If you do email on your phone, swipe actions can help you spin through your inbox much quicker. Here’s how to use them in Outlook and how to change them if the defaults don’t work for you.

如果您通过手机发送电子邮件,则滑动操作可以帮助您更快地浏览收件箱。 这是在Outlook中使用它们的方法,以及在默认设置不适合您时如何更改它们的方法。

To swipe an email in Outlook, put your finger on the email and move it right (“swipe right”) or left (“swipe left”). By default, swiping right deletes an email (move it to the Deleted Items folder) and swiping left moves an email to your Archive folder. This might be enough for you, in which case, thanks for reading this very short article, and we hope it was useful.

要在Outlook中滑动电子邮件,请将手指放在电子邮件上,然后将其向右移动(“向右滑动”)或向左移动(“向左滑动”)。 默认情况下,向右滑动可删除电子邮件(将其移至“已删除邮件”文件夹),向左滑动可将电子邮件移至“存档”文件夹。 对于您来说,这可能就足够了,在这种情况下,感谢您阅读这篇简短的文章,我们希望它对您有所帮助。

If, however, you want to change the default swipe actions—or turn them off entirely—read on. There are several different swipe actions you can choose from in Outlook:

但是,如果您想更改默认的滑动动作(或完全将其关闭),请继续阅读。 您可以在Outlook中选择几种不同的滑动操作:

  • Delete: Moves the email to the Deleted Items folder.


  • Archive: Moves the mail to the Archive folder.


  • Mark as Read: Marks the email as read, but doesn’t do anything else.


  • Move to Folder: Shows a list of your mailbox folders so you can move the email.

    移动 F 以上:显示您的邮箱文件夹列表,以便您可以移动电子邮件。

  • Flag: Adds a to-do flag to the email.


  • Schedule: Hides the email until a time you specify.


  • Read & Archive: Marks the email as read and then moves it to the Archive folder.


  • None: This effectively turns off the swipe action.


You can apply any of these actions to the swipe left or swipe right action, and even apply the same action to both left and right swipes. This is ideal if swiping isn’t your thing, and you want to change both left and right swipe to “None.”

您可以将这些操作中的任何一个应用于向左或向右滑动,甚至可以将相同的操作应用于向左和向右滑动。 如果不是您想要的事情,并且您想将左右滑动都更改为“无”,则这是理想的选择。

To change the swipe actions, tap the hamburger menu in the top left of the app.


At the bottom left tap the “Settings” cog.


In the Mail section near the top, tap “Swipe options.”


This displays the current swipe actions. We’re going to change the “Swipe Right” action by tapping the big “CHANGE” option on the right-hand side.

这将显示当前的滑动动作。 我们将通过点击右侧的“ CHANGE”大选项来更改“向右滑动”操作。

This brings up the swipe options. At the top, it tells you whether you’re changing the “Swipe Right” or “Swipe Left” option, and highlights the current swipe action you’ve got set up. We’re going to change our action to “Schedule” by tapping on it.

这将显示滑动选项。 在顶部,它告诉您是否要更改“向右滑动”或“向左滑动”选项,并突出显示您已设置的当前滑动动作。 我们将通过点击将其操作更改为“计划”。

This will close that panel and take you back to the Swipe options, where you can see that the action has changed to “Schedule.”


When we go back to the Inbox and swipe right, the Schedule action is shown.


That’s all there is to it. You can change your swipe actions at any time. If you’re worried that you might move or delete an email without realizing it, Outlook gives you the option to Undo a move action for five seconds after you’ve swiped. (This will display after you’ve deleted a mail as well because deleting an email moves it to the Deleted Items folder.)

这里的所有都是它的。 您可以随时更改滑动操作。 如果您担心可能会移动或删除电子邮件而没有意识到,则Outlook为您提供了在刷卡后五秒钟撤消移动操作的选项。 (这也会在您删除邮件后显示,因为删除电子邮件会将其移动到“已删除邮件”文件夹中。)

A couple of handy hints:


  • The Archive action, which is the default left swipe action, doesn’t mark your email as read. That’s great if you want to move your unread mail to the archive for later reading, but if you want to mark it as read and then move it, you’ll need to change the swipe left action to “Read & Archive.”“存档”操作是默认的向左滑动操作,不会将您的电子邮件标记为已读。 如果您想将未读邮件移到存档中以供以后阅读,那很好,但是如果要将其标记为已读然后再移动,则需要将向左滑动操作更改为“读并存档”。
  • The Schedule option only works in the Inbox. We love this feature because it hides your mail until a time of your choosing, which is great for quickly removing things from your immediate view without losing track of it. Scheduling is an excellent example of letting the technology do the boring stuff (remembering to deal with a mail at a later date), so you can do the interesting stuff (something other than reminding yourself to deal with an email next week).计划选项仅在收件箱中有效。 我们喜欢此功能,因为它会将您的邮件一直隐藏到您选择的时间为止,这非常适合快速从您的即时视图中删除邮件而不会丢失它。 调度是让技术处理无聊的事情(记住以后再处理邮件)的一个很好的例子,因此您可以做一些有趣的事情(除了提醒自己下周处理电子邮件之外的其他事情)。

Generally speaking, the Outlook client and web app have got a lot more power and functionality than the mobile app, as you’d expect. But swiping actions, especially when you’re using a tablet or touch-screen monitor, are one of the things we’d definitely like to see in the next iteration of the Outlook client and web app.

一般来说,正如您所期望的,Outlook客户端和Web应用程序比移动应用程序具有更多的功能。 但是刷卡操作,尤其是当您使用平板电脑或触摸屏显示器时,是我们绝对希望在Outlook客户端和Web应用程序的下一次迭代中看到的事情之一。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/426905/quickly-handle-mail-with-the-outlook-mail-app-swipe-actions/

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