我用seaborn创建了一个散点图:import seaborn as sns

sns.set(style="ticks", color_codes=True)

g=sns.scatterplot(x="length", y="coverage", data=df, hue = 'Products', edgecolors=None, alpha = 0.7)




plt.legend(loc = 'lower right')

plt.savefig('ATN_plot.png',dpi = 600)

原始数据(部分):contig length coverage pathway Products

53 1230 2423 stigmatellin Yes

58 1195 885 curacin Yes

65 1161 598 jamaicamide Yes

68 1159 8001 jamaicamide Yes

79 1113 1423 curacin Yes

105 1042 1106 stigmatellin Yes

727 666 223 HSAF (heat stable antifungal factor) Yes

787 655 37 curacin Yes

791 654 13 stigmatellin Yes

798 652 49 stigmatellin Yes

844 642 5774 jamaicamide Yes

89 1090 13 No No

90 1089 10 No No

91 1086 26 No No

92 1080 16 No No

93 1079 10 No No

94 1079 13 No No





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