本篇主要是討論用 python 模擬自然界的雪花結晶形狀, (注意: 非網路上常提到的 雪花算法).

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”
― Linus Torvalds


拳打千遍, 身法自然

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin


  • 從turtle海龜動畫學習Python-高中彈性課程1 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 2 安裝 Python, 線上執行 Python link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 3 烏龜繪圖 所需之Python基礎 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 4 烏龜開始畫圖 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 5 用函數封裝重複性指令-呼叫函數令烏龜畫正 n 邊形 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 6 畫多重旋轉圓,螺旋正方形 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 7 遞歸 recursive - 高中彈性課程系列 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 8 碎形 (分形 fractal) link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 8.1 碎形 L-system link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 9 Python 物件導向介紹 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 9.1 Python 物件導向的練習 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 10 藝術畫 自定義海龜形狀 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 10.1 藝術畫 python繪製天然雪花結晶 https://blog.csdn.net/m0_47985483/article/details/122262036 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 11.1 氣泡排序 - 用 turtle 呈現演算法之執行動作 link

  • 從turtle海龜動畫 學習 Python - 高中彈性課程系列 11.2 maze 迷宮 - 用 turtle 呈現演算法之執行動作 link


  • 本系列文章之連結
  • 樹枝雪花
    • 參考 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼
      • 分解說明
        • branch()
          • branch() 中的小迴圈
          • branch() 中的大迴圈
        • snowflake()
        • 最後段: 畫多個隨機位置、大小、顏色之雪花
    • 修改 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼
      • 雪花的瓣數確定
      • 雪花的瓣數也隨機決定
      • 改用 `stamp()` 蓋印 功能畫雪花
      • 用 `stamp()` 蓋印畫雪花, 花瓣數隨機決定
      • 用 `stamp()` 蓋印畫雪花, 花瓣數隨機決定 調整效能
      • 用 `stamp()` 蓋印畫雪花, 花瓣數 6,8,10,12,15, 調整效能
      • 雪花結晶從上方落下, 花瓣數 6,8,10,12,15, 不用 `stamp()`
      • 使用 while 雪花結晶持續從上方落下
      • 讓雪花結晶旋轉
  • 讓雪花結晶旋轉飄落, 且隨意忽左忽右的滑行
  • 蕨葉雪花
  • Referencs

本篇主要是討論用 python 模擬自然界的雪花結晶形狀, (注意: 非網路上常提到的 雪花算法).


參考 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼

此處我們先參考以下 GeekGurlDiaries YouTube 上影片的程式碼:
Ref: How to make Snowflakes with Code (Xmas Hour of Code Special) link

# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle
# By Carrie Anne Philbin
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBYimport turtle
import random# setup the window with a background colour
wn = turtle.Screen()
wn.bgcolor("cyan")# assign a name to your turtle
elsa = turtle.Turtle()
elsa.speed(15)# create a list of colours
sfcolor = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta"]# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size):
# move the pen into starting positionelsa.penup()elsa.forward(10*size)elsa.left(45)elsa.pendown()elsa.color(random.choice(sfcolor))# draw branch 8 times to make a snowflakefor i in range(8):branch(size)   elsa.left(45)# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):for i in range(3):elsa.forward(10.0*size/3)elsa.backward(10.0*size/3)elsa.right(45)elsa.left(90)elsa.backward(10.0*size/3)elsa.left(45)elsa.right(90) elsa.forward(10.0*size)# loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinates
for i in range(20):x = random.randint(-200, 200)y = random.randint(-200, 200)sf_size = random.randint(1, 4)elsa.penup()elsa.goto(x, y)elsa.pendown()snowflake(sf_size)# leave the window open until you click to close




我們看到, 主要是透過 branch() 繪製每個單一大枝葉,
snowflake() 則是呼叫 branch() 8次, 繪出8個主要枝葉, 間格 45度, 就完成雪花,

我們將程式碼簡化到只剩 branch(), 觀察他的動作

# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle
# By Carrie Anne Philbin
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBYimport turtle
wn = turtle.Screen()
# assign a name to your turtle
elsa = turtle.Turtle()
size = 20
# move the pen into starting position
elsa.pendown()# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):for i in range(3):elsa.forward(10.0*size/3)elsa.backward(10.0*size/3)elsa.right(45)elsa.left(90)elsa.backward(10.0*size/3)elsa.left(45)elsa.right(90) elsa.forward(10.0*size)branch(size)

branch(20) 繪製的效果如下:

branch() 中的小迴圈

branch() 中的小迴圈主要是做畫出三個小分支葉的動作
透過前進再後退, 然後右轉45度, 完成畫出一個小枝,
畫三次小枝, 組成三個小分支葉,
以下是小迴圈 codes:

for i in range(3):elsa.forward(10.0*size/3) elsa.backward(10.0*size/3)elsa.right(45)


執行3次小迴圈, 畫出3組3個小分支葉就組成一個大分枝,

branch() 中的大迴圈

以下執行外迴圈, 完成整個大分枝的繪製:

for i in range(3):for i in range(3):elsa.forward(10.0*size/3)elsa.backward(10.0*size/3)elsa.right(45)elsa.left(90)elsa.backward(10.0*size/3)elsa.left(45)

他的程式碼並不好讀, 需要經常調整海龜轉向, 造成程式碼不好閱讀, 難以立即從閱讀程式碼, 就能推測出畫出的形狀.


snowflake() 則是呼叫8次 branch(), 完成8個大分枝組成之雪花

最後段: 畫多個隨機位置、大小、顏色之雪花

最後段則是執行20 次呼叫 snowflake() 畫雪花,
每次都重設海龜之 x, y 座標, 隨機選擇, 還有大小也是隨機選擇,
可以看得出, 她的程式碼有多處是耦合在一起, 不好閱讀, 也不好維護修改, (許多中小學老師 Python程式能力屬於業餘的水準, 能用 python 做教案, 已經難能可貴了).

# loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinates
for i in range(20):x = random.randint(-200, 200)y = random.randint(-200, 200)sf_size = random.randint(1, 4)elsa.penup()elsa.goto(x, y)elsa.pendown()snowflake(sf_size)

修改 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼


我們將程式碼改成較專業, 海龜旋轉角度也用較直觀的方式去設計
如果我們選擇只畫出 6瓣的雪花, 類似大自然的對稱,

如果是八瓣, 20個雪花, 則圖如下

# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle
# By Carrie Anne Philbin
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBY
# Revised by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20220102# snowflake_GeekGurlDiaries_Lai.pyimport turtle
import random# setup the window with a background colour
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.bgcolor("cyan")# assign a name to your turtle
T = turtle.Turtle()
T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)if __name__ == "__main__":petalNumber = 8# loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesfor i in range(20):x = random.randint(-200, 200)y = random.randint(-200, 200)size = random.randint(10, 50)snowflake(size, x, y, random.choice(colorList), petalNumber)#snowflake(100, 0, 0, "purple", petalNumber)


我們修改成, 雪花的瓣數也隨機決定,
從 6, 8, 10, 12 瓣, 隨機決定:
petalNumber = random.choice([6, 8, 10, 12])

# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle
# By Carrie Anne Philbin
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBY
# Revised by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20220102# snowflake_GeekGurlDiaries_Lai_petal.pyimport turtle
import random# setup the window with a background colour
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.bgcolor("cyan")# assign a name to your turtle
T = turtle.Turtle()
T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)if __name__ == "__main__":# petalNumber = 8# loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesfor i in range(20):x = random.randint(-250, 250)y = random.randint(-250, 250)size = random.randint(10, 50)petalNumber = random.choice([6, 8, 10, 12])snowflake(size, x, y, random.choice(colorList), petalNumber)#snowflake(100, 0, 0, "purple", petalNumber)

改用 stamp() 蓋印 功能畫雪花

回憶一下本系列第一篇提到 海龜蓋印 功能:
可以使用 stamp() 指令, 在當下海龜該地點留下一個與海龜當下形狀一模一樣的海龜圖形(像蓋章的效果), 會有一個id指定,

clearstamp(id) # 將編號為id之蓋章消除
clearstamps() 刪除全部 stamp,
clearstamps( n ) 刪除前 n 個 stamp

參考本系列第一篇: 從turtle海龜動畫學習Python-高中彈性課程1, 海龜蓋印 (依照當前的的狀), https://blog.csdn.net/m0_47985483/article/details/107502070 link

想用 stamp() 功能, 必須先令海龜的形狀是想蓋印的形狀, 再使用 stamp() 指令,
此時必須用 自定義海龜形狀 的方法, 樣可以參考本系列第一篇: 從turtle海龜動畫學習Python-高中彈性課程1, 自定義海龜形狀 (依照當前的的狀), 第一種方法 turtle.get_poly() 的方法, 第二個例子, https://blog.csdn.net/m0_47985483/article/details/107502070 link

  1. 產生單一一個雪花形狀: 可以先用前兩節的 “雪花的瓣數確定”, 的程式碼,
  2. 再用 get_poly(), register_shape() 的方法, 定義此雪花為一個新的海龜形狀, 取名為 “myShape”,
  3. 再令當下海龜的形狀是此新的雪花形狀 T.shape("myShape")

以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀,
再用他註冊一個新的海龜形狀: 只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以,
再用 turtle.register_shape("myShape", T.get_poly()), 即完成註冊新的海龜形狀,
再將海龜形狀令為此新定義之形狀 “myshape”

snowflake(40, 0, 0, "red", 8)
turtle.register_shape("myShape", T.get_poly())

複習get_poly() 的方法
做動作: 海龜畫出一個多邊形, 或畫一個任意形狀
再用 register_shape() 取名稱註冊成一個形狀, 取名為 “myshape”
register_shape("myshape", get_poly())

  1. 以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 先把 snowflake() 的程式碼寫好.
  2. 只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:
snowflake(40, 0, 0, "red", 8)
  1. 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
turtle.register_shape("myShape", T.get_poly())
  1. 再令當下海龜的形狀是此新的海龜形狀



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!##以下測試第二個例子 雪花形狀
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_4.pyimport turtle
T.speed(0)# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)T.home()
snowflake(40, 0, 0, "red", 8)
turtle.register_shape("myShape", T.get_poly())

stamp() 蓋印畫雪花, 花瓣數隨機決定

我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.

之前是用海龜走過的痕跡畫出雪花, 效能會較慢, 時間較久, 現在試試用蓋印的方式, 看看 效能會不會改善.
結果發現似乎更慢, 原因是, 等於是每次還是用畫的, 只是把畫筆提起, 再蓋印而已,
應該是當海龜量大時, 先畫出幾個海龜雪花原型, 再持續用這幾個海龜原型蓋印, 持續畫出雪花, 這樣子, 才有可能提高效能. 後面我們再用這種寫法試試.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal.pyimport turtle
import random
T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)def snowflakeStamp(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw a snowflake by stamp()#T.home()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape("myShape", T.get_poly())T.shape("myShape")T.stamp()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesfor i in range(20):x = random.randint(-250, 250)y = random.randint(-250, 250)size = random.randint(10, 50)petalNumber = random.choice([6, 8, 10, 12])snowflakeStamp(size, x, y, random.choice(colorList), petalNumber)

stamp() 蓋印畫雪花, 花瓣數隨機決定 調整效能

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast.pyimport turtle
import random
T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)def snowflakeRegister(shapeName, size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting position#T.hideturtle()T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw a snowflake by stamp()#T.home()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape(shapeName, T.get_poly())#T.showturtle()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesnumberTurtleShape = 5shapeName = []for i in range(numberTurtleShape):petalNumber = random.choice([6, 8, 10, 12])shapeName.append("shape" + str(i))print(shapeName[i])snowflakeRegister(shapeName[i], 1, 0, 0, random.choice(colorList), petalNumber)numberTurtle = 50for i in range(numberTurtleShape):for j in range(int(numberTurtle/numberTurtleShape)):print(shapeName[i])T.shape(shapeName[i])x = random.randint(-300, 300)y = random.randint(-300, 300)size = random.randint(10, 50)T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(random.choice(colorList))T.pendown()T.turtlesize(size)T.stamp()

stamp() 蓋印畫雪花, 花瓣數 6,8,10,12,15, 調整效能

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# 將 custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast.py 修改為
# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast1.py
# 修改先產生幾個海龜形狀, 顏色大小不用特別指定,
# petal number 只照 6,8,10,12,15 等做,
# 也就是只做出 5 種 雪花原形
# 等到蓋印那時, 再調整形狀, 顏色大小import turtle
import random
T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)# add new shape
def snowflakeRegister(shapeName, size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting position#T.hideturtle()T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape(shapeName, T.get_poly())#T.showturtle()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create numberTurtle different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesnumberTurtleShape = 5shapeName = []# 改成 petal number 只照 6,8,10,12,15 等做,# 也就是只做出 5 種 雪花原形petalList = [6, 8, 10, 12, 15]petalNumber = len(petalList)for i in range(petalNumber):shapeName.append("shape" + str(i))print(shapeName[i])snowflakeRegister(shapeName[i], 1, 0, 0, "black", petalList[i])numberTurtle = 50for i in range(numberTurtleShape):for j in range(int(numberTurtle/numberTurtleShape)):print(shapeName[i])T.shape(shapeName[i])x = random.randint(-300, 300)y = random.randint(-300, 300)size = random.randint(10, 50)T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(random.choice(colorList))T.pendown()T.turtlesize(size)T.stamp()


x = random.uniform(-350, 350)
y = random.uniform(-350, 350)


雪花結晶從上方落下, 花瓣數 6,8,10,12,15, 不用 stamp()

以下先嘗試雪花結晶單純從上方落下, 類似紫雨落下,

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# 將 custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast1.py 修改為
# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast2_fall
# 修改雪花結晶落下
# 不使用stamp(), 直接用海龜落下import turtle
import random#turtle.tracer(20,1)
T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)# add new shape
def snowflakeRegister(shapeName, size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting position#T.hideturtle()T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape(shapeName, T.get_poly())#T.showturtle()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create numberTurtle different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesnumberTurtleShape = 5shapeName = []# 改成 petal number 只照 6,8,10,12,15 等做,# 也就是只做出 5 種 雪花原形petalList = [6, 8, 10, 12, 15]petalNumber = len(petalList)for i in range(petalNumber):shapeName.append("shape" + str(i))print(shapeName[i])snowflakeRegister(shapeName[i], 1, 0, 0, "black", petalList[i])# snow crystal fallingnumberTurtle = 10turtleList = []turtleIndex = 0for i in range(numberTurtleShape):for j in range(int(numberTurtle/numberTurtleShape)):turtleList.append( turtle.Turtle())print(shapeName[i])turtleList[turtleIndex].shape(shapeName[i])#turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()x = random.uniform(-350, 350)y = 350 + random.uniform(-50, 50)#y = random.uniform(-350, 350)size = random.randint(10, 30)turtleList[turtleIndex].color(random.random(), random.random(),random.random())turtleList[turtleIndex].turtlesize(size)turtleList[turtleIndex].rt(90)turtleList[turtleIndex].speed(0)turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()turtleList[turtleIndex].goto(x,y)turtleIndex += 1# 每隻海龜輪流動一小段, 造成一起移動的效果turtle.tracer(2,10)for k in range(int(700/2)):        for i in range(numberTurtle):turtleList[i].fd(2)

使用 while 雪花結晶持續從上方落下

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# 將 custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast3_fall.py 修改為
# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast3_fall_while.py
# 使用 while 持續雪花結晶從上方落下import turtle
import random#turtle.tracer(20,1)
T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)# add new shape
def snowflakeRegister(shapeName, size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting position#T.hideturtle()T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape(shapeName, T.get_poly())#T.showturtle()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create numberTurtle different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesnumberTurtleShape = 5shapeName = []# 改成 petal number 只照 6,8,10,12,15 等做,# 也就是只做出 5 種 雪花原形petalList = [6, 8, 10, 12, 15]petalNumber = len(petalList)for i in range(petalNumber):shapeName.append("shape" + str(i))print(shapeName[i])snowflakeRegister(shapeName[i], 1, 0, 0, "black", petalList[i])# snow crystal fallingnumberTurtle = 10turtleList = []turtleIndex = 0for i in range(numberTurtleShape):for j in range(int(numberTurtle/numberTurtleShape)):turtleList.append( turtle.Turtle())print(shapeName[i])turtleList[turtleIndex].shape(shapeName[i])#turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()x = random.uniform(-350, 350)y = 1000 + random.uniform(-350, 350)#y = random.uniform(-350, 350)size = random.randint(10, 30)turtleList[turtleIndex].color(random.random(), random.random(),random.random())turtleList[turtleIndex].turtlesize(size)turtleList[turtleIndex].rt(90)turtleList[turtleIndex].speed(0)turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()turtleList[turtleIndex].goto(x,y)turtleIndex += 1# 每隻海龜輪流動一小段, 造成一起移動的效果turtle.tracer(2,10)while True:for k in range(int(700/2)):        for i in range(numberTurtle):turtleList[i].fd(2)if turtleList[i].ycor()< -400:turtleList[i].goto(random.uniform(-350, 350), 400 + random.uniform(-50, 50)) 

底下程式碼稍微修改, 以提升效果:
使用 turtle.tracer(0,0), 讓一開始畫出雪花自定義海龜形狀的階段, 讓動畫不顯示出來, 以加快速度.
並且使用 turtel.clearscreen(), 將畫出之形狀抹去清除, 避免在畫布中央留下一個不明所以的大圖點.
在後段, 每個雪花開始要飄落前, 再改成 turtle.tracer(20,10), 讓動畫顯示, 每20 幅才呈現一次, 間格 10 微秒.

海龜數量改成 50 隻
每次雪花飄落到底再跳躍到畫布上方, 之隨機範圍加大, 以免海龜過度集中
turtleList[i].goto(random.uniform(-350, 350), 400 + random.uniform(-100, 100))


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# 將 custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast3_fall.py 修改為
# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_stamp_petal_fast3_fall_while.py
# 使用 while 持續雪花結晶從上方落下import turtle
import random
sc = turtle.Screen()#turtle.tracer(20,1)
turtle.bgcolor("cyan")T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.ht()T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)# add new shape
def snowflakeRegister(shapeName, size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting position#T.hideturtle()T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape(shapeName, T.get_poly())#T.showturtle()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create numberTurtle different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesnumberTurtleShape = 5shapeName = []# 改成 petal number 只照 6,8,10,12,15 等做,# 也就是只做出 5 種 雪花原形petalList = [6, 8, 10, 12, 15]petalNumber = len(petalList)#turtle.tracer(0,0)for i in range(petalNumber):shapeName.append("shape" + str(i))print(shapeName[i])snowflakeRegister(shapeName[i], 5, 0, 0, "black", petalList[i])turtle.clearscreen()# snow crystal fallingnumberTurtle = 50turtleList = []turtleIndex = 0for i in range(numberTurtleShape):for j in range(int(numberTurtle/numberTurtleShape)):turtleList.append( turtle.Turtle())turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()print(shapeName[i])turtleList[turtleIndex].shape(shapeName[i])#turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()x = random.uniform(-350, 350)y = 1000 + random.uniform(-350, 350)#y = random.uniform(-350, 350)size = random.randint(1, 5)turtleList[turtleIndex].color(random.random(), random.random(),random.random())turtleList[turtleIndex].turtlesize(size)turtleList[turtleIndex].rt(90)turtleList[turtleIndex].speed(0)turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()turtleList[turtleIndex].goto(x,y)turtleList[turtleIndex].st()turtleIndex += 1# 每隻海龜輪流動一小段, 造成一起移動的效果turtle.tracer(20,10)while True:for k in range(int(700/2)):        for i in range(numberTurtle):turtleList[i].fd(2)if turtleList[i].ycor()< -400:turtleList[i].goto(random.uniform(-350, 350), 400 + random.uniform(-100, 100))#sc.exitonclick()


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# 將 custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_petal_fast3_fall_while.py 修改為
# custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_petal_fast4_fall_while_rotate.py
# 讓雪花結晶旋轉import turtle
import random
sc = turtle.Screen()#turtle.tracer(20,1)
turtle.bgcolor("cyan")T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.ht()T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)# add new shape
def snowflakeRegister(shapeName, size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting position#T.hideturtle()T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape(shapeName, T.get_poly())#T.showturtle()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create numberTurtle different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesnumberTurtleShape = 5shapeName = []# 改成 petal number 只照 6,8,10,12,15 等做,# 也就是只做出 5 種 雪花原形petalList = [6, 8, 10, 12, 15]petalNumber = len(petalList)#turtle.tracer(0,0)for i in range(petalNumber):shapeName.append("shape" + str(i))print(shapeName[i])snowflakeRegister(shapeName[i], 5, 0, 0, "black", petalList[i])turtle.clearscreen()turtle.bgcolor("black")# snow crystal fallingnumberTurtle = 50turtleList = []turtleIndex = 0for i in range(numberTurtleShape):for j in range(int(numberTurtle/numberTurtleShape)):turtleList.append( turtle.Turtle())turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()print(shapeName[i])turtleList[turtleIndex].shape(shapeName[i])#turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()x = random.uniform(-350, 350)y = 1000 + random.uniform(-350, 350)#y = random.uniform(-350, 350)size = random.randint(1, 5)turtleList[turtleIndex].color(random.random(), random.random(),random.random())turtleList[turtleIndex].turtlesize(size)turtleList[turtleIndex].rt(90)turtleList[turtleIndex].speed(0)turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()turtleList[turtleIndex].goto(x,y)turtleList[turtleIndex].st()turtleIndex += 1# 每隻海龜輪流動一小段, 造成一起移動的效果turtle.tracer(20,10)while True:for k in range(int(700/2)):        for i in range(numberTurtle):turtleList[i].fd(2)turtleList[i].tilt(2)if turtleList[i].ycor()< -400:turtleList[i].goto(random.uniform(-350, 350), 400 + random.uniform(-100, 100))

Ex: 可以修改以上程式碼,

  1. 讓雪花結晶旋轉, 不需要都是逆時針旋轉, 可以隨機選擇逆時針或順時針,
  2. 讓雪花結晶飄落, 且隨意忽左忽右的滑行.

讓雪花結晶旋轉飄落, 且隨意忽左忽右的滑行

我們暫時完成到 上面的 Ex2.
這裡看似只要稍微修改之前的程式碼就能完成 Ex2, 其實會遇到很多小問題,
例如: 你是要讓某隻海龜一下子就朝下方左或右45角的方向前進, 還是要讓他慢慢轉進?
如果是慢慢轉進, 有可能會最後變成朝上方漂浮, 變成雪花朝四方任意漂浮, 似乎不合理, 如何改成仍是符合重力原理, 雖是忽左忽右的滑行, 整體仍是朝下方飄落?

同學會在這一段的習題練習, 學到很多, 以下是作者的解法, 僅供參考, 不一定要跟我的設計一樣,

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# set custom shape 20160617
#Turtle 24.1. Turtle graphics — Python v3.3# Tested by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20210103
## Special Turtle methods
##較單純!## 我們用 stamp() 蓋印功能重寫"雪花的瓣數也隨機決定"那份程式碼.
##以下, 我們先畫出一個雪花形狀, 再用他註冊一個新的形狀,
##只要把產生雪花的函數 snowflake() 放在T.begin_poly(), T.end_poly() 中間就可以:# 將 custom_Shape_get_poly()_snow_petal_fast4_fall_while_rotate.py 修改為
# custom_get_poly()_snow_petal_fast5_fall_while_rotate_drift.py
# 讓雪花結晶旋轉, 飄移import turtle
import random
sc = turtle.Screen()#turtle.tracer(20,1)
turtle.bgcolor("cyan")T.speed(0)# create a list of colours
colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"]# create one branch of the snowflake
def branch(size):for i in range(3):T.left(45)for i in range(3):T.forward(size/3)T.backward(size/3)T.right(45)T.left(90)T.backward(size/3)# create a function to create different size snowflakes
def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting positionT.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.ht()T.pendown()# draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflakefor i in range(petalNumber):T.fd(size)branch(size)   T.left(360/petalNumber)# add new shape
def snowflakeRegister(shapeName, size, x, y, color, petalNumber):
# move the pen into starting position#T.hideturtle()T.penup()T.goto(x,y)T.color(color)T.pendown()T.begin_poly()snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber)T.end_poly()turtle.register_shape(shapeName, T.get_poly())#T.showturtle()if __name__ == "__main__":# loop to create numberTurtle different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinatesnumberTurtle = 50numberTurtleShape = 5shapeName = []# 改成 petal number 只照 6,8,10,12,15 等做,# 也就是只做出 5 種 雪花原形petalList = [6, 8, 10, 12, 15]petalNumber = len(petalList)#turtle.tracer(0,0)for i in range(petalNumber):shapeName.append("shape" + str(i))print(shapeName[i])snowflakeRegister(shapeName[i], 5, 0, 0, "black", petalList[i])turtle.clearscreen()turtle.bgcolor("black")# snow crystal fallingturtleList = []turtleIndex = 0for i in range(numberTurtleShape):for j in range(int(numberTurtle/numberTurtleShape)):turtleList.append( turtle.Turtle())turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()print(shapeName[i])turtleList[turtleIndex].shape(shapeName[i])#turtleList[turtleIndex].ht()turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()x = random.uniform(-350, 350)y = 1000 + random.uniform(-350, 350)#y = random.uniform(-350, 350)size = random.randint(1, 5)turtleList[turtleIndex].color(random.random(), random.random(),random.random())turtleList[turtleIndex].turtlesize(size)turtleList[turtleIndex].rt(90)turtleList[turtleIndex].speed(0)turtleList[turtleIndex].penup()turtleList[turtleIndex].goto(x,y)turtleList[turtleIndex].st()turtleIndex += 1# 每隻海龜輪流動一小段, 造成一起移動的效果turtle.tracer(30,10)#turtle.tracer(1,10) 太慢while True:dies = [random.randint(0,2) for i in range(numberTurtle)]for k in range(int(700/2)):for i in range(numberTurtle):
##                if -20<turtleList[i].heading()<200:
##                    turtleList[i].setheading(-90)
##                turtleList[i].fd(2)
##                turtleList[i].tilt(2)if dies[i]==0:if -20<turtleList[i].heading()<200:turtleList[i].setheading(-90)turtleList[i].lt(10)turtleList[i].fd(2)turtleList[i].tilt(2)elif dies[i]==1:turtleList[i].fd(2)turtleList[i].tilt(2)else :if -20<turtleList[i].heading()<200:turtleList[i].setheading(-90)turtleList[i].rt(10)turtleList[i].fd(2)turtleList[i].tilt(2)if turtleList[i].ycor()< -400:turtleList[i].goto(random.uniform(-350, 350), 400 + random.uniform(-100, 100))#sc.exitonclick()

以上解答碰到一個問題, 如果畫布左右寬度不限制, 讓雪花隨意往兩邊漂浮, 範圍會太大, 造成雪花過於稀疏, 畫面不美,
此時如果增加雪花數量, 以我筆記型電腦的效能, 會造成效能變慢,
以下習題建議, 對雪花往兩邊漂浮的範圍, 加以限制, 例如左右各300像素寬度, 超過就反轉海龜漂浮之左右方向, 如此, 就能保持雪花朵朵密集飄落, 畫面美麗詩意.


Ex: 可以改進以上程式碼,
3. 讓雪花結晶飄落, 且隨意忽左忽右的滑行, 且限制在適當的 x 座標寬度範圍內.



  • 王燕平, 張超, 尊貴的雪花, 重慶大學, 2017.

  • 雪花算法原理_孙略 | 雪花工场 link

  • How to make Snowflakes with Code (Xmas Hour of Code Special), https://youtu.be/DHmeX7YTHBY link.
    For full code see: https://github.com/MissPhilbin/GeekGurlDiaries link

  • The snowflake man, https://youtu.be/ptLmA263hlk link

  • Snowflake Bentley, https://youtu.be/x8HYqUjbKeM link

  • Identical Snowflakes? Scientist Ruins Winter For Everyone. | Deep Look, https://youtu.be/Gojddrb70N8 link

  • The Snowflake Mystery, https://youtu.be/ao2Jfm35XeE link

  • https://blog.xuite.net/mandyl333/myself/17735392/track

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