
Have you ever seen those odd looking square barcodes on a website and wondered what the heck they where for? Well, today we’ll take a look at how to use those barcodes (called “QR Codes”) to install apps and share contacts with your Android phone.

您是否曾经在网站上看到过那些看起来奇怪的方形条形码,并且想知道它们的用途是什么? 好了,今天我们将看看如何使用这些条形码(称为“ QR代码”)来安装应用程序并与Android手机共享联系人。

QR Codes are two dimensional square barcodes that contain data such as URLs, phone numbers, and other text.  Many phones can scan and interpret this data using the built in camera and barcode scanning software. Software developers often include QR codes on their website, so users can install their app easily by scanning the QR code on the computer screen.

QR码是二维方形条形码,其中包含URL,电话号码和其他文本等数据。 许多电话可以使用内置的摄像头和条形码扫描软件来扫描和解释此数据。 软件开发人员通常在其网站上包含QR码,因此用户可以通过扫描计算机屏幕上的QR码轻松地安装其应用程序。

What You’ll Need to Scan QR Codes with your Android Phone


  • Android Phone with a built in camera 带有内置摄像头的Android手机
  • Barcode Scanner software 条形码扫描仪软件

Installing Apps using QR Codes


First, we’ll need to download and install Barcode Scanner from the Android Market. There are other barcode scanning apps available, but we’ve found Barcode Scanner to be an excellent choice.

首先,我们需要从Android Market下载并安装条形码扫描仪。 还有其他条形码扫描应用程序可用,但是我们发现条形码扫描仪是一个很好的选择。

When you open Barcode Scanner, you will see a rectangular area with a flashing red line displayed on the screen of your phone. You’ll want to center the QR code inside that display so that it can be read by Barcode Scanner.

当您打开条形码扫描仪时,您将在电话屏幕上看到一个矩形区域,该区域带有闪烁的红线。 您需要将QR码居中放置在显示屏的中央,以便条形码扫描仪可以读取它。

When Barcode Scanner is finished reading and identifying the QR code, select Open Browser.


You’ll be forwarded to the App in the Android Market. Now, just click Install.

您将被转发到Android Market中的应用。 现在,只需单击安装。

Sharing Installed Apps via Barcode Scanner


Barcode Scanner can be used to allow others to install any of your currently installed Apps by scanning the QR code directly from the display on your phone (or vice versa). Open the Barcode Scanner and select the menu button on your Android phone. Then select Share.

条形码扫描仪可用于允许其他人通过直接从手机显示屏上扫描QR码来安装您当前安装的任何应用程序(反之亦然)。 打开条形码扫描仪,然后选择Android手机上的菜单按钮。 然后选择共享。

Next, select Application from the Share via barcode screen.


Select the application to share.


The QR code for the application will be displayed on the screen and can be scanned by another device.  Naturally, they will have to have Barcode Scanner (or another similar barcode scanning app) installed on their phone.

该应用程序的QR码将显示在屏幕上,并且可以被其他设备扫描。 当然,他们必须在手机上安装条形码扫描仪(或其他类似的条形码扫描应用程序)。

Select the menu button from here and your can send the barcode in a variety of different ways.


Email, IM, Facebook, Twitter, etc…


The QR code is delivered to your friends inbox or displayed in a social networking app and can be easily scanned from the computer screen.


Sharing Contacts via QR Codes


You can also share your contact information with other through QR codes. From the Share via Barcode screen, select Contact.

您也可以通过QR码与其他人共享您的联系信息。 在通过条形码共享屏幕上,选择联系人。

Scroll through your contacts and select the contact to be shared. It can be your own contact information or anyone else in your Contacts.

滚动浏览联系人,然后选择要共享的联系人。 它可以是您自己的联系信息,也可以是您联系人中的其他任何人。

All information stored in the contact will be stored in the QR code and displayed on the screen to be scanned.


Just as with applications, you can also send contact information in QR code format via email, Twitter, Facebook, IM, etc.


When you scan the QR code, you will then have the option to Add contact. Depending on the information contained in the contact, you may also have options such as Show map, Dial number, and send Email.

扫描QR码时,您可以选择添加联系人。 根据联系人中包含的信息,您可能还具有显示地图,拨号号码和发送电子邮件之类的选项。



Sometimes it can be a hassle to search for and install apps using the Android Market, but using QR codes can be a quick and easy alternative. Sales people and others who need to constantly share contact information may want to use Barcode Scanner to generate their own contact QR code and include it in their emails or on their business website.

有时候使用Android电子市场来搜索和安装应用可能很麻烦,但是使用QR码可以是一种快速简便的选择。 销售人员和需要不断共享联系信息的其他人可能希望使用条形码扫描仪生成自己的联系QR码,并将其包含在他们的电子邮件中或他们的公司网站上。

Barcode Scanner by ZXing @ Google Code

ZXing的条形码扫描仪@ Google Code

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24921/how-to-install-android-apps-and-share-contacts-using-qr-codes/



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