• [1225] NEW RDSP MODE I

  • 时间限制: 1000 ms 内存限制: 131072 K
  • 问题描述
  • Little A has became fascinated with the game Dota recently, but he is not a good player. In all the modes, the rdsp Mode is popular on online, in this mode, little A always loses games if he gets strange heroes, because, the heroes are distributed randomly.

    Little A wants to win the game, so he cracks the code of the rdsp mode with his talent on programming. The following description is about the rdsp mode:

    There are N heroes in the game, and they all have a unique number between 1 and N. At the beginning of game, all heroes will be sorted by the number in ascending order. So, all heroes form a sequence One.

    These heroes will be operated by the following stages M times:

    1.Get out the heroes in odd position of sequence One to form a new sequence Two;

    2.Let the remaining heroes in even position to form a new sequence Three;

    3.Add the sequence Two to the back of sequence Three to form a new sequence One.

    After M times' operation, the X heroes in the front of new sequence One will be chosen to be Little A's heroes. The problem for you is to tell little A the numbers of his heroes.

  • 输入
  • There are several test cases.
    Each case contains three integers N (1<=N<1,000,000), M (1<=M<100,000,000), X(1<=X<=20).
    Proceed to the end of file.
  • 输出
  • For each test case, output X integers indicate the number of heroes. There is a space between two numbers. The output of one test case occupied exactly one line.
  • 样例输入
  • 5 1 2
    5 2 2
  • 样例输出
  • 2 4
    4 3
  • 提示
  • In case two: N=5,M=2,X=2,the initial sequence One is 1,2,3,4,5.After the first operation, the sequence One
    is 2,4,1,3,5. After the second operation, the sequence One is 4,3,2,1,5.So,output 4 3.
  • 来源
  • 辽宁省赛2010




如果X为偶数,那么X下一次的坐标就会是X'=X/2,可以理解成前面有一半的奇数被拿走了,变换一下 X=2*X'

如果X为奇数,那么X下一次的坐标就会是X'=N/2+X/2,可以理解成前面有N/2个偶数,然后还有X/2个奇数排在X前面,变换一下 X=2*X' - N

可以发现,无论是奇数还是偶数,都是 X=2*X 之后对N取模,那么经过M次变换可以看成2的M次幂,这里写一个快速幂就行了。


#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")
#define LL __int64
#define FIN freopen("in.txt","r",stdin)
using namespace std;
LL ans,tmp;
LL pow(LL x,LL n,LL MOD)
{LL res=1;while(n){if(n&1) res=(x*res)%MOD;x=(x*x)%MOD;n>>=1;}return res;
int main()
{while(scanf("%I64d %I64d %I64d",&N,&M,&X)!=EOF){if(N%2==0) N++;tmp=pow(2,M,N);ans=tmp;printf("%I64d",tmp);for(int i=2;i<=X;i++){ans+=tmp;ans%=N;printf(" %I64d",ans);}printf("\n");}return 0;

View Code


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