
Most of the WordPress users tend to create meta boxes to add custom piece of data to the pages or posts. A meta (or write) box is added to the post editor screen that allows users to choose and enter any information besides the main content. And so, meta boxes proves to be very useful as it allows you to add a lot of things other than the main post content, like a category, tags and so much more. But you might encounter a problem after creating meta boxes for your post.

大多数WordPress用户倾向于创建元框,以将自定义数据片段添加到页面或帖子中。 一个元(或写)框被添加到帖子编辑器屏幕,该框允许用户选择和输入除主要内容之外的任何信息。 因此,元框被证明是非常有用的,因为它允许您添加除主要帖子内容之外的很多内容,例如类别,标签等等。 但是在为帖子创建元框后,您可能会遇到问题。

The problem is: with too many meta boxes present on your post editor screen, you might find it difficult to concentrate on the task you want to complete. Put it simply, lot of meta boxes can make the screen crowded and distracting. In addition, after installing other plugins to the screen, like one for search engine optimization, another one for increasing your website speed and any other plugin makes the post editor screen to look even more cluttered. But this makes it difficult for the WordPress beginners to locate a particular meta box.

问题是 :如果帖子编辑器屏幕上显示的元框太多,您可能会发现很难集中精力完成您想完成的任务。 简而言之,大量的meta框会使屏幕拥挤不堪。 此外,在将其他插件安装到屏幕上后,例如一个用于搜索引擎优化的插件,另一个用于提高网站速度的插件,以及其他任何插件,都会使帖子编辑器屏幕看起来更加混乱。 但这使WordPress初学者很难找到特定的元框。

Most probably, you’ll think about hiding the meta boxes from the post editor screen. But that isn’t an ideal solution if you still want to use those meta boxes.

您很可能会考虑从帖子编辑器屏幕中隐藏元框。 但这不是理想的解决方案,如果您仍然想使用这些元框。

那么,有什么解决方案? (So, what’s the solution?)

Fortunately, there’s a free plugin named – Tabify Edit Screen – that helps to streamline your WordPress post editor screen. This plugin enables tabs for the post types and meta boxes are placed under the tabs, so as to make the post editor screen less distracting for WordPress users.

幸运的是,有一个名为Tabify Edit Screen的免费插件,可帮助简化WordPress帖子编辑器屏幕。 此插件启用了用于帖子类型的标签,并且在标签下放置了元框,从而使帖子编辑器屏幕对WordPress用户的干扰较小。

In this post we’ll explore key aspects about the “Tabify Edit Screen” plugin and how it helps in making the editor screen easy to understand and navigate.

在本文中,我们将探讨“ Tabify Edit Screen ”插件的关键方面,以及它如何使编辑器屏幕易于理解和浏览。

使用Tabify编辑屏幕使您的帖子元框不再混乱 (Make Your Post Meta Boxes Less Messy With Tabify Edit Screen)

Tabify Edit Screen is a WordPress plugin that helps in managing your post editor screen by creating tabs, making the editor screen easier to navigate. Using the tabs you can separate the different post meta-boxes present on your WordPress site.

Tabify编辑屏幕是一个WordPress插件,可通过创建标签来帮助管理帖子编辑器屏幕,从而使编辑器屏幕更易于浏览。 使用选项卡,您可以分隔WordPress网站上显示的不同帖子元框。

Once you’ve installed Tabify plugin on your website (as shown in the screen above), you can create a set of tabs for the post editor screen for each of type of post displayed on your site. The best part about this plugin is that it is compatible with meta boxes (that are added to the WP powered site) by other plugins, such as the JM Twitter Cards plugin and others. Once those plugins are installed and activated, you can access their functionality via Tabify’s settings – that is present on the left-hand navigation menu of your WordPress site dashboard.

在网站上安装Tabify插件后(如上面的屏幕所示),您可以为网站上显示的每种帖子类型的帖子编辑器屏幕创建一组选项卡。 关于此插件的最好之处在于,它与其他插件(例如JM Twitter Cards插件等)兼容的元框(已添加到WP驱动的网站)。 一旦安装并激活了这些插件,您就可以通过Tabify的设置访问它们的功能,这些设置位于WordPress网站仪表板的左侧导航菜单中。

如何使用Tabify编辑屏幕插件创建选项卡? (How to Create Tabs Using Tabify Edit Screen Plugin?)

Once the Tabify edit screen plugin is activated, you can enable tabs in the post editor screen for varied post types. And each of those post types will have their own set of tabs. And so, each post type will be having multiple tabs (as needed). You can assign name to the individual tabs, prior to moving the tabs to their right position.

一旦激活Tabify编辑屏幕插件,就可以在帖子编辑器屏幕中启用用于各种帖子类型的选项卡。 每个帖子类型都会有自己的一组标签。 因此,每种帖子类型将具有多个选项卡(根据需要)。 您可以先将名称分配给各个选项卡,然后再将其移动到正确的位置。

Once you’ve selected the option to display tabs for a particular post type, simply hit the “Create a new tab” button to get started.


Note: Make sure to assign a meaningful name to your tabs, as it will enable your website contributors to easily identify the meta boxes displayed under a tab.


组织元框 (Organizing the Meta Boxes)

After creating a new tab, you can “drag and drop” your post meta boxes upon that particular tab area. This will result in reorganizing the editor screen, and will make your WordPress site free from clutter.

创建新标签后,您可以将帖子元框“拖放”到该特定标签区域。 这将导致重新组织编辑器屏幕,并使WordPress网站免于混乱。

After completing this step, if you want to preview the changes you’ve made so far, just save the changes, and then click on the “Add New Post page”. Look at the screen shot as given below to view the tabs arrangement.

完成此步骤后,如果您要预览到目前为止所做的更改,只需保存更改,然后单击“ 添加新帖子页面 ”。 查看下面给出的屏幕快照,以查看选项卡的排列。

While switching from one tab to the other, you will see that the “Post Title” and “Publish meta boxes” will be displayed under a particular tab. This will make you and the users to view your post status and its title easily.

从一个选项卡切换到另一个选项卡时,您会看到“ 帖子标题 ”和“ 发布元框 ”将显示在特定选项卡下。 这将使您和用户轻松查看您的帖子状态及其标题。

In case, you want to edit the configuration, you can move back to the Tabify edit screen plugin option and make the required modifications. Activating any additional meta boxes using the installed plugins will automatically add those meta boxes, to the last tab in post editor. You can move the additional meta boxes under suitable tabs, by returning to the settings page and making the desired changes.

如果您要编辑配置,可以移回Tabify编辑屏幕插件选项并进行所需的修改。 使用已安装的插件激活任何其他元框,这些元框会自动添加到帖子编辑器的最后一个标签中。 您可以通过返回设置页面并进行所需的更改,将其他meta框移动到适当的标签下。

结论 (Conclusion)

During a fresh WordPress installation, often the post editor screen might look like difficult to navigate and confusing – because of too many meta boxes displayed on the screen along with the main post content. As a result, often when looking for meta boxes make us scroll the page up and down, which can be a lot time-consuming and frustrating for your and your site contributors.

在全新安装WordPress的过程中,帖子编辑器屏幕通常看起来难以导航和令人困惑-因为屏幕上显示的元框太多以及主要的帖子内容。 结果,经常在寻找元框时使我们上下滚动页面,这对于您和您的网站贡献者而言可能是非常耗时且令人沮丧的。

So, if you want to organize your post editor screen, then Tabify Edit Screen plugin is the right choice for you. But, the tabify plugin helps to organize your meta boxes under tabs, making it easy for you to locate a meta box in no time.

因此,如果您想组织帖子编辑器屏幕,那么Tabify Edit Screen插件是您的正确选择。 但是,tabify插件有助于将您的meta框组织在tabs下,从而使您可以轻松地立即找到meta框。

In fact, the tabify plugin allows to apply the same tab configuration to all the post types, saving you from the hassle of creating a tab for each post type individually.


About the Author: Amy is a WordPress developer by profession and works for WordPrax Ltd. In case, you have made up your mind on developing WordPress theme it is better to hire professional WordPress expert – if coding is not your thing. Blogging meanwhile is a new found hobby for Amy.

关于作者 :艾米(Amy)是专业的WordPress开发人员,并为WordPrax Ltd工作。以防万一,您已经下定决心开发WordPress主题,最好是聘请专业的WordPress专家 -如果编码不是您的本事。 同时,博客是Amy的新爱好。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/6637/wordpress-post-editor-tabify-edit-screen-plugin



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