


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;bool f[2500005]={0};
int n,m,sum=0;
struct node{int aa,bb;friend bool operator < (node a,node b){return<;        //按照b的大小来排序
};void init()
{cin>>n>>m;for (int p=0;p<=m;p++)for (int q=p;q<=m;q++)f[p*p+q*q]=true;         //直接用hash表,简单方便

}node rr[10005];
void work()
{int h=0,dd=0,k,sum=0,mm=2*m*m;for (int a=0;a<=mm;a++)         //a,b的次序可以交换,但是如果b在前a在后则剪枝不方便了if (f[a]){for (int b=1;b<mm;b++){if (a+b*(n-1)>mm) break;     //一个简单而强悍的剪枝,这里要是break,若是continue就根本没剪到了h=a; dd=b; k=0;while (f[h] && k<n){k++;h=h+dd;}if (k==n) {rr[++sum].aa=a;rr[sum].bb=b;}}}sort(rr+1,rr+sum+1);if (!sum) cout<<"NONE"<<endl;for (int i=1;i<=sum;i++)cout<<rr[i].aa<<" "<<rr[i].bb<<endl;return;
}int main()
{freopen("","r",stdin);freopen("ariprog.out","w",stdout);init();work();return 0;


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