
2019-10-04 19:13



2019-10-04 18:04


The keyword int specifies a 32-bit signed integer on 32-bit platforms. On 16-bit platforms, the keyword int is an optional keyword that can accompany the keywords small, short, and long.

[ signed | unsigned ] integer-modifier [ int ] declarator-list;



Specifies the keyword small, short, long, hyper, __int3264, or __int64,which selects the size of the integer data. On 16-bit platforms, the size qualifier must be present.


Specifies one or more standard C declarators, such as identifiers, pointer declarators, and array declarators. (Function declarators and bit-field declarations are not allowed in structures that are transmitted in remote procedure calls. These declarators are allowed in structures that are not transmitted.) Separate multiple declarators with commas.


Integer types are among the base types of the interface definition language (IDL). They can appear as type specifiers in typedef declarations, general declarations, and function declarators (as a function-return-type specifier and as a parameter-type specifier). For the context in which type specifiers appear, see Interface Definition (IDL) File.

If no integer sign specification is provided, the integer type defaults to signed.

DCE IDL compilers do not allow the keyword signed to specify the sign of integer types. Therefore, this feature is not available when you use the MIDL compiler /osf switch.

Microsoft does not recommend the use of __int3264 for remoting if it can be avoided. Please see the topic on __int3264 for more information regarding it's use and limitations.


signed short int i = 0;

int j = i;

typedef struct


small int i1;

short i2;

unsigned long int i3;


HRESULT MyFunc([in] long int lCount);


2019-10-04 17:54


整型值可以用十进制,十六进制或八进制符号指定,前面可以加上可选的符号(- 或者 +)。

如果用八进制符号,数字前必须加上 0(零),用十六进制符号数字前必须加上 0x。

int 的长度与机器字长相同,16位的编译器上int长16位,32位的编译器上int长32位






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