
{"name": "haha","value": 12,"floor_area": 43.5,"categories": [{"id": 1,"extra_property": "xixi","renovation_type": [1,2],"subcategories": [{"subcategory_id": 1,"subcategory_value": 2}]}]















# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# !/usr/bin/python3

import osimport reimport xlrdimport jsonimport unicodedata

_author_ = 'garcia'

class DataCenter:    def __init__(self):        # Default File Path:        self.data_dir = os.getenv('AUTO_DATACENTER', '存放excel的文件夹地址')

        self.filename = ''        self.path = ''        self.sheetNames = ''

    @staticmethod    def is_number(val):        """判断val是否是str"""        try:            return True        except ValueError:            pass

        try:            unicodedata.numeric(val)            return True        except (TypeError, ValueError):            pass

    def keep_integer_type_from_excel(self, value):        # Keep integer number as integer type. When reading from excel it has been changed to float type.        if self.is_number(value) and type(value) != str and value % 1 == 0:            return int(value)        else:            return value

    def change_field_type(self, table, col, val):        # 字段类型转换        field_type = table.cell(0, col).value        val = self.keep_integer_type_from_excel(val)        try:            if val == '' or val is None:                pass            elif field_type.lower() == 'int':                return int(val)            elif field_type.lower() == 'float':                return float(val)            elif field_type.lower() == 'boolean':                return int(bool(val))            elif field_type.lower() == 'str' or field_type == '' or field_type is None:                return str(val)            else:                return '字段类型错误!'        except Exception as e:            print(e)

    @staticmethod    def unic(item):        # Resolved Chinese mess code.        try:            item = json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='UTF-8')        except UnicodeDecodeError:            try:                item = json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='UTF-8')            except:                pass        except:            pass

        # Convert json data string back        item = json.loads(item, encoding='UTF-8')        return item

    @staticmethod    def get_sheet_names(wb):        """        Returns the names of all the worksheets in the current workbook.        """        sheet_names = wb.sheet_names()        return sheet_names

    @staticmethod    def __convert_to_list(val):        """转换字符串为list"""        value_list = re.split(',|,|、', val)        for i in range(len(value_list)):            value_list[i] = int(value_list[i])

        return value_list

    def get_table(self, sheet_name):        if self.path is None:            # Default Data Directory            file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.filename)        else:            file = os.path.join(self.path, self.filename)

        try:            excel_date = xlrd.open_workbook(file)            # 得到excel的全部sheet标签值            self.sheetNames = self.get_sheet_names(excel_date)            my_sheet_index = self.sheetNames.index(sheet_name)            table = excel_date.sheet_by_index(my_sheet_index)        except Exception as e:            print(e)

        return table

    @staticmethod    def get_row_and_col(table):        """获取列数、行数"""        total_row = table.nrows        total_col = table.ncols

        return total_row, total_col

    @staticmethod    def get_param(table, start_col, total_col):        param_list = []  # 获取参数        for col in range(start_col, total_col):            param = table.cell(1, col).value  # 获取字段名            if param is None or param == '':                param_list.append(param_list[-1])            else:                param_list.append(param)        return param_list

    def get_child_param(self, param, row, includeEmptyCells):        if param in self.sheetNames:            table = self.get_table(param)            child_total_row, child_total_col = self.get_row_and_col(table)

            child_param = self.get_param(table, 1, child_total_col)

            data_dic = {}            count = 0            for col in range(1, child_total_col):                # Solve issue that get integer data from Excel file would be auto-changed to float type.                val = self.change_field_type(table, col, table.cell(row, col).value)                param = child_param[count]                count += 1                if '[]' in param:                    if val == '' or val is None:                        pass                    else:                        param = param[:param.index('[')]                        data_dic[param] = [] if param not in data_dic.keys() else data_dic[param]                        if param in self.sheetNames:                            val_list = self.__convert_to_list(val)                            for i in range(len(val_list)):                                data_dic[param].append(                                    self.get_child_param(param, val_list[i] - 1, includeEmptyCells))                        else:                            data_dic[param].append(val)                else:                    if param in self.sheetNames:                        if val is not None and val != '':                            val_list = self.__convert_to_list(val)                            for i in range(len(val_list)):                                data_dic[param] = self.get_child_param(param, val_list[i] - 1, includeEmptyCells)                    elif (val == '' or val is None) and includeEmptyCells == 'False':                        pass                    else:                        data_dic[param] = val        return data_dic

    def param_to_json(self, filename, sheet_name, includeEmptyCells, path=None):        """        获取指定sheet中接口参数        :param filename: 文件名        :param sheet_name: 读取excel的sheet名称        :param path:文件路径        :return:        """        try:            self.filename = filename            self.path = path            table = self.get_table(sheet_name)

            total_row, total_col = self.get_row_and_col(table)

            function_point_list = []            check_list = []            user_list = []            all_data_list = []            param_list = self.get_param(table, 4, total_col)

            for row in range(2, total_row):                data_dic = {}                get_check_list = []                count = 0                for col in range(4, total_col):                    # Solve issue that get integer data from Excel file would be auto-changed to float type.                    val = self.change_field_type(table, col, table.cell(row, col).value)                    param = param_list[count]                    count += 1                    if '[]'in param:                        if val == '' or val is None:                            pass                        else:                            param = param[:param.index('[')]                            data_dic[param] = [] if param not in data_dic.keys() else data_dic[param]                            if param in self.sheetNames:                                val_list = self.__convert_to_list(val)                                for i in range(len(val_list)):                                    data_dic[param].append(                                        self.get_child_param(param, val_list[i] - 1, includeEmptyCells))                            else:                                data_dic[param].append(val)                    else:                        if param in self.sheetNames:                            if val is not None and val != '':                                val_list = self.__convert_to_list(val)                                for i in range(len(val_list)):                                    data_dic[param] = self.get_child_param(param, val_list[i] - 1, includeEmptyCells)                            else:                                pass                        elif (val == '' or val is None) and includeEmptyCells == 'False':                            pass                        else:                            data_dic[param] = val                print(data_dic)                get_check_list.append(self.keep_integer_type_from_excel(table.cell(row, 2).value))                get_check_list.append(self.keep_integer_type_from_excel(table.cell(row, 3).value))                check_list.append(get_check_list)                all_data_list.append(data_dic)                user_list.append(table.cell(row, 1).value)                function_point_list.append(table.cell(row, 0).value)        except Exception as e:            print(e)

        # return all_data_list, function_point_list        return user_list, all_data_list, function_point_list, check_list

if __name__ == '__main__':    dc = DataCenter()    userlist, allList, FunctionPoint, checklist = dc.param_to_json('存放数据的excel名称', 'sheet名', 'False')    print(userlist, allList, FunctionPoint, checklist)





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