repay amount:b------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:3--------- BALANCE INFO --------Credit :    15000Balance:    4465.0
Tip: [b] to back
Input withdraw amount:200
2017-01-28 09:49:44,162 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:withdraw    amount:200.0   interest:10.0
New Balance:4255.0
Tip: [b] to back
Input withdraw amount:b------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:4--------- BALANCE INFO --------Credit :    15000Balance:    4255.0(Tip: input [b] to back)
Input receiver:1001
Input transfer amount:200
2017-01-28 09:50:06,723 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:transfer    amount:200.0   interest:10.0
New Balance:4045.02017-01-28 09:50:06,723 - transaction - INFO - account:1001   action:receive    amount:200.0   interest:0.0Input receiver:b------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:5--------- BALANCE INFO --------Credit :    15000Balance:    4045.0(Tip: input [b] to back)
Input your save amount:400
2017-01-28 09:53:45,354 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:save    amount:400.0   interest:0.0
New Balance:4445.0------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:6
Please input the date you will query like [2016-12]>>>2016-12
Account [1000] bills:
bill_date: 2017-1 account_id: 1000 need_repay: 10555bill_date: 2017-1 account_id: 1000 need_repay: 10555Account [1000] history log:
--------------------------------------------------------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:6
Please input the date you will query like [2016-12]>>>2017-01
Account [1000] bills:
bill_date: 2017-1 account_id: 1000 need_repay: 10555bill_date: 2017-1 account_id: 1000 need_repay: 10555Account [1000] history log:
2017-01-25 21:33:43,281 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:pay    amount:10000.0   interest:0.0
2017-01-25 22:16:26,609 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:pay    amount:100.0   interest:0.0
2017-01-25 22:16:52,347 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:pay    amount:100.0   interest:0.0
2017-01-26 21:47:42,372 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:repay    amount:100.0   interest:0.0
2017-01-26 21:51:13,819 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:repay    amount:100.0   interest:0.0
2017-01-26 21:51:24,608 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:withdraw    amount:500.0   interest:25.0
2017-01-26 21:53:16,352 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:withdraw    amount:200.0   interest:10.0
2017-01-28 09:49:30,934 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:repay    amount:200.0   interest:0.0
2017-01-28 09:49:44,162 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:withdraw    amount:200.0   interest:10.0
2017-01-28 09:50:06,723 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:transfer    amount:200.0   interest:10.0
2017-01-28 09:53:45,354 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:save    amount:400.0   interest:0.0
--------------------------------------------------------- Oldboy Bank ---------1.  账户信息2.  还款(示例)3.  取款(示例)4.  转账5.  存款6.  账单7.  退出>>:7
###################Bye,thanks!####################Process finished with exit code 1
  1. 购物商城已注册用户登录
    python Shopping_mall/bin/shopping_mall.py
------------Welcome to shopping mall!---------------------------------------------------------------1.  Login2.  Sign up3.  Logout
Please input your user name and password!
Input [y|yes] to view your purchase history,[others] means not.
Please input:y
User test shopping history:
2017-01-17 17:15:39,199 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:2 goods:Tea cost:29378
2017-01-17 17:22:13,163 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:1 goods:Coffee cost:29348
2017-01-24 21:55:50,796 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:2 goods:Milk cost:29230
2017-01-25 00:05:46,534 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:1 goods:Coffee cost:29200
2017-01-25 00:06:07,089 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:1 goods:Coffee cost:29170
2017-01-25 00:36:53,038 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:1 goods:Coffee cost:29140
2017-01-25 21:33:07,174 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:1 goods:Coffee cost:30110
-------------------Species list-------------------
0 --> Mobile phone
1 --> Car
2 --> Drink
[q|b] to quit;[c] to check;[t] to top up
Input your choice:t
Do you want to charge more money?[y|n|b]y
Please use your ATM account to pay.
Please input your top-up amount:1000
Account [abc] does not exist!
2017-01-28 10:31:52,106 - transaction - INFO - account:1000   action:pay    amount:1000.0   interest:0.0
Pay successed
Your balance is [41310]
-------------------Species list-------------------
0 --> Mobile phone
1 --> Car
2 --> Drink
[q|b] to quit;[c] to check;[t] to top up
Input your choice:2
---->Enter Drink
-------------------Product list-------------------
0.Milk                 59
1.Coffee               30
2.Tea                  311
[q|quit] to quit;[b|back] to back;[c|check] to check
Please choice the product:1
Please input the number of product:2
Added [2] [Coffee] into shopping cart,your balance is [40250]
2017-01-28 10:32:07,465 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:2 goods:Coffee cost:40250
-------------------Product list-------------------
0.Milk                 59
1.Coffee               30
2.Tea                  311
[q|quit] to quit;[b|back] to back;[c|check] to check
Please choice the product:b
-------------------Species list-------------------
0 --> Mobile phone
1 --> Car
2 --> Drink
[q|b] to quit;[c] to check;[t] to top up
Input your choice:0
---->Enter Mobile phone
-------------------Product list-------------------
0.Iphone7              6188
1.Iphone7 plus         7888
2.Xiaomi5              2888
[q|quit] to quit;[b|back] to back;[c|check] to check
Please choice the product:0
Please input the number of product:1
2017-01-28 10:32:20,656 - shopping - INFO - account:test action:shopping product_number:1 goods:Iphone7 cost:34062
Added [1] [Iphone7] into shopping cart,your balance is [34062]
-------------------Product list-------------------
0.Iphone7              6188
1.Iphone7 plus         7888
2.Xiaomi5              2888
[q|quit] to quit;[b|back] to back;[c|check] to check
Please choice the product:c
*********You purchased products as below**********
Goods                Price           Number     Cost
Iphone7              6188            1          6188
Coffee               30              2          60
You total cost:                                 6248
Your balance is [34062]
-------------------Product list-------------------
0.Iphone7              6188
1.Iphone7 plus         7888
2.Xiaomi5              2888
[q|quit] to quit;[b|back] to back;[c|check] to check
Please choice the product:b
-------------------Species list-------------------
0 --> Mobile phone
1 --> Car
2 --> Drink
[q|b] to quit;[c] to check;[t] to top up
Input your choice:q
*********You purchased products as below**********
Goods                Price           Number     Cost
Iphone7              6188            1          6188
Coffee               30              2          60
You total cost:                                 6248
Your balance is [34062]
###################Bye,thanks!####################Process finished with exit code 1
  1. 购物商城新注册用户
    python Shopping_mall/bin/shopping_mall.py
------------Welcome to shopping mall!---------------------------------------------------------------1.  Login2.  Sign up3.  Logout
-------------------Species list-------------------
0 --> Drink
1 --> Mobile phone
2 --> Car
[q|b] to quit;[c] to check;[t] to top up
Input your choice:c
*********You purchased products as below**********
Goods                Price           Number     Cost
You total cost:                                 0
Your balance is [0]
-------------------Species list-------------------
0 --> Drink
1 --> Mobile phone
2 --> Car
[q|b] to quit;[c] to check;[t] to top up
Input your choice:q
*********You purchased products as below**********
Goods                Price           Number     Cost
You total cost:                                 0
Your balance is [0]
###################Bye,thanks!####################Process finished with exit code 1



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    日期:2019年2月26日 版本:python 3.7 第一题:Hello World ‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‪‬‫‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‪‬‫‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‮‬‫‬‮‬‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬ ...

  5. Python学习DAY5|数据分析简介与实战

    本笔记摘录清华大学工业工程系朱成礼老师的python教案与授课内容,并在此基础上进行实操性的拓展,希望能对大家有所帮助. 一.数据分析简介 数据分析的一般流程:需求分析-->获取数据--> ...

  6. python学习 day5 (3月6日)

    字典映射,{}键值对,key 唯一的 ,可哈希,容器型数据类型 可变的(不可哈希): 字典 列表 集合 都不可做键 不可变的(可哈希): 数字 字符串 bool 元组 frozeset() 可以做键 ...

  7. python学习——Day5

    5.1__init__ #__init__()可以在类里面初始化 class shemale_cai:def __init__(self):self.gender='女'self.age=1def p ...

  8. 老男孩python学习_day002作业

    1. 判断下列逻辑语句的True,False. (1) 1 > 1 or 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 and 9 > 8 or 7 < 6   ...

  9. 老男孩python学习_day004作业

    看代码写结果: 1.    a=[1,2,3,6,"dfs",100] s=a[-1:] print (s) 结果:[100] 2.    s=a[-1:0:-1] print(s ...


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  5. Java一行一行的读文件和简单的写文件
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