aaa logo汉子字体

Creating a Logo can be a hectic task, mostly people prefer professional help to create a brand logo, but what if there is an application available that easies the process of logo-making?


There are several Logo Designing Softwares available online, and today we’ll be reviewing AAA LOGO.

在线有几种徽标设计软件,今天我们将回顾AAA LOGO。

AAA LOGO is a Logo Design Software that has been in the logo designing market since 2004 and has established more than thousands of customers in this decade. This software claims that you won’t require reading a lengthy user-manual before creating a logo via this software.

AAA LOGO是一个徽标设计软件,自2004年以来一直在徽标设计市场中提供服务,并且在此十年中已建立了数千名客户。 该软件声称,在通过此软件创建徽标之前,您无需阅读冗长的用户手册。

可以为任何行业创建产品输出 (Product Output can be created for any industry)

This software claims that one can create logos for several industries including Technology, Healthcare, Finances, General Business and Retail, Travel and Tourism, Education and Training, Organizations, Food and Beverage, Sports and Fitness.


轻松点击即可轻松创建徽标 (Easy to Create Logos in Few Clicks)

On the website it is also stated that you can choose from various pre-available layouts and templates to style the logo designs and conceive an attractive logo.


Also you need not to spend too much time learning how to create a logo; within half an hour you’ll be skilled enough to design your own logo.

同样,您也不必花费太多时间学习如何创建徽标。 在半小时内,您将熟练掌握自己的徽标。

多才多艺的图形创作者 (An all-rounder Graphic Creator)

You can not only create unique logo designs but also other HD Graphics for Printing, Buttons, Logos, Banners, Headers and Icons.


导出选项 (Export option)

It also states that the images created through this software can be exported in other applications without any worries.


We downloaded the free-trial of Logo Design Software – AAA LOGO from its website:

我们从其网站下载了免费试用版徽标设计软件-AAA LOGO : http : //

and have listed its features below:


AAA LOGO的功能 (Features of AAA LOGO)

  1. The AAA LOGO was easy to download and install, you just have to download the setup from the software’s website and open it to install.AAA LOGO易于下载和安装,您只需要从软件网站下载设置并打开即可安装。
  2. As you open the software, you’ll come across a window that provides you several pre-made templates/layouts from which you can choose from including Business (themed), Business (abstract), Entertainment (themed), Entertainment (abstract), Colorful (glossy), Mono (single color), Minimalist style, Cartoon style, Letter based, Emblem style and Illustrative. You can either choose from the available templates or create a blank project by choosing ‘New Blank Project’ available on the same template window.打开软件时,您会看到一个窗口,其中提供了几个预制的模板/布局,您可以从中进行选择,包括业务(主题),业务(抽象),娱乐(主题),娱乐(抽象),色彩鲜艳(有光泽),单色(单色),简约风格,卡通风格,基于字母,会徽风格和插图。 您可以从可用模板中选择,也可以通过选择同一模板窗口上可用的“新建空白项目”来创建空白项目。
  1. After choosing the desired template, there are two windows available:


    • On the right: Style Library, here you can choose from several style options like Last Styles & Solid, Glow & Stroke Text, Gloss & Stroke, White to Color, Gradient & Reflection, Simple Gradient, Bright Gradient, Bold Stroke, Glow & Gloss, Gloss Text, Radial Gradient & Stroke, Gradient & Gloss, Radial Gradient.

      在右侧: 样式库 ,您可以在这里从多个样式选项中进行选择,例如“上一样式和实心”,“发光和描边文本”,“光泽和描边”,“白色到彩色”,“渐变和反射”,“简单渐变”,“明亮渐变”,“粗体”,“发光和光泽” ,光泽度文本,径向渐变和描边,渐变和光泽度,径向渐变。

    • On the left: Objects Library, here there are numerous shapes available like Basic Shapes, Abstract Shapes, Equipment & Engineering, Law, Accounting, Tools, Repair, Flowers, Plants, Building, House, People, Energy, Power and a lot more.

      左侧: 对象库 ,这里有许多可用的形状,例如基本形状,抽象形状,设备与工程,法律,会计,工具,维修,花卉,植物,建筑,房屋,人,能源,电力等等。

  1. The pre-available templates/layouts can also be customized, that means it ain’t necessary to use the full layout version as it is, you can customize the text or image or shape already placed on the logo.预先提供的模板/布局也可以进行自定义,这意味着不必按原样使用完整的布局版本,您可以自定义徽标上已经放置的文本或图像或形状。
  2. There are several other options included in the software to provide comfort to the new-bees an appropriate environment of creating logos. For instance: Import image, Undo, Export Image, Export Vector and many more.该软件中还包含其他几个选项,可为新蜜蜂提供创建徽标的适当环境的便利。 例如:导入图像,撤消,导出图像,导出矢量等等。

We found AAA LOGO easy to understand and effective, for a person who has basic computer knowledge this software will provide him/her a feasible environment to design a graphic for his/her use. We’d absolutely recommend this Logo Designing Software as it provides a wide platform and numerous pre-designed options to choose from resulting in less workload and saving a lot of time, moreover it saves the budget of hiring a professional Graphic Designer.

我们发现AAA LOGO易于理解和有效,对于具有基本计算机知识的人来说,该软件将为他/她提供一个可行的环境来设计供他/她使用的图形。 我们绝对推荐此徽标设计软件,因为它提供了广泛的平台和众多预先设计的选项供您选择,从而减少了工作量并节省了大量时间,而且还节省了雇用专业图形设计师的预算。

Do share your thoughts about this software in the comment section below.



aaa logo汉子字体

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