本文为美国路易斯安那州立大学农业机械学院(作者:Garrett Dale McKinnon)的硕士论文,共118页。





Drones have entered American consciousnessand society. Little attention, however, has been paid to how America got here,how it became a drone nation. This thesis seeks to counter the “New Drone”misconception, the general ignorance of drone history present in thehistoriography, and popular perception of the subject. Chapter one, “The “NewDrone” Misconception: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the World Wars,” examinesAmerica’s first experiments with military drones. Charles Kettering, “Hap”Arnold, and Reginald Denny were among the first to recognize UAV potential andgarner American support. The main motivation for drone use–removing Americansoldiers from danger–was first recognized during this period. These overlookedearly drones suggest that contemporary parallels, such as imprecision andcivilian casualties, are not new. Chapter two, “The ‘Inevitability’ of Dronesand the Cold War” questions the inevitability of drone adoption. Such perceivedinevitability creates a futuristic image, with connotations of superiorityleading to blanket acceptance. Examining drone development during the Cold Warreveals a very different reality. Drones faced major obstacles, includingtechnical limitations, expense, and competition from other emergingtechnologies. Just as drone technology is not new, neither are the facilepolicies which guide its use. Chapter three, “American Counterinsurgency: ThePhoenix Program in Vietnam and Contemporary Drone Policy,” is a comparativeanalysis of American counterinsurgency efforts. The integration of dronestrikes into counterinsurgency efforts, especially in unofficial war zones suchas Pakistan, has led to popular interest and concern. Many of the same problemsvii (inefficiency, civilian casualties, corruption, and public outrage) thatplague drone use also haunted America’s efforts with the Phoenix program.Because of the potential drones hold today, careful consideration of theirproblematic history is essential. Protecting Americans from war by replacingsoldiers with drones has been a century long effort. Yet drone use hasconsistently produced the same warping effect on American experiences in war.Expensive and technologically limited UAVs have been deployed inefficiently.The covert nature of many drone programs bred distrust, encouraged immoral use,and shielded those responsible from condemnation. Even worse, these effortsaccomplished little and were typically counter-productive.

  1. 引言:无人机国家的诞生
  2. “新无人机”的误区:世界大战中的无人装备
  3. 无人机的必然性与冷战
  4. 美国战争:越南凤凰计划与当代无人机政策
  5. 结论:无人机世界的诞生



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