
If you use the full stack Symfony framework, than configuring memcached as a session handler is as simple as specifying it in your php.ini:



Make sure that the handler_id is set to null (~) in your app/config/config.yml. This way Symfony will use the native php handler:



# handler_id set to null will use default session handler from php.ini

handler_id: ~

Now you can start using your session. It is going to be stored in memcached.

Accessing the session

Session can be accessed from the Request object:

$request->getSession()->set('name', 'Kuba');

HttpFoundation component

The same can be set up outside of a full stack framework with the HttpFoundation component alone:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute\NamespacedAttributeBag;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\NativeSessionStorage;

$storage = new NativeSessionStorage(array());

$session = new Session($storage, new NamespacedAttributeBag());

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();


The above snippet sets the session up just like the full stack framework does (by default). This way, the script you'll put this code in, will share the session with a full Symfony application.


Storing Symfony2 sessions in memcached


# ....

- { resource: services/session.yml }


# ....


handler_id: session.handler.memcached

aptitude install memcached php5-memcached


# ...

session_memcached_host: localhost

session_memcached_port: 11211

session_memcached_prefix: sess

session_memcached_expire: 3600



class: Memcached


persistent_id: %session_memcached_prefix%


- [ addServer, [ %session_memcached_host%, %session_memcached_port% ]]


class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\MemcachedSessionHandler

arguments: [@session.memcached, { prefix: %session_memcached_prefix%, expiretime: %session_memcached_expire% }]


Memcached wrapper for persistent connections <?php

namespace ChaletOps\BaseBundle\Utils;


* Class MemcachedWrapper


class MemcachedWrapper extends \Memcached



* @param string $persistentId


public function __construct($persistentId)





* Prevent adding of new servers as duplicates. We're persistent!


* @param array $servers



public function addServers(array $servers)


if (0 == count($this->getServerList()))


return parent::addServers($servers);


return false;



* Prevent adding of new server as duplicate. We're persistent!


* @param string $host

* @param int $port

* @param int $weight


* @return bool


public function addServer($host, $port, $weight = 0)


foreach ($this->getServerList() as $server)


if ($server['host'] == $host && $server['port'] == $port)


return false;



return parent::addServer($host, $port, $weight);




Symfony2 Memcached settings for persistent connections <?php

namespace Acme\CoreBundle\Classes\Cache;

class AcmeMemcached extends \Memcached {

function __construct($persistent_id)





* prevent adding of new servers. We're persistent!


public function addServers(array $servers)


if (0 == count($this->getServerList())) {




} services:


class: Acme\CoreBundle\Classes\Cache\AcmeMemcached

arguments: [ "acme_mc" ] #persistent id


- [ addServers, [ [ ["",11211, 50 ], ["",11211,25], ["",11211,25] ] ] ]

I know this is old, but for anyone stumbling across this. Just be aware there is also a singular addServer method you may want to override too. Otherwise it's still possible to end up with multiple open connections.

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